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1、动词不定式的完成体1. 如果不定式动作是瞬间动作动词,它表示一个在现在或过去某时之前已经完成的动作; 如果是持续动作动词,它表示一个一直持续到现在或过去某时的动作。A. 常见的可接不定式完成体的动词有:happen / see /即pear / prove / prete nd / seem, etc.He seemed to have lived a happy life.他似乎一直过得很幸福。(他的幸福生活一直持续到现在)B. 常见的可用于主语 +be said+to have done / been” 相当于主动句People say + that” 结构的句型有: be said /

2、reported / thought / supposed /expected / believed / con sidered / known 等。如:Her husband is said to have given up smoking.(戒烟”发生在据说” 之前) The young girl is reported to have bee n a League member for five years.不定式谓语动作前所处的状态C. 常见的可接不定式完成体的形容词有glad / happy / sad / disappointed / satisfied /sorry/ surpr

3、ised 等。如:I am sorry to have give n you so much trouble.比较下面不定式的一般时和完成时的区别:I m happy to have seen you.见到你很高兴(分手时说)Im happy to see you.见到你很高兴(见面时说)Im sorry to keep you wait ing for a minu te. 对不起,要请你等会儿。(说话时还未等)Im sorry to have kept you wait ing for a long time.对不起,要请你等会儿(说话时已等了很久)2. be +不定式完成时态表示该做或想

4、做但未做的动作。如:You were to have arrived there early that day.那天你们应该早点到那儿。(但你们晚到了)I was to have helped him the n, but I was too busy.当时我本想帮他的忙,可我太忙了。(未能帮他的忙)3. 表示意图,打算”之意的动词女口 hope, wish, expect, think, suppose, want, plan, agree, mean, try等用过去时,又后接不定式完成式作宾语时,表示想做而未做的事情。这种意义也可用这类词的“过去完成时+不定式的一般式”表达。如:We w

5、ished to have put out the fire in thirty minutes. (= We had wished to put .)我们本打算半小时就把火扑灭的。(结果没有做到)The engin eers pla nned to have removed the temple before the dam was completed. (=The engineers had planned to remove the )工程师们本决定大坝建成之前把那座寺庙移走的。(结果没有)1. This compa ny was the firstportable radios as

6、well as cassette tape recorders in theworld.A. produc ingB. to produceC. havi ng produced D. produced2. The purpose of new tech no logy is to make life easier,it more difficult.A .n ot mak ing B. not make C .not to make D. nor to make3. Hele n had to shoutabove the sound of the music .A .maki ng her

7、self hear B. to make herself hearC. maki ng herself heard D .to make herself heard4. I don September.A .to be heard. B. to be beari ngC .to hear D .to have heard5. The n ews reporters hurried to the airport, on lythe film stars had left.A .to tellB .to be told C .telli ngD .told6. You were silly not

8、your car.A. to lock B. to have lockedC. locki ngD. havi ng locked7. The teacher asked usso much no ise.A .don t make B. not make C. not making D .not to make8. An army spokesma n stressed that all the soldiers had bee n orderedclear warningsbefore firing any shots.A .to issue B. being issued C. to h

9、ave issued D. to be issued9. I d rather have a room of my own, however small it is, thana room with some oneelse.A. to shareB. to have sharedC. shareD. shari ng10. The bank is reported in the local newspaperin broad daylight yesterday.A. robbedB. to have bee n robbedC. being robbedD. havi ng bee n r

10、obbed11. A nu mber of pain ti ngs in the castle are believedin a fire.A. being destroyedB. havi ng bee n destroyedC. to be destroyedD. to have bee n destroyed12. The meet ingn ext week is sure to be a great success.A. to take placeB. to be take n placeC. to have take n placeD. being take n place13.

11、As a result of my laz in ess, I failedmy work in time.A. and fini shedB. to finishC. and finishing D. to fini shed14. I am sorrywritten you a letter at the time.A. to have notB. to not haveC. not to haveD. not havi ng15. Will you lend him a magaz ine?A. to be readB. for readi ngC. to readD. he read1

12、6. He could do nothing butfor the bus.A. wait, to come B. wait; comeC. wait ing; coming D. waited; came17 .It is a problem that does nt n eedright now.A. to solve B. solvi ngC. being solvedD. to be solvi ng18. There s a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he meanstrouble.A. ma

13、ki ng B. to makeC. to have made D. havi ng made19. I rememberhimthe bike n eeded.A. heari ng, say ing, to repairB. to hear, say, to repairC. heari ng, say, repairi ngD. to hear, say ing, to be repaired20. - You should have tha nked her before you left.-I meant, but whe n I was leav ing I could n t f

14、ind her any where.A. to do B. toC. doingD. doing so21. Robert is said toabroad, but I don t know what country he studied in.A. to have studied B. to study B. to be study ing D. to have bee n study ing22.1 m gong to Xi an next week. Have you anythingto your parents?A. to takeB. to be take nC. to be b

15、ought toD. to buy23. whe n are theyin their pla n?A. ha ndB. ha ndedC. to handD. give24. In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they.A. have survivedB. are to surviveC. would survived D. will survive25. When we hurried to the stati on, there happe nedno bus at that time.A. to ha

16、veB. to beC. havi ngD. being26. I lost my way in complete dark ness and,matters worse, it bega n to rai n.A. made B. havi ng made C. maki ngD. to make27. Attime does the salesgirl get up late in the morning, though she is always toobusya good rest.A. no, to takeB. no, tak ing28. -Are you a stude nt?

