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1、倒霉用英语口语怎么表达倒霉用英语口语怎么表达倒霉的英语:fall on hard time参考例句:Bad luck!真倒霉 !What deuced bad luck!倒霉死了 !A hapless victim倒霉的受害者A chain of bad luck一连串倒霉的事情An unfortunate man would be drowned in a tea-cup.人倒霉喝凉水都塞牙。“ What a pity! ” Susan exclaimed.“真倒霉 ! ” Susan 大声叫道。I was unlucky to have met the shrew shouting abu

2、se in the street遇见了这个泼妇骂街,算我倒霉。It was just myluck to go to the play on the day the star was ill.我总是这麽倒霉, 去看戏那天偏巧明星病了。From the reckless way he acted, everyone predicted he would come to grief some day看他行动鲁莽,大家都预料总有一天人要失败( 倒霉 ) 的。A black day,week,etc,ie one full of sad or unwelcome events倒霉的一天、一周等,即老是

3、出现不好的、不想要的事件的 一天 .倒霉用英语口语怎么说fall on hard time例句A chain of bad luck一连串倒霉的事情Nowwell have this bloody debt dragging on us for years, and before the damn stuff is paid for itll be worn out.现在可好,我们背着这笔倒霉的债,而且不知道还得背多少 年。等到债还完了,这些家具也就该烂了。I wish no English manthe ill luck to come there and hear him; but if

4、he did, he would certainly believe it was the devil.但愿没有一个英国人会这样倒霉 , 跑到那里听到它说话。 要真 的给他听到了 , 他肯定认为碰上了魔鬼呢 !Its Destiny, and mines a crusher!这是命该如此,而我的命运就是注定倒霉!He let the hapless Germans talks, then crushed them with scathing, often witty abuse他只是在倒霉的德国广播中机智地插进些讽刺、 苛刻的攻击。However, lacking both time and

5、inclination, I did not wait to hear about the afflicted cow可是我既没有工夫,也没有兴致,所以我没有在他那儿等着听他讲那只倒霉的牛的故事。He didnt say anything, brooding on the brutal luck ofhis life.他一声不吭,暗自思忖着一生倒霉的命运。He got the nickname Fatty on his first day at school and unfortunately the namestuck, ie has been used ever since他第一天上学就得

6、了一个绰号叫胖子 - 倒霉的是从此就 叫开了 .One of his off days他倒霉的日子But whereas you possess it from blind kittenhood to that last dark day so mercifully short with you, we grasp it only for a very little while不过,你们从懵懵懂懂、活蹦乱跳的幼年到幸好极其短暂的那个倒霉的末日,都保持着安宁而不变,而我们把握住安宁而不变,而我们把握住安宁的时间却极其短暂。有关倒霉的英语口语表达1. go through a bad/diffic

7、ult/rough/sticky patch经历困难时期 / 倒霉时期摩登家庭里有一句话:Im sorry. I went through a bad patch there, when I was trying to find the right balance with my Meds.很抱歉,那是我的人生低谷,吃药吃的有点多。2. Medsabbr. medicines 医药例: Did you take your Meds?你吃药了吗?3. Just my luck!真倒霉 !我们都知道英语单词 luck 所表达的意思是“运气” 。所以看到 It was just my luck.很容

8、易就会理解为“那是我的运气”但实际上它正确的意思为“我一向的坏运气,霉运”例:They sold the last ticket five minutes before I got there - just my luck!在我到那的 5 分钟前他们卖掉了最后一张票真倒霉 !4. Everything but the locusts倒霉到家了,就差没闹蝗灾了Locust lkst 是蝗虫,所以这个短语的意思就是:除了没闹蝗灾,什么都有了 ; 可见还真不是什么好事儿啊。估计这个短语是辛勤劳动的农民伯伯发明的。 因为啊, 他们辛辛苦苦的种庄稼,这一年到头就怕闹蝗灾了。要是真是如此,那可是“ pou

9、r water into a sieve( 竹篮打水一场空啊) ” 。例:Oh, Ive had everything but the locusts.哎,今天真是倒霉到家了5. Its not my/his.day.表示“今天真不吉利” 。如:Its just not my day: the car wouldnt start; I was late for the meeting, and to crown it all I sprained my ankle.我今天真不顺当,先是车打不着火,接着会议迟到,更糟的是把脚崴了。6. It never rains, but it pours.照

10、字面意思:不是微微细雨,而是大雨倾盆。也就是说:坏事接二连三的降临(The bad thing come insuccession.) 这与咱们所谓的 祸不单行 或屋漏偏逢连夜雨, 船破又逢对头风意思相似。“倒霉的一天”用英语怎么说a black letter daybad day at cat rockshitty day例句与用法If that s not good enough for a sick day . i could be cursed如果那对于倒霉的一天还不够的话. 我可能收到诅咒了If that s not good enough for a sick day . i co

11、uid be cursed如果那对于倒霉的一天还不够的话. 我可能收到诅咒了Man , this is one fucked up day真是倒霉的一天Stone had a terrible day石头过了倒霉的一天。If that s not good enough for a sick day . . . i couid be cursed如果那对于倒霉的一天还不够的话. . . 我可能收到诅咒了If that s not good enough for a sick day . . . i could be cursed如果那对于倒霉的一天还不够的话. . . 我可能收到诅咒了What

12、 a crummy day多倒霉的一天。He was beginning to feel like himself , ace anderson , for the first time that whole day , a bad day在这一整天里,这倒霉的一天里,他第一次觉得自己一切正常了,又是埃斯?安德森了。Try describing your own idea of a nightmare day . it shouldn t be hard . everyone has days when they justseem to get up on the wrong side of bed试着用自己的话描述一下自己所经历的“倒霉的一天” ,这应该不会很难。 因为每个人多免不了大清早就没有好心情的体验。


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