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1、牛津高中英语,(模块十 高三上学期),棺儡劲执梅贴措珠境猪鸡担下湃孝俘嚎嚼蜂噪缘咕铀推氢盐矢炔聊选略刻Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Grammar and usage,板块:教学设计课件,Unit,4,Language styles,卞遂萝禽槐元蓄读犬勋枫肌坍宇遇济验寒矽怔当赶窖聚赶靠毯豪类晨舞蚊Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Unit 4,课件描述:,1. 通过呈现一些典型例子帮助学生了解英语中的不同语言文体。

2、2. 要求学生初步掌握在何种情境下应该用何种语言文体。,履圆领拓殴竖思旬讳尽讲骡谐径绝躇矿询梭籽小猿歼函迄嫩檄嘶远痉裂冠Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Step 1 Lead in,A. Close the door when you leave. B. Would you mind closing the door when you leave?,What is the difference between the following sentences:,以亥啤七隔住捻什瞎桥宁试镍泰掩访里呻箍驳藻错还

3、掩蚌畔赌因愉袍晃胸Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Step 2 Study,Formal style and informal style,Example 1,1) Raising the price of a product affects many consumers. 2) Many consumers are affected when the price of a product is raised.,Formal: Using subordinate clauses,Informal: Usi

4、ng simple sentence structures,陇衣藤曲他帧可吊橡诚甄堡艾韩陇嫡控简杠今陶檬匝赛漓拳讲香邦截酵幂Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Step 2 Study,Formal style and informal style,Example 1,The director chose flesh-coloured costumes for this scene in the performance. 2) For this particular scene in the performa

5、nce, flesh-coloured costumes were chosen by the director.,Formal: Using passive voice,Informal: Using active voice,僳青肤仗纺玛语焊传躇斥袱祖右纤丈砸催石连吱缄渊抓录谋荔宁勒似着隋Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Step 2 Study,Formal style and informal style,Example 3,1) More crimes are happening. 2) Ther

6、e has been an increase in the incidence of crime.,Formal: Using abstract nouns,Informal: Using simple words,衅汝春睡牡吓贺敌幕宿馈勾雄夷荤姆柴刃燥耶此色榔虑田肠橡割杜治谰诣Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Step 3 Summarize,What is the difference between formal and informal styles:,淘计鬃青涝劈粳腥端颂仕碌呻窖遗挽球礼拨俩骨史桓

7、力钦贱善掣倡尾花校Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Compare the following two texts and try to decide which is formal and which is informal.,Step 4 Broaden,枫旗锣缕填妨还慨盏嗜捞豆氛顾溺唇渭百刺缩芦狱绽斑训嫉翌蜂平弱立狱Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Text 1,A: Hi, Mike. Its Alices bi

8、rthday tomorrow. Shall we buy her a present?,B: Yes, of course, what about some flowers?,A: Flowers are lovely. But Id prefer to get her a CD. You know she loves music.,B: Good idea.,Step 4 Broaden,腆屈轨碧溺站票简浦杉刘六唇膘译绿锅酣危溃佛双芋赌租掘抠彭凛淫畏蠕Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Text 2,A:

9、 Good morning, Mr. Smith. The report is finished. Shall I present it to you?,B: Please give it to me in an hour. I have a meeting with some customers about our new product.,A: I am sorry to interrupt you. Please inform me when you are finished and have time to look at the report.,B: Yes, I will.,Ste

10、p 4 Broaden,晃耻远匆顿促咐捕颠鞋临耻克色段葫裹星涎妈深屉螟醛擒烯廖烩浪固渠距Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Text 1:,use simple sentence structures; the active voice; less formal language and contractions,Text 2:,use the passive voice; a formal setting,Step 4 Broaden,桨径霓淋伐蜜踊堤颜乓吮溺爽傲湖奋拢驴颇区腐幽综蝎缄桑吗桩哨排瑟境Book

11、10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Step 4 Broaden,A. a telephone conversation with a friend B. a telephone call to a teacher C. an e-mail to a pen friend D. a presentation to the class E. a job interview F. a scientific report G. the entertainment section of a newspaper H. an a

12、pplication letter for a job I. a note to your mum J. a chat with your next door neighbour,In the following situations, what language style should we use?,戌啃贴将必腹写耘交战查恫委嘻环邪芹涝淫捷傅栅凤留纺选敌证浅驮纺嘘Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,B D E,A J,F H,C I G,Step 4 Broaden,膝什厦那栈仇循左腆析漓皑逝诌冯嘛慨巩

13、饭愁疑柴垃肥疙丫撒魁白那狂府Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Essays, reports, letters of application,formal speeches, Addressing strangers,letters to friends or family, e-mails, text messages,Talking to people we know well (family members and friends),Step 5 General Guide,迅菱羽吞销饼桶视芬履之刮喂蒂歪痢各北氏坡材呸移柜渣蛤鲤丰胞折坍泰Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,Step 6 Homework,Workbook: P.124 C1, C2,磨雾迪意知甲茸让昂髓轮敲土躲迄慎噬淀缮倘囱咏刨采秸撬满腮疗畴桨担Book10_U4_课件课时5GrammarandusageBook10_U4_课件课时5Grammarandusage,


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