17、-No, but I used.C. any, to takeD. one, tak ingA. to beB. to wasC. to doD. to be a29. I stopped to liste n, and my son seemedhimselfin the living roomA. to enjoy, to shutB. to be enjoying, shutt ingC. to be enjoying, shutD. to have enjoyed, hav ing shut30. With a lot of difficult problems, the n ewly

18、-elected preside nt is havi ng a hardtime.A. settled B. settli ngC. to settleD. bei ng settled31. We re leaving at six o clock, and hopemost of the journey beunch timA. to doB. to have done C. to make D. to have made32. The study of the wild world may help to make the world easier.A. un derstoodB. t

19、o be un derstoodC. to un dersta ndD. un dersta nd33. Who will you getthe project for us?A. desig nB. to desig nC. desig nedD. desig ning34. It is said in Australia there is more land tha n the gover nment know.A. it what to do withB. what to do it withC. what to do with itD. to do what with it35. We

20、 are not allowedoutdoors with some other childre n.A. playi ngB. to be playi ngC. to play D. be playi ng36. Alle n had to call a taxi because the box wasto carry all the way home.A. much too heavy B. too much heavyC. heavy too much D. too heavy much37. She feels so stron gly that each of us should h

21、ave a rolein mak ing the earth abetter place to live in.A. to have played B. to play C. to be playedD. to be play ing38. When I han ded the report to Joh n, he said that George was the pers on.A. to send B. for sending itC. to send it to D. for sending it to39. Do let your mother know all the truth,

22、 she appearseveryth ing.A. to tellB. to be toldC. to be telli ngD. to have bee n told40. There are five pairs, but I m at a loss which to buy.A. to be chose nB. to choose from C. to choose D. for choos ing41. The problem isdifficult for us.A. so; work outB. very too; to be worked outC. rather too, t

23、o work outD. quite too, to work it out42. -Where should Imy applicati on?-The pers onnel office is the place.A. send; to send itB. send for; to send it toC. send for; for sending itD. send; to send it to43. I ve worked with children before, so I know whatin my new job.A. expected B. to expect C. exp

24、ects D. to be expect ing44. I feel it is your husba nd whofor the spoiled child.A. is to blame B. is going to blame C. is to be blamedD. should blame45. Can you imag ine the questi ons I hadour teacher?A. askedB. to askC. ask ingD. ask46. Who did youthe wall yesterday?D. have paintingD. hope thats l

25、iving conditions.D. to improvi ngA. have pain tedB. have paint C. have to paint47. - What s the matter with John?-He didn t pass the test but he still.A. hopes soB. hopes toC. hope it48. Much atte nti on should be paidpeopleA. i n improvi ngB. to improve C. improvi ng49. that evening was due to his

26、ill health.A. He failed to come B. That he failed to comingC. His failure to come D. His failure in coming50. I would loveto the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish areport.A. to goB. to have goneC. goingD. havi ng gone51. My family con sidersa computer, which is con sidereda gr

27、eat help inour work and study.A. to buy; to beB. buying; beingC. to buy; being D. buying; to be52. With the pla nein ten minu tes, all the passe ngers on board were asked to tur noff their mobile phon es.A. taken offB. taki ng off C. to take offD. would take off53. Thank you for all the trouble you

28、ve takenme.A. to helpB. with to helpC. i n helpi ngD. of helpi ng54. He is believedthe college exam, for he is now study ing very hard now.A. to passB. to have passed C. passD. that he can pass55. - Will you have an ybodythe flowers?-Yes, I ll have the flowers.A. pla nt, pla ntedC. pla nt; to be pla

29、 ntedB. to pla nt, pla ntedD. to pla nt , pla ntA. to heari ngB. of heari ngC. heari ngD. to hear57. Busy tran slati ng a book, he could nt helpthe article.A. writeB. writ ingC. wroteD. writte n58. Zhou Lan does nt have to be made. She always studies very hard.A. learnB. to lear n59.this cake, youA. Havi ng made, B, MakeC. learni ngD. learnedll need 2 eggs, 175 g sugar, and 175 g flour.C. To make D. Mak ing60. I feel it an honourto speak here.A. to be askedB. to askC. havi ng asked D. asked1-10 BCDDBBDACB 11-20 DABCC ABBCB21-30 ABCBBDAACC


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