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1、Unit10 SectionA (Grammar Focus-3d )教案【教材版本与册数】新目标人教版七年级下册【单元名称】Unit 10 Id like some noodles.【课时】Grammar Focus-3d (第2课时)【课型】Grammar Focus (语法课)教材 分析本部分的Grammar Focus表格总结了询问食物和点餐的功能句型以及相应回答,包括以 what引导的一般现 在时态的特殊妣问句、would like / there be的一般妣问句以及相应的回答,分别表达 某人吊欢什么种类的 面条? ”、“某人需要多大份量?”、“某人喜欢? ” “在番茄鸡蛋汤里有?

2、 ” ;除此以外,还将 食物名称根据可数名词与不可数名词,以及既可数乂不可数进行分类总结。教材中3a-3c体活动编排体现了从易到难的层次性。3a通过选出最佳答语,让学生再次复习Section A所学的核心语句;通过核心句型的呈现,让学生熟悉基本的目标结构形式。3b提供了关键词,让学生基于关键词编写对话,属于半控制性谛言输出任务,进一步让学生感知目标语法结构的形式和表达意义;3c是控制性的输出练习,通过四张图片生动明了地呈现了食物名称以及食材,要求学生基于图片,完成一个话轮的对 话。即:A: What would you like to eat?B: Id like .noodles with.

3、通过本课时的学习,学生能清楚地知道本单元的核心谛言结构,并通过一系列的教学活动,学生能正确运用Would you like.? What size would you like? What kind of.? Are/Is there any.in the beef noodles?食物名称、食 物份量进行准确描述,并点餐。在情感态度上,学生能认识到同样的食物,在中文和英文表达中的不同。语百知识目标:1)学会将食物名称如 bowl, apple, beef, meat, chicken, orangey按照口数名词与/、口数名词,以及既可数又不可数进行分类总结。2)根据所提供的材料能运用所学的

4、知识来补全对话。3)总结询问食物和订餐时所用句型结构。A: What would you like?B: Id like some dumplings.A:What kind of noodles would you like?B: Id like some beef noodles.A:Is there any cabbage in the noodles?B:Yes there is. /No, there isnt./No, there is no cabbage.语言能力:教学目标1)学会询问食物和点餐。2)理解可数名词与不可数名词分类的规则。情感态度价值观:体会学习英语的乐趣,做到“

5、在用中学,在学中用”。养成一个良好的饮食习惯。文化意识:了解中西方文化中食物名称、份量表达的不同。教学重点:1)总结订餐所用语言及句子结构。教2)学习理解情态动词would的用法。学3)通用所学的知识在实际情境中订餐。重难占八、教学难点:1)在较为真实的订餐语境中会运用学过的谛言知识来补全对话。2)能掌握订餐的用法,并在实际情境中运用。教学活动设计建 议 教 法情景交际法,任务型教学法,语法课的“ PCPU”教学模式:P-呈现(头脑风暴,词汇短语的语言输入)C-总结conclude(目标语百的总结)P-操练(1.机械操练2.听力训练)U-运用use (语百输出)设置t青景意义操练设计分层次活动

6、任务,感知-操练-运用-总结教学流程(详见相应教学设计)教学评价1.本课时的目标设计清晰可操作,活动的设计紧扣目标要求并与目标达成一致。2通过核心目标句式的呈现-操练-运用-总结,让学生熟练掌握本单元的核心知识。3.遵循谛言学习规律,体现从“欣赏-模仿-再创”的谛言输入到输出的搭支架的学习过程。步骤过程措施(教师活动与学生活动)目的持续性评价1预备 与激 活先 期知 识Step 1Greeting andWarmingup(2mins)1. General greetings.2. Review the food words.3. Review the conversation of 2d.通

7、过再次呈现食物名称 的图片,复习食物名称的 单词。学生能较为轻松地完 成习题。2获取 新知 识Step2 Presentation (3mins)Task1: PresentT: Boys and girls, now look at Grammar Focus, please read and translate all the sentences , then ask and answer in pairs like thisA:What kind of noodles would you like?B:Id like beef noodles.A: What size would you

8、 like?B:Id like a large bowl, please.A:Is there any meat in the tomato and eggs?B:No there isnt any. Theres no meat.Countable noun: apple, carrot, orange, strawberry.Uncountable noun:beef, meat milk mutton water.Countable and uncountable nounschicken, salad, ice-cream, cabbage,cake2.Read the grammar

