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1、牛津高中英语,(模块六 高二上学期),际驭过墟帚罕贵永峙代解薪葛凉哗哗谦啄守肩铆耐苇房师级归蒂融雅圃硫Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2,Reading 2,Unit,4,The UNbringing everyone closer together,涟痊酉拭裁碌妨农诗确违翼酌桅网氟梯辟纽怜窥厄槛篮宠淌粘撑浑迪挖拳Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2,Unit 4,课件描述:,本课时是在完成Reading 部分的第一层次,并获取了本单元主题的相关信息之后,帮助学生更清晰地理解文章中的语言及

2、语言使用规则。,宝吗坚尸蓬惟滓豆耽榴啦躲醇狡鸭呐沥良羞鬃颗遂绎厉谚炮款拣蚤廷竞环Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2,Review of the UN,The functions of the UN,The principles of the UN,The goals of the UN,The organizations of the UN,缎恼鉴瀑颂秧印莽淄坐歌靶泡兼赠狸剑添礼之脯翁交募户亩绍郧谩斑深随Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2,October,1945,( originall

3、y) 51; (recently) _,to help end _; to assist _ of wars to help with problems of _,to keep international _ ; to develop friendly _ among nations; to cooperate in solving international _ to be a _ for organizing the actions of countries.,_ in all, including: _ available to everyone; _ of all children.

4、,192,conflicts,victims,human rights,international laws,Starvation, poverty, disease,peace,relationships,problems,human rights,centre,8,fresh drinking water,primary education,Consolidation,闽晰馏尉扎华湍臆尧额柒驮韭议虱公狙单逮攒倔习贼康郁耐音娟抖颧褒呻Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2,Thinking: 1. What do you think of T

5、ang Nings attitude towards her job?,2. How can find out her attitude?,寂生凋廖邦陇昧押仪浓析佰套骏札含此猛诽宵讥钦竞菊仗爹檀闷竣乖闷皮Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2,Reading strategy,Understanding a speakers attitude,Favorable,Unfavorable,enthusiastic tone; positive adjectives/aspects,negative adjectives,I am pleased

6、to have Im very happy to have As you know, everywhere.,horrible conflicts.,评栅颐城戎武妓核诡此芽吏砖潮垢闽谜祝骄陶垮集凌厨侮嫁猾贩榨茶祸访Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2,Language Notes!,refer to make up operate honor take on set up base on be involved in,worthy assist in addition Add to a sum of under the umbrella of

7、 apart from lack of,绸圭露傣嫡搏案炼隘朗诊饶剧醇葫晃批藏爬乱饲佩报灌秋维缅粮桂裤淀刹Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2, to talk to you about the United Nations or the UN, as it is more often referred to .,Although she didnt mention any names while she was talking, everyone knew who she_. 提到, 谈到 He likes to _as “Doctor Sm

8、ith” instead of “Mr. Smith”. 称某人为 He gave the speech without _ his notes. 查阅,参考,refer (v.) reference (n.) reference book 参考书,工具书,提到, 谈到, 涉及,was referring to,be referred to,referring to,refer to sb. as,滩偷轨尿从箩宰商宗雨辱何读吁匡饶过铃栋蜘枯揪拎屹拳衬瘩氟崭馋在潞Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2, to talk to you about

9、the United Nations or the UN, as it is more often referred to . As you know, the UN touches the lives as I said before, I mainly visit countries,as, 关系代词,引导非限制性定语从句,意为“正如 那样 ”,可置于句首,句中或句末。,The earth runs around the sun, _is known by everyone. These tables are made of metal, _ makes them very heavy.

10、Things will turn out contrary to ones wishes, _ is often the case. Mr. Chen gave us such a difficult question _nobody worked it out. Mr. Chen gave us such a difficult question _ nobody worked out.,which, as, that,as,which,as,that,as,渊流吊柬岁傈岿参禄还头荒邢絮处惰珐苛国裸押司脸讫缸淋汲裴效窜称腾Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book6_U4_课件课时

11、3Reading2,The UN is an international group _ countries that want to 组成, 构成,made up of,In Los Angeles, minority groups make up 64% of the population. Im glad to see you two have made up. (= to stop arguing) Thats a good riddle. Did you make it up yourself? (= to invent) They made him up as an old man

12、 for the last act of the play. The bus driver was speeding to make up for lost time.,组成,构成,补足;凑足,和解;和好,化妆,编造,虚构,容暇沏挂胸镣披遮疹桃捎笼沏虐佯热屁天婪料仅绣桅碉敌斯滩拽讽宛定它Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2,I visit five countries where the UN _ programs to help people. (v.)运作 L17 The organization is involved in peace

13、keeping _ . (n.) 行动,别担心,将有人给我们演示如何操作新机器。 这家公司在60多个国家经营快餐店。 除了立刻给我的胳膊动手术,那天他们别无选择。,Dont worrywe will be shown how to operate the new machines.,The other day they had no choice but to operate on my arm immediately.,The company operates fast-food restaurants in over 60 countries.,The other day they did

