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1、苏州五中2017-2018学年第二学期期中调研测试高一英语2018.04第一部分 听力:(共两节,20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What will the woman do after the conversation?A. Go to a supermarket.B. Go home with the man.C. Continue working.2. Where do the spe

2、akers most probably live?A. In the country. B. In the town. C. In the city.3. Whats the mans plan for the weekend?A. To join the woman for an outing.B. To relax the whole weekend.C. To work on his school paper.4. What do we know about the man?A. He has a locker at school.B. He dislikes school life.C

3、. He doesnt study hard.5. What do we know about the business hours?A. 8:30 am to 4:00 pm on workdays.B. 8:30 am to 3:30 pm on Saturday.C. 9:00 am to 3:30 pm on Sunday.第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、

4、7题。6. When did the woman get the shoes?A. Recently. B. Last month. C. Last year.7. Why didnt the woman wear the shoes?A. Because she had too many shoes.B. Because they didnt fit her feet.C. Because she didnt like them.听第7段材料,回答第8、9 题。8. Where are the two speakers?A. At a restaurant. B. At the market

5、. C. At home.9. What does the conversation show about the woman?A. She is careless. B. She is talkative. C. She has a good memory.听第8段材料,回答10至12题。 10. Whats the womans purpose of asking for an iPad?A. To study. B. To read books. C. To play games.11. What is the man worried about?A. The woman cannot

6、find e-books.B. The woman cant take notes by using an iPad.C. The woman cant go over notes easily.12. What will the man do for the woman in the end?A. He will refuse to buy an iPad.B. Hell get an iPad for her.C. Hell buy more notebooks for her.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. What did the mans sister do last s

7、ummer?A. She took a trip.B. She did pet walking.C. She did baby-sitting.14. Why wont the woman do pet-walking?A. Because she has no enough time.B. Because she thinks it is boring.C. Because she doesnt like animals.15. What will the woman do?A. Wash dishes. B. Teach science. C. Baby-sit a kid.16. Who

8、 will the man give a phone call to?A. His cousin. B. His nephew. C. His sister.听第10 段材料,回答第17 至20题。17. Where is the speaker now?A. In Athens. B. In Alabama. C. In New York.18. How large is the speakers country?A. 131,957 square miles.B. 50,949 square kilometers.C. 131,957 square kilometers.19. What

9、does the government of the speakers country think is important?A. Education. B. Language learning. C. Agriculture.20. What does the speaker do at the end of the text?A. He introduces some main products of his country.B. He explains why his country is worth visiting.C. He encourages the listeners to

10、visit his country.第二部分 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. Though having lived abroad for years, many Chinese still_ the traditional customs.A. perform B. possess C. observe D. support22. Parents _ much importance to education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift.A. attach B. p

11、ay C. link D. apply23. To tell you the truth, I would agree with Carol, but not _ .A. entirely B. exactly C. properly D. peacefully24. We should give children the right to voice their opinions _ they are different from our own.A. so B. even though C. unless D. as if25. To get a better grade, you sho

12、uld _ the notes again before the test.A. go over B. get over C. turn over D. take over26. The most universal facial _ is the smile-its function is to show happiness.A. expression B. impression C. scene D. discussion27. I made a promise to myself _ this year, my first year in high school, would be di

13、fferent.A. whether B. what C. that D. how28. -He is eager to try something he has never tried before.-Oh, I see. Thats _ he differs from others.A. when B. where C. how D. what29. -What should we do since we cant make a compromise after lengthy talks?-_ you apologize and take back what youve said_ it

14、 is all over between us.A. Either; or B. Not only; but also C. Neither; nor D. Whether; or30. The university estimates that living expenses for international students _ around $8,450 a year, which _ a burden for some of them.A. are; is B. are; are C. is; are D. is; is31. Under the new policy, anyone

15、 who is found _ in the school building will be fined $60.A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked32. -Is everyone here?-Not yetLook, there _ the rest of our guests!A. come B. comes C. is coming D. are coming33. -Why didnt the audience see the film Gravity in time?-Because it was not until the autho

16、rity approved it _ the cinema could show it.A. when B. that C. since D. before34. A sense of anxiety _ if we were addicted to various social networking applications.A. would have arisen B. has arisen C. will arise D. could arise35. -I will appreciate it if you can forgive Lucy and be friendly to her

