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1、The emerge nee of con sumer markets on a huge scale throughout the world, with similar n eeds and wan ts, has bee n called B。A. Mult in ati onal marketi ng B. Global marketi ng sta ndardizati onC. Global consumer cultureD. International marketingCulture is a set ofrulesandstandardsshared by members

2、ofa society, which when acted upon by the members, produce behaviour that falls within a range of variation the members consider proper and acceptable.Successful companiesoften find that even the most standardized product or service usually requires some local cha nges. Every country has a few regul

3、ati ons not found elsewhere. For example, a country may dema nd certa in product in formatio n on a package not need in other markets. A case in point is the U.S. warning on cigarette packages about health hazards associated with smok ing, not required in many Asia n countries. Drivers in Sweden hav

4、e to drive with their car s parking lights on, and thelights are turned on automatically when the ignition key is turned. But these differences do not mean no standardization.” Adhering to them invoIves Localizationmore tha n Adaptati on, an importa nt differe nee in global market ing.(1)什么是产品的本地化改造

5、(Localization) ?答:产品本地化改造是指对跨地域,进口等外来产品或服务为了进入新市场进行 重新设计、改进、转换等工作。使 产品或服务在当地市场最大可能的接受程度。什么是产品的适应性改造(Adaptation) ?答:产品的适应性改造 就是在继承上的创新,突破一批关键技术,产品为了根据 消费者的需要保持其核心部分上进行重新包装、改进、转换等工作,使产品适应 新的消费者需要。(3) 为了进入一个新市场,一种电话使用了新的电话线插头,这属于本地化改造 还是适应性改造?同样的电话,为了适应消费者需要,使用了新型的轻便的听筒, 这属于本地化改造还是适应性改造?答:。A,为了进入一个新市场,

6、一种电话使用了新的电话线插头,这属于本地 化改造B,同样的电话,为了适应消费者需要,使用了新型的轻便的听筒,这属于 适应性改造?(4) 本地化改造和适应性改造的3点主要区别是什么? 答:1,改造的产品不同:a本地化改造的产品是指的产品,b适应性改造的产品 包括的产品和本地产品。2. 改造的目的不同 : a 本地化改造是为了进入新市场, b 适应性改造为了适 应消费者需要3. 改造的范畴不同 : a 本地化改造是对外来产品进行 重新设计、改进、转 换等工作,改造后的产品与原产品有本质的区别。 b 适应性改造是为了适应消费 者需要, 重新进行一些包装,改进 等,但核心部分没有改变,和原产品没有质的 区别


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