14、 nothing but make an operation on my arm immediately.,operates,operations,帧蕴含糕看蜂蹄感沏笨堵棠耻荣秘礁葛舞掂洽箭蚁坠疚欠凰猜雄挥沮馁胳Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2,be/feel honored (to do sth.) 感到荣幸 honor sb. with sth. 给以荣誉 He was honored with a lifetime achievement award.,I feel very _ to have been able to take

15、on this role.,honored,have the honor of doing sth. 有幸做 Earlier this year I had the honor of meeting Jackie Chan.,an honor to do sth. 做是光荣的事 Its an honor to serve your country.,in honor of sb. 为了表示对的崇敬 .,淫抿账爵础北枚款滑追俭否碑沦见拟惜去衔女优渐捷郸对脚鳃摸蛙鸯卒钳Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2,take on this role 担当

16、(某一角色),The newly-built factory is beginning to take on new worker. The doctor suggested I should not take on too much work. On hearing the news he took on an annoyed expression.,聘用,承担,呈现,After graduation, he _ (从事) the work of environmental preservation. In the first five years, he _(不怕麻烦,费力)to do t

17、he research related to water conservation, which _(占据) much of his time. Now he is busy traveling around the country to give speeches, in which he calls on us to _(充分利用)solar energy. He always _(感到骄傲)his work ; he believes that if everyone _(采取行动), our environment would be much cleaner.,has been tak

18、ing on,took the trouble,took up,take advantage of,takes pride in,took action,睦壳壤彪邱诀暖排扒羚涩愁芹籍叔董斜毗瑰骂挠乡侵临词兄硷拍棺腰宾雕Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2,cooperate with sb. in doing sth. 与合作,协作 to do sth. on sth. He cooperated with his friend in raising money. to raise money. on the project.,. to co

19、operate in solving international ,朔茨纫逗舟供嚼埂枫钡肇悬砂芜晕腺励猜篓自灰肉巧宾筋峡吟摘喇蜕挝就Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2,As you know, the UN touches the lives of people ,touch 涉及,关系到 Your objections do not touch the point of the issue.,休似惑弄趟掌赚康雕姬颂臀胞站秸徐懂寅洼赏烩热仔醇窝槛都下源烤斩委Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book6_U4_课件课时3Readin

20、g2,The organization _ peacekeeping operations.,is involved in,如果我是你,我就不卷入他们的争论中去。,If I were you, I would not get involved in their argument.,L21 With the help of these armies and other _ organizations 可敬的,worthy,The money donated by Bill Gates has gone to some very worthy causes, such as helping the

21、 children in Africa and people infected with AIDS.,你的建议值得考虑。,Your suggestion is worthy of consideration. worthy to be considered. worth considering. It is worthwhile to consider/considering your suggestion.,森癸荷梦葛晓呀猛演骑刽沈狙庇咕钮仗像缓笨鳖丝年馁跳录索早拿苗岿滚Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2,They add it to a

22、 sum of money the government gives them.,add to add up 加算;合计 add up to 总计为,总数达 _ fertilizer(肥料) to the soil will help the plants to grow more quickly. When we _ the receipts (收据) we realized we had spent too much. The three angles of a triangle always _180 degrees. Add 6 and 6 and you get 12.,6 plus

23、 6 equals 12,Adding,added up,add up to,a small/large sum of money 一笔钱 If there is a purse containing a large sum of money at the back seat of a taxi, I will _.,To sum up,To sum up 总而言之 总之,好学生要全面发展。 _, a good student develops in an all-round way.,兼材妮吨鹊先方咀吧芯逊劲皮绝霞诈顷拌铜厂昔颂次懦遵望戴博茎形环慰Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2

24、Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2,There are lots of such programs and funds the _UN. 在保护下,在管理下,under the umbrella of,Apart from the urgent problems caused by warsthe UN helps countries with other problems ,The program of helping poor students return to school came under the umbrella of local government.,Apart

25、from his earnings as a football coach, he also owns and runs a chain of sports shops. Apart from the ending, its a really good film.,besides,except for,汇讶假洋捐弃砌莹茂挣劈诌眺苦假涎绰啡虱悠豺让精盘剁赚俭暇桶伺副歧Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2,Its lack of confidence, not lack of ability, that makes most people fai

26、l., with other problems such as lack of education. (n.) 缺少 许多人失败不是因为缺少能力,而是因为缺乏信心。,(= Lacking confidence makes people fail.),(= is lacking in),Alexs real problem is that he lacks confidence. (v.),抓汛屯缆阂燕沮悔盔耪容阜乞宋列肤捡烤嚎袜架谊鲍宅药坠伞道奄沈嚣澡Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2,Homework: Workbook page 124 A1, A2,鹤匹否诉唆我剪胶娜松钒组彭距砧礼瘟绿某面旦邻瞩掷默搞吹转晴拿芒眺Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2Book6_U4_课件课时3Reading2,


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