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1、-精品范文推荐- 八下英语第五单元课件导语:为了解决大家的疑问,小编特地为大家整理了“八下英语第五单元课件”相关内容,仅供参考!八年级英语下册An E-mail to Grandpa教案新冀教版Unit 4 The Internet Connects Us lesson 24 An E-mail to Grandpa一、Teaching content:(教学内容)New words and phrases: set up a time.2. Understand the meaning of text.二、Teaching goals:(教学目标)1. Make the Ss can und

2、erstand the meaning of text.2. Make the Ss can use the Internetsend e-mails.3. Ask the Ss to talk about how to use the Internet.三、Key points:(重点)Make the Ss can use the Internet-send e-mails.Difficult points:(难点)Ask the Ss to talk about how to use the Internet五、Teaching aids:(教学辅助) ictures or cards.

3、六、Type of the lesson:(课程类型) New lesson.七、Teaching procedure:(教学过程)Step 1.Analysis of the student.(学生分析)Homework check.Review: In last lesson, we learned that the Internet has advantages and disadvantages. Now, we should use the Internet in right ways, but dont let it take up all of your time. After

4、all, all things have two sides.Step 2. Lead in.(引入)Greet the students in English and make sure they can response correctly.Do the duty report: a student on duty can say whatever he/she likes to say.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”. Do you prefer writing a report on paper or on the computer? Why?How often do

5、 you use your computer for work, study or fun?Step 3. New lesson.(新课)No. 1 repare lessons before class. Teach the new words and phrases. Make sure the Ss can read it correctly.No. 2. Text: Give them some time to read the text themselves. Then let them act out the dialogue in groups. Correct their pr

6、onunciation when necessary. Read the text silently and check the answers. Let the students discuss the main idea of the passage in details. At last, the teacher explains the text in Chinese; make sure the Ss can understand the meaning of text.No. 3. Finish “Lets Do It!”Step 4. Play the tape for the

7、Ss to follow.Make the Ss listen the text, then let them read follow the tape.Step 5. Summary. (小结)Sum up the text what we learned, the new words, phrases, and sentences.Sum up the grammar.Step 6. Homework.(作业)Finish the activity book and the practice.Copy the new words and phrases twice.Step 7.Blackboard-writing:(板书)The new words, the master phrases, important sentences.The grammar and practice.八.Teaching reflection:(教后反思)


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