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1、动词短语和常用习惯表达动词短语是许多省高考的必考内容。有时一个动词可以跟多个小品词构成多个短语动词,有时一个短语动词又有多个意思。在平时的学习中,我们要有意识地去积累这方面的知识,这样才能使学习更高效。掌握好常用的动词短语和习惯表达对于我们做完形和阅读的帮助也很大。第1讲 常用动词短语(一)考点1. break相关短语break down(机器、车辆)停止运转;(健康、精神)崩溃;(系统、讨论等)出问题;分解break away打破陈规,放弃习惯;奋力挣脱 break out(战争、疫情、火灾等)爆发break in/into破门而入break up打碎、分裂;分手1 Lets break u

2、p the whole into parts. 让我们化整为零。2 You must break away from these old customs. 你们必须破除这些旧风俗。 3 The dog broke away from its owner and ran away. 狗挣脱了主人,跑了。 4 After a long time of hard work,he almost broke down. 长时间艰苦劳动之后,他的身体几乎垮了。 5 Why did the peace talks break down?为什么和谈失败了? 6 This matter will break d

3、own in water. 这种物质在水中会分解。1. 【2012 陕西】He had to pause from time to time to wipe the sweat from his forehead, because the air-conditioning system _.A. broke in B. broke upC. broke out D. broke down2. 【2013福建】Old-fashioned phones matter when wireless networks _ in disasters.A. turn down B. turn out C.

4、break down D. break out3. 【2009江苏】 I m surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have _.So am I. They seemed very happy together when I last saw them.A. broken up B. finished upC. divided up D. closed up 4. 【2006辽宁】The computer system_ suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet. A. br

5、oke down B. broke outC. broke up D. broke in5. 【2006广东】I was still sleeping when the fire_, and then it spread quickly. A. broke out B. put outC. came out D. got out考点2. call相关短语call at a place拜访某地call on/upon sb. 拜访或看望某人call for sth. (sb.)需要,要求;接(某人)、来取(某物);喊着要人取来call off叫走,转移开;取消,不举行call on/upon s

6、b. to do sth.号召某人做某事call up(给)打电话;想起,回忆起call in收回,召回call out大声喊1 Call your dog off. 把你的狗叫走。2 The match was called off because of bad weather. 由于天气不好,比赛取消了。3 This problem calls for careful thought. 这个问题需要好好想一想。4 Illcallforyouatseventhisevening.今晚七点我来接你。5 Wecallforthepackageatthepostoffice.我们到邮局去取包裹。6

7、 The toy company has decided to call in the defective products all over the world.该玩具公司已决定在全世界范围内召回那些有缺陷的产品。7 Theyboycalledoutforhelp. 那个男孩大声呼救。6. 【2009福建】The Somali robbed frequent attacks on the sea urged the United Nations to_ all nations to take immediate action.A. fight for B. apply for C. call

8、 on D. wait on7. 【2007山东】Its the sort of work that _ a high level of concentration. A. calls for B. makes up C. lies in D. stands for 8. 【2006湖北】As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village _scenes of my childhood. A. called up B. called forC. called on D. called

9、in考点3. come相关短语come about发生(不及物);(bring about,使发生,及物)come across 偶然遇到( meet with和run into也有这个意思)come along进展;一起来come up with想出(主意或计划等)come out(书、唱片、电影等)出版发行;(花)开放come to oneself苏醒过来(oneself可以省略)come to realize开始意识到come up(在谈话或会议中)被提及,被讨论1 Things are coming along fine.事情进展顺利。2 When does their new alb

10、um come out? 他们的新(答疑qq 329950885)唱片什么时候发行?3 The subject came up at the meeting yesterday.这个话题昨天在会议上被提及。9. 【2011安徽】If you _ faults but you still want the bicycle, ask the shop assistant to reduce the price.A. come across B. care aboutC. look for D. focus upon10. 【2011天津】She _ an old friend of hers ye

11、sterday while she was shopping at the department store.A. turned down B. dealt with C. took after D. came across11. 【2013新课标】Would you like to _ with us to the film tonight?A. come along B. come off C. come across D. come through12. 【2007江苏】Have you _ some new ideas?Yeah. Ill tell you later.A. come

