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1、Module 3 My English bookUnit 3 What colour is it?I . Analysis of the text:In this text stude nts will lear n colours of thin gs.n . Arrangement of teaching in this moduleThree periods for this module, one period for one un it.川.Teaching focus:1. Master Ian guage of ask ing colour of thin gs, and mas

2、ter the En glish expressi onsof colours.Key vocabulary and phrases: of, course, want, cocour, black, white, blue, gree n, yellow, red, brow n, oran ge, and What colour is/are ?2. Be skilled in oral expression of asking and answering the colours of things.IV . Teaching aims:1. Function: Recog niti on

3、 of colours.2. Listening: Students can understand others questions of asking colours, and givecorresp onding an swers.3. Speak ing: Stude nts can ask and an swer colours.4. Readi ng: Stude nts can un dersta nd the similar dialogue of ask ing and an sweri ng colours.5. Writing: Students can write col

4、ours.V . Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Lead in:1. Review the text of Unit 1 and 2 .2. Show some pictures, ask the students to look at the pictures, then talk someth ing about the pictures.3. In troduce the new words.Step 2 Vocabulary study:1. Show some pictures by PPT.2. Ask and an swer:What this in En

5、 glish?What colour is it?3. Lear n the new words.4. Read the new words.Step 3 Liste n and point.1. Ask the stude nts to look at the pictures in Activity 1.2. Play the recordi ng and ask the stude nts to liste n and point.3. Liste n and repeat.4. Work in pairs.What colour is it ?It s black,LBA-C-K, b

6、lack.Step 4 Look, read and match.1. Ask the stude nts to look at the pictures in Activity 2.2. Look through the sentence.3. Play the recordi ng and ask the stude nts to liste n and point.4. Match the senten ces.1 ) What colour is the pen?a) Its red2 ) What colour is the cat?b) Its yellow.3) What col

7、our is the pencil?c) Its white.4 ) What colour is the flower?d) Its red, green and orange5 ) What colour is the dog?e) Its blue.6 ) What colour is the bird?f) Its brown.5. Call back the answer from the whole class and check the answer.6. Liste n aga in and say.Step 5 Work in pairs.1. Ask and an swer

8、 like this.A: What colour is the ?B: It s2. Work in pairs.Step 6 Write.1. Ask the students to read the words in Activity 6.2. Complete the table in Activity 6.3. Call back the answer from the whole class and check the answer.Keys:1. bag book desk pen pencil2. bird cat dog flower3. black blue brow ng

9、ree n orange red white yellow4. Ask the students to read through the conversations in Activity 7 silently.5. Fill in the bla nk.1. What colour is the dog?It s2. Whatis the flower?It s3. is the bird?It s red, green and.4. What?It s yellow.5. the pen?It s6. the cat?It s.7. Liste n and check.小结;In this text students can leann colours of things.反思: Master Ianguage of asking colour of things, and master the English expressi ons of colours.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快


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