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1、Module 3 Journey to space模块主题写作三话题本模块以“太空旅行”为话题,主要让学生搜索并描述有关太空探索的内容。随着我国 航天事业的不断发展,这一话题也越来越能引起中学生的兴趣。典型假设彳是Tony,生活在火星上,你的朋友Bob现在生活在地球上。请根据表格中的提示,思路用英语给Bob写一封电子邮件,向他介绍一下你在火星上的生活情况。70词左右。总体感觉比地球上生活更舒服、更有趣学习方面通过电脑在网上学校学习,与老师、同学交流。生活方面拥有更多的闲暇时间,机器人可以帮助人们做大部分家务环境方面环境很美,没有污染 Now; Fm writing to you on Mars

2、. Hs really wonderful.具体描述I think life on MaisWfe have online schools.Mose of our housework. There are green trees.What do you think of the ie here?素材常用短语1 .给某人写信2 .居住在火星3 .代替;而不是 4 .和某人交流5 .有更多的空闲时间 6 .没有污染常用句型1. Its really wonderful to 2. I think life on Mars 3. We have - instead of 4. There is/ar

3、e 5. What do you think of 名师点评高分模板Dear Bob ,Now, Im writing to you on Mars. Its really wonderful to live on Mars.I think life on Mars is more comfortable and interestingthan that on the earth.We have online schools instead of real ones. We communicate with our teachers and classmates on the Internet

4、. Most of our housework is done by robots so that we can have more free time for our hobbies. Mars is very beautiful. There are green trees and colourful flowers everywhere, and there is no pollution here.What do you think of the life here?Yours , Tony引出下文。本文以 Im writing to you on Mars.比较级的运用表达了在火星上

5、生活的感受;“so that ”状语从句的运用描述了生活的便利。本文语言流畅,结构严谨,要点齐全,并且根据提示展开了合理的想象,内容丰富。小试假如现在是2092年,由于科技与技术的高速发展,去火星旅行已经成为现实。请根据以下提示,并发挥你的想象力,写一篇80词左右有关去火星旅行的短文。提示:1.乘坐航天飞机(the space shuttle) 去那里;2 .遇见外星人(alien),三只眼睛,四条腿,长长的头发以便寒冷的晚上御寒;3 .环游火星并拍了很多照片。Last time I went to Mars with my family. 4详解详析【素材积累】1 write to sb.

6、2.live on Mars 3.instead of4 communicate with sb. 5.have more free time6 no pollution【小试身手】One possible version :Last time I went to Mars with my family. We took the space shuttle there in the morning. We met the aliens on Mars and they look so strange. They have three eyes and four legs. Their hair is really long because they need it to keep warm in the cold night. Wetravelled around the whole Mars and took a lot of pictures. Its such a nice trip that we dont want to go back to the earth.But we went back finally andI think Ill come back again.


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