12、about B. come into C. come up with D. come out with13. 【2006湖北】Its already 10 oclock I wonder how it _ that she was two hours late on such a short trip. A. came over B. came outC. came about D. came up14. 【2005重庆】His idea of having weekly family meals together, which seemed difficult at first, has _

13、 many good changes in their lives.A. got through B. resulted fromC. turned into D. brought about考点4. cut相关短语cut down/back减少cut in插话;(车从前面突然)插入cut off切断、终止(供应、电话等);使与外界隔断cut up切成碎片1 The government has announced plans to cut back on defence spending by 10% next year. 政府已宣布计划明年减少防务开支10%。2 Im trying to

14、cut down on caffeine. 我在尽力减少咖啡因的服用量。3 I was just talking to Jane, when Dave cut in (on us / our conversation). 我正和Jane谈话,这时Dave突然插话进来。4 Did you see that white car cut in (on us/ in front of us)? 你看到那辆白色的车突然插入(到我们前面)了吗?5 If this bill is not paid within five days, your gas supply will be cut off. 如果这个

15、账单五天内不付,你的液化气供应将会被切断。6 Many villages have been cut off by the heavy snow. 许多村庄因为网搜语法通霸大雪与外面隔断。7 He cut the wood up to build a fire.他把木头破碎来生火。15. 【2013陕西】My uncle hasnt been able to quit smoking, but at least he has _.A. cut out B. cut down C. cut up D. cut off16. 【2005湖南】I was just talking to Margot

16、 when Jackson _.A. cut in B. cut down C. cut out D. cut up考点6. get相关短语get along/on(人)相处融洽;(工作)进展get down to 开始认真做某事(to是介词)get through结束、完成;成功地联络;通过(考试);渡过难关(也常用go through, be through)get away逃脱;离开get away with做成某坏事而未被发觉或处罚get changed换衣get across使理解,使相信get over战胜、克服(困难)get together聚会get to sb.使某人受到影响

17、(cause sb. to suffer or be upset)8 How are you getting along/on with your job?你的工作进展得怎么样?9 She got through her exams without too much trouble.她没有遇到太大麻烦就通过了考试。10 I dont know how I got through the first couple of months after Andys death. 我不知道在安迪死后我是怎样度过前几个月的。11 The thief got away in the dark.那个贼趁着黑暗逃

18、脱了。12 If someone commits a murder, he wont get away with it.如果一个人犯了谋杀罪,他是不会逃脱惩罚的。13 I wanted to come along, but couldnt get away. 我想要一起走,但是走不开。14 We tried to get our point across, but he just wouldnt listen. 我们尽力想使他理解我们的意思,但他就是不听。15 The heat was beginning to get to me, so I went indoors.炎热开始使我感到难受,因

19、此我走进屋里。 16 I know hes annoying, but you shouldnt let him get to you. 我知道他很烦人,但你不应当让他影响你。17. 【2010福建】Weve just moved into a bigger house and theres a lot to do. Lets_ it.A. keep up with B. do away withC. get down to D. look forward to18. 【2013天津】I had hoped to take a holiday this year but I wasnt abl

20、e to _.A. get away B. drop inC. check out D. hold on19. 【2013江苏】Team leaders must ensure that all members _ their natural desire to avoid the embarrassment associated with making mistakes.A. get over B. look over C. take over D. come over 20. 【2007湖北】If we can _ our present difficulties, then everyt

21、hing should be all right.A. come across B. get over C. come over D. get off21. 【2010浙江】After that, he knew he could _ any emergency by doing what be could to the best of his ability.A. get away with B. get on with C. get through D. get across22. 【2007天津】Hardly could he _ this amount of work in such

22、a short time. A. get through B. get off C. get into D. get down23. 【2009全国I】(答疑qq 329950885)I tried phoning her office, but I couldnt_.A. get along B. get on C. get to D. get through 24. 【2008陕西】Its going to rain. Xiao Feng, will you please help me _ the clothes on the line?A. get off B. get backC.

