人教版必修五 Unit4 Extensive Reading.ppt

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1、人教课标版 高二 必修5 Unit 4,Extensive Reading-Getting the “scoop”,As a reporter, Zhou Yang was eager to get a scoop. Now comes the chance. Lets go to the text “Getting the Scoop”,Read the text and try to get the main idea of it. The passage tells us the process of writing and printing for a newspaper articl

2、e.,Task 1,Answer the following questions: What was Zhou Yangs first assignment/ task? His first task was to write his story.,Task 2,2. How many people read his article before it was ready to be processed into film negative? Who were they and what did they say about the article? Before it was ready t

3、o be processed into film negative, an senior editor from his department, the copy-editor, the native speaker, the chief editor and the news desk editor read his article.,Task 3,Work out the writing and printing process of an article. And complete the chart in Ex1 on page 30.,We can learn from the te

4、xt that the staffof a newspaper is made up of many different people.,Reporters, photographers, department editors, copy editors, English editors, chief editors, news desk editors, printers .,What are they? What are their jobs?,Language Points,1. edition 版本,书报等一次发行总数 editor n. 编辑 editorial adj. (定语)

5、编辑的 n. 社论, 社评 edit v.编辑, 剪辑 edit sth. out of (sth.)删除,2. department (政府, 企业, 商店, 大学等的)部, 司, 局, 处, 科, 部门, 系 The Education Department 教育部 The sales department 销售部,3. task 任务 a piece of (esp. hard or unpleasant) work that has to be done. 必须要做的工作(尤指困难或讨厌的); Learning English well is a difficult task. 学好英

6、语是一项艰难的任务。,v. sb with sth 将作为任务交与某人He was tasked with the design of a new shopping center.他被派给设计新的购物中心的任务。,4. accurate adj.正确无误的, 精确的, 准确的 accuracy n. 准确, 精确 precise adj. 精确的, 独特的, 精细的 exact adj. 正确的, 准确的, 严谨的, 精密的 accurately adv. 精确, 准确 correct adj.正确的, 准确,1) _ statistics, measurements, calculation

7、s, are very important.2) Its impossible to say with any _ how many are affected.3) This is the _ dress for a formal dinner.4) The _ time is three minutes and thirty-five seconds.,Accurate,correct,accuracy,exact,5) They both came here at _ the same time.6) He is _ in everything.7) The diagram had bee

8、n copied with great _.8) He is a man with a _ mind.,precise,precise,exactly,precision,5. senior adj. 年长的, (级别、职位、 资格)较高的, 高年级的(作定语) senior n. 年较长的人, 毕业班或高年 级的学生 junior adj. 较幼的, 较小的 superior adj. 较高的, 优越的, 优良的, 不屈服的,注意:本身都是比较级形式, 无须再添加 more 或-er; 这三个词用于比较级中不与than连用, 而与 to 连用。,1) He is not superior t

9、o temptation. 他经不住诱惑。2) This engine is superior in many aspects. 这台发动机在很多方面性能都非常优越。,3) He is two years senior to me. 他比我大两岁。4) I will have to ask my superior. 那事我得先问一下我们公司老板。5) He is wearing a superior smile. 他脸上带有高傲的微笑。,6. employ 雇佣某人 Shes employed as a taxi driver. 她被雇来开出租车。 They employ him to loo

10、k after the baby. 他们雇他照看孩子。,7. polish a. .(sth) (up) (with sth) 磨光,擦亮 (up) furniture/shoes with a cloth 用布把家具/鞋擦亮 b. (比喻)修正,修改,修饰(某事物) a speech/ an article 给讲稿/文章润色 sth off (口)迅速的作完某事 He polishes off the letter.,8. chief adj. 最重要的, 主要的, 最高权威的辨析: chief, principal 和 major chief 主要的,首要的 指人时表示地位高、权力大, 指

11、物时表示重要。 principal 首要的, 主要的 正式用语 由于某中重要性而具有首要的地位。 major 主要的, 首要的 指与他物相对比时突出显赫的地位。,他是我们的处长。 2. 那场意外事故的主要原因是什么?3. 上海是中国的主要城市之一。,翻译句子。,He is the chief of my department.,Whats the chief cause of the accident?,Shanghai is one of the chief cities of China.,9. approve v. 赞成, 认可, 满意, 批准, 通过 approval n. 赞成、同意

