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1、She is too heavy for us to carry,1.sothatnot 如此。以至于。不能,1.The boy is so young that he cant join the army.=He is_a young_that he _join the army. =He is_ _ a boy that he _join the army.=The boy is not_ enough to _the army.=The boy is _young_join the army.,such,boy,cant,so,young,cant,old,join,too,to,sot

2、hatnot 如此。以至。(不)能做。,1.The book is so expensive that I cant buy it. =It is _an expensive _that I _buy it. =The book is_expensive for_ _buy. =The book is not _ enough for_ _buy. 2. The boy is so short that he cant touch the top. 3.The room is so small that it cant hold 100people. 4.The pencil is too s

3、hort for her to write with. 5. The girl was so clever that he could work out the problem. 6. The box is too heavy for us to carry.,such,book,cant,too,me,to,cheap,me,to,7.He is too lazy to be my helped partner.8.I was so busy that I didnt answer her email.9.She is so heavy that she cant run fast.10.

4、Tom got up so late that he was late for school.,2. The boy is so short that he cant touch the top.They boy is too short to touch the top.The boy is not tall enough to touch the top.He is such a short boy that he cant touch the top.He is so short a boy that he cant touch the top. 3.The room is so sma

5、ll that it cant hold 100people.The room is too small to hold 100 people.The room is not big enough to hold 100 people.Its such a small room that it cant hold 100 people.Its so small a room that it cant hold 100 people.,4.The pencil is too short for her to write with.The pencil is not long enough for

6、 her to write with.The pencil is so short that she cant write with it.Its such a short pencil that she cant write with it.Its so short a pencil that she cant write with it.5. The girl was so clever that he could work out the problem.The girl was clever enough to work out the problem.She was such a c

7、lever girl that she could work out the problem.She was so clever a girl that she could work out the problem. 6. The box is too heavy for us to carry.The box is not light enough for us to carry.The box is so heavy that we cant carry it.Its such a heavy box that we cant carry it. Its so heavy a box th

8、at we cant carry it.,7.He is too lazy to be my helped partner.He is not hardworking enough to be my helped partner.He is so lazy that he cant be my helped partner.He is such a lazy boy that he cant be my helped partner.He is so lazy a boy that he cant be my helped partner.,8.I was so busy that I did

9、nt answer her email.I was too busy to answer her email.I was not free enough to answer her email.I was such a busy person that I didnt answer her emailI was so busy a person that I didnt answer her email.9.She is so heavy that she cant run fast.She is too heavy to run fast.She is not light enough to

10、 run fast.She is such a heavy girl that she cant run fast.She is so heavy a girl that she cant run fast.,10. Tom got up so late that he was late for school.Tom got up late, so he was late for school.Tom got up too late to go to school on time.Tom got up not early enough to be on time to school.Tom got up late and didnt go to school on time.,


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