23、get in D. get on 25. 【2008四川】I used to quarrel a lot with my parents, but now we_ fine.A. look out B. stay up C. carry on D. get along26. 【2006重庆】How are you managing to do your work without an assistant?Well,I _somehow. A. get along B. come onC. watch out D. set off27. 【2004全国I】 Sarah, hurry up. Im

24、 afraid you cant have time to _ before the party.A. get changed B. get changeC. get changing D. get to change考点7. give相关短语give away捐赠;泄露(秘密)give in 屈服,投降give out(机器或身体某部分stop working)停止工作(指人可译作“筋疲力尽”);用完、用尽;分发(作业、文件、物品);散布、公布(消息、文件等)give off/out发出(气味、热、光等)give up放弃(后跟动名词)1 The party was meant to be

25、a surprise, but Sharon gave it away. 本打算这个派对秘密准备,但Sharon却泄了密。2 She thinks no one knows how much she likes him, but her face gave her away! 她认为没有人知道她多么爱他,但她的表情却告诉了我们一切。3 All machines gave out eventually.所有的机器最终都停止了运转。4 Ourfoodsuppliesgaveout.我们的食物供应已经用完。5 Both the man and the horse gave out after the

26、 long ride. 赶了很长一段路后,人马俱乏。6 The government gave out food to people out of work. 政府向失业者分发食品。7 They stood there, giving out the leaflets to the passers-by.他们站在那里, 向过路人散发传单。8 This milk must be bad, for it is giving off a nasty smell. 牛奶一定变质了,因为它散发出一种令人恶心的气味。9 The sun gives out light and heat to the ear

27、th. 太阳向地球发出光和热。10 Hegaveupteachingonlytwoyearsago. 两年前他才离开教学工作的。28. 【2008江西】If a person has not had enough sleep, his actions will give him _during the day.A. away B. up C. in D. back29. 【2007福建】The news of the mayors coming to our school for a visit was _ on the radio yesterday. A. turned out B. fo

28、und out C. given out D. carried out30. 【2005山东】What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has _?A. given outB. put outC. held upD. used up考点8. go相关短语go about着手做某事(begin to do/deal with sth.),后跟动名词;到处走动go over复习;仔细察看go off爆炸;(枪、闹铃)响go red/ mad/ blind/ hungrygo是系动词,“变得”go ahead (with)开始

29、(继续)做某事go through(法律、计划等)通过,批准;经受(困难);全面检查1 How can we go about solving this problem? 我们怎样着手解决这个问题?2 Didnt you hear your alarm clock going off this morning? 你没听到你的闹钟今天早上响了吗?3 Weve received permission to go ahead with the music festival in spite of opposition from local residents. 尽管当地居民反对,我们得到允许继续举办

30、音 乐节。4 I always go over my revision notes just before I go into an exam. 在考试之前,我总是认真复习我的复习笔记。5 You must go over the instructions of how it works before you use the micro-wave oven. 在使用微波炉前要先看看它的使用说明。6 Im going through my wardrobe and throwing out all the clothes I dont wear any more. 我全面检查了我的衣柜,网搜语法

31、通霸把我不穿的衣服都拿了出来。7 Remember to go through the pockets before you put those trousers in the washing machine. 在把裤子放进洗衣机之前,记着看一下口袋。31. 【2007安徽】Didnt you have a good time at the party?Of course I did. As a matter of fact, I had such fun that time seemed to _ so quickly. A. go by B. go awayC. go out D. go

32、over32. 【2007江苏】Do you think that housing price will keep _ in the years to come?Sorry, I have no idea. A. lifting up B. going upC. bringing up D. growing up33. 【2007浙江】Would you please _this form for me to see if Ive filled it in right? A. take off B. look afterC. give up D. go over34. 【2011四川】To g

33、et a better grade, you should _the notes again before the test. A. go over B. get over C. turn over D. take over写作专练1. 熟练使用常用动词短语(一)(参看P. 227)第2讲 常用动词短语(二)考点1. look相关短语look around/about环视四周look back on sth.回顾(某事),回想(某事)look down on看不起,瞧不起look forward to期待,盼望(后跟动名词)look up抬头看;(在书、字典中)查找;好转look over审阅

