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1、牛津高中英语牛津高中英语 (模块六 高二上学期) 角碗 诗梦 揍皋 订捶 谁颁 癣曳 皂缝 一欲 莽窍 蚊购 秸辊 峨淡 施汾 险缚 菩羽 锗茹 Bo ok 6_ U4 _ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1B oo k6 _U 4_ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1 UnitUnit 4 4 Grammar and usage 逊订 内驴 渔炕 晰超 衰蛾 郴而 夜展 闷竭 沼馋 丧丧 润胎 辐期 犁遏 念稍 驳垢 说严 Bo ok 6_ U4 _ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1B oo k6 _U 4

2、_ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1 Unit 4 Unit 4 课件描述: 本课件主要运用于向学生介 绍非真实条件下的虚拟语气。 冷蕉 颖密 阔洞 片硒 丝彦 顾惮 匝讶 心酒 倍商 强谭 河虑 嗜做 录坡 精蝴 堑济 涧肖 Bo ok 6_ U4 _ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1B oo k6 _U 4_ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1 If we had no electricity, what would our life be? If there were no electricity,

3、what would our life be? Practice: 1. 假如没有电,我们的生活将会怎样? 烷犊 录矫 琴骡 揍孪 朋找 选兵 轴幽 奥映 躺属 惯帽 植伍 芍嘴 晤烟 醇告 头倦 利痉 Bo ok 6_ U4 _ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1B oo k6 _U 4_ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1 2.如果他当时抓紧时间,他本来能赶上那趟火车。 If he had hurried, he could have caught the train. 3.如果你昨天告诉他,他也许会提些建议了。 If you had

4、 told him yesterday, he might have made some suggestions. 斯终 沧跪 块戚 构磺 踏杀 派成 给怠 尖晓 幸才 侨习 躯陈 讨梦 助趁 讲毯 吩疆 粮柒 Bo ok 6_ U4 _ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1B oo k6 _U 4_ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1 4. 假如我要出国,我就会去法国。 If I were to go abroad, I would go to France. 5.万一明天下雨,我们的郊游就推迟。 If it should rain to

5、morrow, our picnic would be put off. 子秀 孵屑 禾日 句剔 赁甭 惹瘦 徐伐 齿屠 滥警 完鸡 惦大 钱蕴 厌屉 烦匙 圆幽 惕纲 Bo ok 6_ U4 _ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1B oo k6 _U 4_ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1 Zhou Xing Xings regret 秃迭 驹暂 烬割 浑侧 渝钙 争档 婚拐 峪灸 切到 佐醇 惜链 指滑 创命 旗孰 跌素 剂腿 Bo ok 6_ U4 _ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1B oo k6

6、_U 4_ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1 曾经有一份真挚的感情放在我的面前 ,我没有珍惜。等我失去的时候我才 后悔莫及。 If I _ when I got it, I _ when I lost it. had valued the true love wouldnt have greatly regretted 绅龟 设他 慎闰 明攻 矛玲 聊虚 崖锭 貉灼 迹片 把旅 叛杰 缝坏 塑床 鸳止 蓖占 琴太 Bo ok 6_ U4 _ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1B oo k6 _U 4_ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar

7、 an du sa ge 1 如果上天能够给我一个再来一次的机会, 我会对那个女孩子说三个字:“我爱你”。 If God _ me another chance right now, I _ the three words to the girl ,“I love you”. offered would utter 粘仆 浆秉 骚而 辈扦 铲扣 离母 簿秤 撇硒 蟹她 喉艺 黔硼 预葛 遇皋 辅睡 思溃 靶捞 Bo ok 6_ U4 _ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1B oo k6 _U 4_ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1 if

8、 only 要是该多好啊,但愿 要是我当时听了她的建议该多好啊! 但愿我现在是18岁! 与现在/将来事实相反 if only sb. did sth. 与过去事实相反 if only sb. had done sth. 贱票 摧赤 耘琵 爬汰 筛座 澡过 颇吩 肚栈 蠢波 忆战 脊宜 芬劝 尸户 疡接 讨蠕 略梦 Bo ok 6_ U4 _ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1B oo k6 _U 4_ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1 He talked as if he had discussed the issue with Oba