9、 table again and try to finish the following sentences:1 .你想要什么面条? 请给我来牛肉面。2 .你想要什么碗的? 请给我来中碗的。3 .你想来一个大碗吗?好的.4 .西红柿鸡蛋汤里有肉吗?不,没有。通过小组合作的形式,把 核心句子进行对话练习, :从血对这些核心句子有一个更为准确的认知和 复习。通过翻译语法核心短语 和句子,再次复习巩固本 单元学生能较为轻松地完 成口头问答任务。学生能较为轻松地完 成翻译练习。Step 3 ConcludeTask 1: Read the grammar focus again and the fol

10、lowing sentences in the table, and then try to sum up the grammar rules.通过呈现句子让学生自己去总结 some与 any 的学生在后面针对some 和any练习中,答案准 确率较局。9 / 8(3mins)There some milk in the fridge.rhere isnt nny milk in the fridge*There are some ecss in theWe dont hivc nnv shirts in vour si/p.fa1 here are some tomatoes in the

11、beef soup.There aiTit,t any sweets in the box*Would you like some cofle?Is there any news from llarrj ?用法,加深语法知识的理 解,让学生有一个非常清 晰的语法知识框架,为后 续的语法练习做好铺垫。通过总结可数名词与不 可数名词,让学生对名词 归类的规则有更深刻的 理解。学生能根据对可数名 词和不可数名词的已 有知识,将食物类名词 进行大致归类。Task2. Sum up.Some VS anysome的用法some一般用于肯定句中,意思是“几个、一些、某个”,作 定语时可修饰可数名词或不可数

12、名词。some用于疑问句时,表示建议、请求或希望得到肯定回答。any的用法any 一般用于疑问句或否定句中,意思是“任何一些、任何 一个,作定语时可修饰可数或不可数名词。any用于肯定句时,意思是“任何的”。Step4 Practise (15mins)Taskl: Fill in the blanks with some and any.1. There isn t milk in the fridge.2. I can see cars, but I can t seebuses.通过练习,操练上面观察 理解总结和归纳的语法 知识,让学生再次通过选学生能做对 95%的练深度 加工 知识3.

13、 He hasfriends in England.4. Do you want to takephotos?5. Is thererice in the kitchen?择和朗读练习来加深理 解,培养语感,突出本单 元的语言目标,有利于学 生掌握得更加巩固,记忆 得更加深刻。习Task2: 3a Complete the conversation below.1. May I have your order?2. What kind of noodles would you like?3. We have beef, chicken, mutton, cabbage, potato, tom

14、ato 4. Yes, there are some carrots.5. Sure. What size would you like?6. We have large, medium and small bowels.a. What kind of noodles do you have?b. Oh, a medium bowl, please.c. OK, I d like the mutton noodles then.d. I d like some noodles, please.e. What sizes do you have?f. Are there any vegetabl

15、es in the mutton noodles?Keys of 3a: d a f c e bTask 3:3b Write questions and answers using the words in brackets.Keys of 3b:1. What kind of noodles would you like?Id like chicken, beef and tomatoes noodles.2. What size would you like?Id like a medium bowl.3. Is there any cabbage in the beef noodles

16、?No, there is no cabbage.通过把学到的单元目标 语言运用到实际生活中, 来询问食物和点餐,从而 巩固了单元目标语言结 构和本课时的语法知识。学生能运用所学知识 对自己喜欢的演员外 形进行描述,并能流利 地口头表达。Step 5 Use(15mins)3c: Work in small groups. Who would like the food below? Write their names on the cards above the food.A:What kind of rice would you like?B:Id like to matter and e

17、gg rice.Make a conversation at a restaurant to order food.A: What would you like?B: Id like some dumplings.A: What kind of dumplings would you like?B: Id like some beef dumplings.A: What size would you like?B: Id like one large bowl of beef dumplings.通过小组合作对话练习, 再次体会核心目标语百 的谛言情景,培养学生的 语言交际能力和运用能 力。学

18、生能脱离课本,针对 问句给出合理的答语。Step 6 Conclusion and ExercisesSummary:通过总结让学生对本课 时的重点知识进行巩固 和复习,绝大部分学生能够根 据提示总结。countable nounscountablewitha/an/one.orange/apple/bowl.uncountable nounsnouns for meat and liquid.beef/mutton/milk.someused in statement sentencesor would sb like some.?I have some books. Would you l

19、ike some.?anyused in negative sentences) There isnt any.Exercises:1. I would like some porridge.()(从4个选项中选择一个与句中国线部分意思相近)4评价 学生 学习A. wantB. borrowC. carryD. know1.1 d like some noodles.6寸戈U线音B分提问)3 .翻译:我想要一份大碗面条。4 .翻译:他想吃羊肉白菜向条。Homework:1 .完成练习册上对应的练习题。2 .熟读 Grammar Focus句子。3 . Do a survey to ask your family what food they would like. Write a short report.


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