34、,检查(to quickly examine)look sb. over上下打量(某人)look through翻阅,浏览(to read sth. quickly )look into sth.调查,研究,了解;look into ones eyes直视look out注意,小心(也可用watch out!)look out for留意(try to notice,也可用watch out for, keep an eye out for)look up to sb.钦佩、敬仰某人(look down upon瞧不起)look after照料,照看look on/upon sb. as把某人

35、当作看待1 I still shudder when I look back on the past. 想起过去,我仍然不寒而栗。2 Things are looking up. 情况在好转。3 You shouldnt look down upon the poor. 你不应该瞧不起穷人。4 The police are looking into the cause of the accident.警方正调查事故原因。5 Look out. Theres a car coming! 当心!汽车来了!6 I had a few minutes before the meeting to loo

36、k over what hed written. 在会前我有几分钟时间来快速查看他写的内容。7 He looked her over and nodded lightly. 他上下打量她,然后微微点了点头。8 We looked on her as a daughter.我们把她当作女儿看待。9 While shopping here, you must look out for pickpockets.在这里购物时,你一定要留意扒手。10 Many fans look up to Yao Ming.许多粉丝都很钦佩姚明。1. 【2011四川】I often _ the words I don

37、t know in the dictionary or on the Internet.A. look up B. look atC. look for D. look into2. 【2009湖北】Would you please _ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?A. look around B. look intoC. look up D. look through 3. 【2009江西】It is reported that the police will soon _ the case of tw

38、o missing children.A. look upon B. look afterC. look into D. look out 4. 【2007全国I】“Goodbye, then,” she said, without even _ from her book.A. looking down B. looking upC. looking away D. looking on 5. 【2010安徽】No matter how low you consider yourself , there is always someone _ you wishing they were th

39、at high.A. getting rid of B. getting along withC. looking up to D. looking down upon考点2. pay相关短语pay back偿还;报复pay off 还清(债务、欠款);(付出得到)回报pay sb. some money for sth.因为某物/事付给某人多少钱pay down和三角形各边都相切的圆叫做三角形的内切圆,内切圆的圆心叫做三角形的内心.当场支付,现金支付1 Can you lend me some money? Ill pay you/it back tomorrow. 你能借给我一些钱吗?我明

40、天还你。和三角形各边都相切的圆叫做三角形的内切圆,内切圆的圆心叫做三角形的内心.2 He swore hed pay her back for all shed done to him. 他发誓他要为她所做的一切报复她。3 We should be able to pay off the debt within two years. 我们应该两年内能还清债务。(3)三角形的外心的性质:三角形外心到三顶点的距离相等.4 All her hard work paid off in the end, and she finally passed the exam. 她所有的(答疑qq 3299508

41、85)努力最后都得到了回报,她终于通过了网搜语法通霸考试。6. 【2012安徽】The athletes years of hard training _ when she finally won the Olympic gold medal.A. went on B. got throughC. paid off D. ended up 176.186.24期末总复习7. 【2013新课标】The watch was very good, and he _ 20 percent down for it.A. paid B. cost C. bought D. spent考点3. pick相关

42、短语|a|的越大,抛物线的开口程度越小,越靠近对称轴y轴,y随x增长(或下降)速度越快;pick up捡起,拿起0 抛物线与x轴有0个交点(无交点);去拿某物,去接某人圆内接四边形的性质: 圆内接四边形的对角互补;中途搭载乘客4、根据学生的知识缺漏,有目的、有计划地进行补缺补漏。(在实践中)学得(语言习惯等)买(便宜货),用较少的钱买到见到、听到、闻到(微弱光、声音、气味)(无线电)接收到(信号)(中断后)重新开始,继续跌倒后站(爬)起来increase or improve 增加、改善:(风)变大,(车)提速,(生意生产天气健康等)好转 有起色等pick out(从众多人、物中)辨认出;挑选1 I went to pick up the phone/receiver, but it had stopped ringing.我去想拿起电话听筒,但它已停止响了。 2 When youre in town, could you pick up the books I ordered? 当你在(答疑qq 329950885)镇上的时候,请把我订购的书拿回来好吗?3 Whose turn is it to pick the children up after school


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