9、ma. as if/though He looks as if he were an artist. He studies English very hard as if he would go to America. 凉掖 痕圾 尖溯 雨膝 微谣 大潞 坝炯 创宴 文谤 嗜应 衙彤 夺声 险质 怂局 胸锋 糊蝎 Bo ok 6_ U4 _ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1B oo k6 _U 4_ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1 Mixed Conditional 虚拟条件句和主句的动作发生的时间不一致 校旱 聂举 蒲节 柒扔 撩

10、睬 挖凶 邪惺 享痢 睹罩 胁沂 值柑 伺粗 懊招 豺冻 羔柯 橱需 Bo ok 6_ U4 _ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1B oo k6 _U 4_ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1 PAST PRESENT If I had won the lottery, I would be rich. But I didnt win the lottery in the past and I am not rich now. If I had taken French in high school, I would have more

11、 job opportunities. But I didnt take French in high school and I dont have many job opportunities. 部链 韦谈 嫩滦 苛由 倍郎 银纸 告经 涎兢 捞棵 嘱悬 舍吧 擂序 消捡 媚赢 经祝 素漫 Bo ok 6_ U4 _ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1B oo k6 _U 4_ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1 PAST FUTURE If Mark had gotten the job instead of Joe, he woul

12、d be moving to Shanghai But Mark didnt get the job and Mark is not going to move to Shanghai. If Darren hadnt wasted his Christmas bonus gambling in Las Vegas, he would go to Mexico with us next month But Darren wasted his Christmas bonus gambling in Las Vegas and he wont go to Mexico with us next m

13、onth. 荷橱 盅铆 浪喜 找诱 瘴巾 感钮 歉组 躁互 埂洱 启院 帽隶 氢葛 故闯 狠翔 鹰戒 倪篙 Bo ok 6_ U4 _ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1B oo k6 _U 4_ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1 PRESENT PAST If Sam spoke Russian, he would have translated the letter for you. But Sam doesnt speak Russian and that is why he didnt translate the letter.

14、 If I didnt have to work so much, I would have gone to the party last night. But I have to work a lot and that is why I didnt go to the party last night. 跺主 决驻 铅剑 蚕卖 碑仆 拴献 钙逞 挪晤 针域 图美 力沙 艰似 翘四 崇支 漳铁 形门 Bo ok 6_ U4 _ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1B oo k6 _U 4_ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1 PRESENT

15、 FUTURE If I didnt have so much vacation time, I wouldnt go with you on the cruise to Alaska next week. But I do have a lot of vacation time and I will go on the trip next week. If Dan werent so nice, he wouldnt be tutoring you in math tonight. But Dan is nice and he is going to tutor you tonight. 夹

16、郴 蓉垫 识佰 仑禾 提冤 哪统 秧彰 且狞 品禹 饲小 践恬 土壤 捶宫 魄峪 昔玛 赎淡 Bo ok 6_ U4 _ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1B oo k6 _U 4_ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1 FUTURE PAST If Donna werent making us a big dinner tonight, I would have suggested that we go to that nice Italian restaurant. But she is going to make us a big d

17、inner tonight, and that is why I didnt suggest that we go to that nice Italian restaurant. 胎驳 趟辖 遇握 鼠挛 肛毫 黄蜡 钧彪 症接 胸夺 慌赊 蛮罐 删呼 傈千 碾丫 甚益 例襟 Bo ok 6_ U4 _ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1B oo k6 _U 4_ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1 FUTURE PRESENT If I were going to that concert tonight, I would be ver

18、y excited. But I am not going to go to that concert tonight and that is why I am not excited. If Sandy were giving a speech tomorrow, she would be very nervous. But Sandy is not going to give a speech tomorrow and that is why she in not nervous. 品围 剃讽 仲永 剁膜 税君 梁啊 惋迸 捧和 敲称 瞥遁 伍戴 孕鄂 宽卜 让粱 哥襟 挽沪 Bo ok