12、、认可 on approval (指货物)不满意可以退换的 approving adj. 赞许的、认可的 approved school 少年罪犯教养院(感化院),You can join the class if your mother approves. 你可以参加这个班, 如果你母亲同意的话。2) You made a good decision, and I thoroughly approve it. 你作出了一个好决定, 我不折不扣(衷心)地表示赞同。,3) She received many approving glances. 她赢得了很多赞许的目光。4) I dont app

13、rove of smoking in bed. 我不赞成躺在床上吸烟。,10. process 步骤,程序,过程 Reforming the education system will be a difficult process. 教育制度的改革将是一个艰苦的过程。,11. appointment n. 任命, 委派, 工作, 职位, 约会, 预约 appoint v. 任命, 委派确定或决定某事物 appoint that sth. (shall be done)命令某事 take an appointment就职 by appointment按照约定 keep/ break ones a

14、ppointment 守/违约 make/ fix an appointment with与某人约会,12. When do you think is convenient for you? 句中do you think 作插入语,英语中do you think / suppose / believe/ imagine等和疑问代词或疑问副词连用时, 常把疑问代(副)词置于句首, 而把do you think置于句中。,提示: do you think置于句中, 句子的语序应该为正常语序, 不再使用倒装语序; 这类结构也可以用于定语从句里作为插入语。,What do you think _? A

15、. is he interested in B. interested he C. he is interested in D. does he interest(2) Who do you think _? A. broke the window B. of breaking the window C. to break the window D. did he break the window,I. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。The textbook was first published in 2004 and is now in its second _ (edit).2. You

16、 should phone his secretary if you want to make an _ (appoint).,edition,appointment,Practice,II. 根据括号内所给的提示将下列句子翻译成英语。1. 我们的老师强调我们应该注意书写。(note)2. 我父亲赞成我去西部。(approve of),Our teacher noted that we should pay attention to our handwriting.,My father approved of my going to the west.,3. 必须保存准确的记录。(accura

17、te),Accurate records must be kept.,III. 汉译英或英译汉。1. 主编 2. 独家新闻3. 新闻文字编辑 4. 国际新闻编辑部,chief editor,scoop,news desk editor,International News Department,5. front page article 6. main heading7. film negatives8. copy-editor,技术编辑,头版新闻,主标题,胶片,Reading Task,searching for the truth,As a news reporter, one has t

18、o make sure that the story is true. Otherwise, the writer will be accused of guilty. As a reader, one also has to find out whether the story is true. So no matter what you are, you have to find out the truth. How can we find the truth?,the reporters were there at the time.,primary sources,from the p

19、erson presenting the programmer in the studio,secondary sources,Read the passage on Page 65 and try to find out the main idea of it.,Main idea: The passage tells us what a primary source and a secondary source are and the difference between them.,A primary source needs to have two thing:,1 being the

20、re on spot2 witnessing the happening of the event,Read the passage “Searching for the Truth” on page 65 and determine whether the statement are true or false.,When we read about Jia Sixie in our textbook we are reading a primary source.2. As we watch the news on TV, the person presenting the program

21、me in the studio is the secondary source.,F,T,3. Photographers sometimes are both primary and secondary sources.4. Knowing the difference of primary and secondary sources can help us decide what is a fact and what is an opinion.5. Often facts and opinions are mixed in any report.,T,T,F,A primary sou

22、rce depend on:,The person who has written the news should be there at the time.,Primary sources and secondary sources are very important for finding out the truth. The closer a person is to the event they describe in time or geographically, the more likely they are to be accurate.,Tips,Activity 3 (p

23、age 66),The primary source is _ because _. I think _ _will have more opinion than fact _.,The Garlic Wars,it was written at the time,Plutarchs Life of Julius Caesar and Shakespeares play about Julius Caesar,because they were written long after the events happened,Homework,1. Ask the students to interview a student of Senior Grade three and write a report about their present study and life.2. Report a thing recently happened in your neighborhood or in the local area.,


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