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1、Unit 4,Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?,Section A 2Grammar Focus-3c,Lets chant:,Drawer, drawer, in the drawer;Table, table, under the table;Sofa, sofa, on the sofa;Dresser, dresser, on the dresser;Bookcase, bookcase, in the bookcase;Desk, desk, under the desk;Schoolbag, schoolbag, in the schoolbag.,Lead-

2、in,head,hat,backpack,dresser,keys,baseball,chair,bed,books,sofa,快速说出下列物品,table,bookcase,Revision,按要求写出正确的单词或句子。,1. table (复数) _ 2. sofa (复数) _3. on (反义词) _ 4. it (复数) _5. they (形容词性物主代词) _6. where is (缩写形式) _7. 在沙发上 _,sofas,under,they,tables,their,wheres,on the sofa,8. 赶快 _9. 在椅子下面 _10. 在你爷爷和奶奶的房间里

3、_11. 在你的头上 _,under the chair,in your grandparents room,come on,on your head,A: Wheres the computer?B: Is it on the sofa?A: Yes, it is.,A: Where are the baseballs?B: Are they on the chair?A: No, they arent. Theyre under the chair.,Ask and answer.,Mom: Come on, Jack!Jack: Oh, no! Wheres my bag?Mom: Hm

4、m is it on your desk?Jack: No. And its not under the chair.Mom: Oh! Its on the sofa.Jack: Thank you, Mom. Errwheres the map?Mom: I think its in your grandparents room.Jack: Yes, its on their bed! And my hat?Mom: Its on your head!Jack: Oh, yeah! Haha!,Role-play the conversation in 2d.,1. 地图在哪里?_ the

5、map?2. 它在你爷爷奶奶的房间里。 Its _ your _ room. 3. 我的书在哪里?_ _ my books?4. 它们在沙发上。Theyre _ the _. 5. 他的铅笔盒在哪里? _ _ pencil box?,Wheres,Where are,on sofa,in grandparents,Wheres his,一、重点句型,Grammar Focus,6. 它在他的书包里。Its _ his _. 7. 你的尺子在哪里?_ your _?8. 它在椅子下面。Its _ the _.9. 他们的钥匙在哪里?_ are _ _?10. 它们在桌子上。 _ on the _

6、.,Wheres ruler,in schoolbag,under chair,Where their keys,Theyre table,1. 以 where 开头的特殊疑问句。 用来询问人或物在什么地方。其结构为:Where is / are 主语(人或物)?回答时不能用 Yes 或 No,而应根据实际情况回答出物品所在的位置。例如: - Where are your keys? 你的钥匙在哪里? - Theyre in my room. 它们在我的房间里。,Grammar,2. “Where is单数主语,Where are复数主语”,谓语动词用is还是are取决于主语的人称和数。如果主

7、语是人,回答时用相应的人称代词主格作主语;如果主语是单数物品,回答时用“Its + 表示地点的词”;如果主语是复数物品,回答时用“Theyre + 表示地点的词”。,例如: - Where is your English teacher? 你的英语老师在哪里? - He is in the classroom. 他在教室里。 - Where are the pencils? 铅笔在哪里? - They are in the pencil box. 它们在铅笔盒里。,in,on,under,3. 方位介词 in, on, under, in 表示 “在里面”,强调某物在另一物体的内部。e.g.

8、My books are in my schoolbag. 我的书都在书包里。, on 表示“在上面”,强调某物在另一物体的表面上,并且跟物体接触。e.g. My pencils are on the desk. 我的铅笔在桌子上。 The photos are on the wall. 照片在墙上。, under指“在下面”,是介词表示方位,用于名词或代词前,这时名词或代词称为介词的宾语。介词后面的人称要用宾格形式。例如: - Where is my pencil? 我的铅笔在哪里? - It is under your notebook. 它在你的笔记本下面。 - Look at the

9、girl! A ring is under her. 看那个女孩!一枚戒指在她下面。,Where _ the keys?,Theyre _ the _.,Wheres the _?_ it on your desk?,No, its _ the chair.,Look at the pictures and complete the conversations.,are,on,table,book,Is,under,Pairwork,3a,Where _ the pencils?,I dont know. _ they in the _?,Yes, they are.,are,Are,scho

10、olbag,Ask and answer the things in the picture.,Practice,3b, Where is / are the _? Its (Theyre) in / on / under _.,学生A看19页的图,学生B看21页的图,通过问答找出不同之处。,A: Wheres the schoolbag? Is it under the table?B: No, it isnt. Its on the table.,3c,一、根据图画提示,写出单词。1. - Where are the books? - Theyre _ the chair.2. My bo

11、ok is on the _. 3. Where is the cat? - Its on the _. 4. I think my schoolbag is in my grandparents _.5. Look! The hat is on your _.6. The _ is very nice.,under,table,sofa,room,head,bookcase,Exercises,二、单项选择 - _ my baseball? - Its under the chair. A. Where B. Wheres C. Wherere,2. - Is a book on the s

12、ofa? - _. A. Yes, I am B. No, it is C. Yes, it is 3. - _ under the table? - No, they arent. A. Where are B. What is C. Are they,4. - Where are your brothers? - _. A. He is in his room B. Yes, they are C. I dont know5. - Where are your notebooks?- _ are on the bed. A. It B. They C. We,三、 选词填空。,1. - _

13、 is the computer game? - Its on the desk.2. - Whats her name? - Sorry, I dont _.3. - Are your keys in your parents room? - Yes, they are on _ bed.4. Look! The baseball is _ the dresser.5. My books are in the _.,Where,know,their,under,their, where, under, bookcase, know,bookcase,1. notebook, on, her,

14、 is, bed, the _.2. are, under, bookcase, they, the _.3. in, a, keys, of, is, the, set, drawer _.,四、 连词成句。,Her notebook is on her bed,They are under the bookcase,A set of keys is in the drawer,4. her, photo, family, is, on, dresser, the _?5. his, game, computer, is, where _?,Is her family photo on the dresser,Where is his computer game,1. 认真查看19页及21页两张图画的不同之处,并用英语写五个句子。2. Review the Grammar Focus.,Homework,


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