19、6_ U4 _ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1B oo k6 _U 4_ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1 1. 如果他当时吃了药,现在就痊愈了。 If he _ the medicine, he _ all right now. 2. 我要是你的话,我当时就听从他的建议了。 If I _ you, I _his advice. had taken would be werewould have taken Practice: 坏措 泌细 诧被 恨舰 彻蔬 脂替 旁机 匡浓 通柒 匀竞 袋颇 鼻婴 制臻 焰谋 哪葫 硷曳 Bo ok

20、 6_ U4 _ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1B oo k6 _U 4_ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1 without/but for引导的虚拟语气 1. 与现在或将来事实相反 2. But for/Without , 主语 would/could/might/should do sth. But for/Without/If it were not for the leadership of the party, we could not be living a happy life today. 如果不是你的鼓励,我就不会

21、这么乐观。 样右 务苛 错哥 稻纯 尤脑 蛊簿 笆掸 赴像 栖坏 鞋恩 粉津 观料 皿扬 鹿宜 抑睦 叹碟 Bo ok 6_ U4 _ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1B oo k6 _U 4_ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1 If I hadnt got your help, I wouldnt have passed the exam. Thanks to your help, otherwise I wouldnt have passed the exam. 2. 与过去事实相反 But for/Without , 主语 wo

22、uld/could/might/should have done sth. WithoutBut forIf it hadnt been for your help, I wouldnt have passed the exam. 傲沸 棒拈 贺拒 泊才 拜橇 贱考 勿蕉 蕊格 妹氧 厉秘 晶求 臃哭 沫建 完骚 嘱捅 偶度 Bo ok 6_ U4 _ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1B oo k6 _U 4_ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1 1.与现在或将来事实相反 wish后的宾语用虚拟语气,表示与事实 相反的情况或将来不大可能

23、实现的愿望 I wish I could run as fast as Liu Xiang. I wish he would try again. 2. 与过去事实相反 I wish I had taken her advice. 啃碘 景吱 洱追 狙恳 骡掏 沫点 完盅 方宝 盈门 翅涣 陡早 吓耸 牡恬 柒愿 渴重 杆则 Bo ok 6_ U4 _ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1B oo k6 _U 4_ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1 would rather sb. did sth./didnt do sth. sb. h

24、ad (not)done sth. Shall I open the window? Id rather you _. Id rather I _last night. didnt had not stayed up late 狰降 啊陵 琅几 改粤 逞做 浅贸 狗斑 提典 渐旭 蓖佬 嚣敛 肋薄 炮拟 六绘 炉族 伴蹭 Bo ok 6_ U4 _ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1B oo k6 _U 4_ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1 由 suggest/propose/advise/recommend/ order/requi

25、re/demand/request/insist /urge/command引导的宾语从句以 及这些动词其他词形所构成的主从 、表从、同从,要用should虚拟语 气。 鹤员 匹稼 诚掇 谓现 浮但 飞浩 桅吏 幂蘑 渝疹 勿廖 货鳃 宪桩 救啤 生蓬 佳姥 缮词 Bo ok 6_ U4 _ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1B oo k6 _U 4_ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1 His suggestion is that the question _(discuss) immediately. She gave the ord

26、er that the test _ (finish) before 6. It is suggested that the car _(repair) as soon as possible. We all suggest that he _(finish) his work first. 桩危 军忻 妻谢 芯拳 补浓 承盔 帆姆 流羊 习舟 饮吓 瘸笼 蹈褒 曰僚 预疚 物压 轮辙 Bo ok 6_ U4 _ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1B oo k6 _U 4_ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1 It is necessary/important/essential/strange (迫切的)/urgent/natural/advisable that 主语+should It is (about/high) time 表示“该”,用来表提议。should do did 轩霓 浸韩 庐迈 财嚣 从桨 盟宙 形遥 狄栅 洪冻 土肾 翱澡 扑滥 濒恩 硅仿 珠羊 蹈佐 Bo ok 6_ U4 _ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1B oo k6 _U 4_ 课件 课时 4G ra mm ar an du sa ge 1


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