17、 as you used to.-_, only if she gives me a sincere apology.A. By all means B. By no meansB. My pleasure D. Its a pleasure第三部分 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下列短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项A, B, C,和D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Show yourselfOn the course of life, the first step of the lead is likely to mean the final victory, so

18、 the success and failure, or 36 and loss of your life may lie in 37 you dare to show yourself or not.As a student, I was most 38 to answer questions in class, and I found that the students around were just like me. At the beginning of each class, when the professor asked a question, I always 39 my h

19、ead, for fear that the professor saw me.In a foreign language class, an expert from the Commercial Bank delivered a lecture. The speaker always wanted 40 to be in communication with him, so he asked how many students in the classroom learned Economics, but no one 41 . The expert said with a smile, “

20、Let me tell you a(n) 42 first.”“When I came to the United States to study, there are often lectures delivered in the 43 . Each time, they invite an expert from Wall Street or a transnational company to make a speech.” “Before the beginning of every lecture, I found a(n) 44 phenomenon(现象). The studen

21、ts around me always took a cardboard folded in half, wrote their 45 with the most eye-catching color, and then placed it on the seat. 46 , when the speaker needed the response, he could see and call a listeners name 47 .”“I couldnt 48 why they did that, so I asked the student in front of me. He told

22、 me with a smile, the speakers are all top-ranking people, who 49 chances. When your answer is to his 50 or surprise, it is very possible that he will give you more 51 . This is a very simple reason.“The fact was also like that. I really saw a few students around me went to 52 in the first class com

23、pany 53 their excellent insights (洞察力). This had a great influence on me. The chance will not find you 54 . You must show yourself constantly to 55 others attention for you to find a chance on the cards.”36. A. winB. beatC. gainD. defeat37. A. howB. whatC. thatD. whether38. A. proudB. readyC. excite

24、dD. afraid39. A. raisedB. shook C. loweredD. nodded40. A. anyoneB. someoneC. everyoneD. no one41. A. replied B. agreedC. reported D. admitted42. A. idea B. fact C. truth D. story43. A. companyB. hospitalC. universityD. business44. A. tenseB. interestingC. attractiveD. dull45. A. addressesB. numbersC

25、. namesD. cards46. A. BesidesB. HoweverC. OtherwiseD. Thus47. A. directly B. loudlyC. firstlyD. rapidly48. A. make forB. make upC. make outD. make sense49. A. presentB. meanC. multiplyD. add50. A. disappointmentB. amusementC. satisfactionD. astonishment51. A. chances B. questionsC. responsesD. jobs5

26、2. A. approveB. employC. manageD. work53. A. in spite ofB. because of C. aside from D. as to54. A. themselvesB. himself C. yourselfD. itself55. A. payB. drawC. focusD. fix第四部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分, 共30分) AOne day, Soapy Smith and I visited a shelter for badly-treated women located in a deserted section

27、of the city. No one smiled a greeting, and they appeared uninterested in Soapy. One little girl in particular moved like a wisp (纤弱的小东西) in the background. The staff informed me that she had been there for over a month and had not spoken the entire time. Her mother said she had talked at one time bu

28、t not in recent memory. I didnt want to imagine what could have happened to rob this little girl of the natural curiosity and enthusiasm so natural to childhood.Spreading a blanket on the floor, I sat down and put Soapy on the blanket. As the silent child circled past me, I told the group that Soapy

29、 would come to talk to them if they sat on his blanket. Several children did this, including the silent girl. She sat rigidly at the edge of the blanket, legs held stiffly out straight in front of her. She was staring hard at Soapy. It appeared that he kept making eye contact with her. She didnt rea

30、ch out to him or encourage him in any way. Rather she sat tensely, just staring.Finally Soapy came to a stop about two inches from her. He quietly reached out and laid his chin on her knee. I was astonished. While a common behavior for dogs, this is not a behavior exhibited by rabbits, especially no

31、t by this rabbit. The child did not reach out to touch Soapy. Instead, she slowly leaned toward him. When her face was within inches of his, she carefully reached out and circled him with her arms. So softly that no one in the room could hear, she began to talk. Folded around the rabbit, she pillowe

32、d her head on his back and whispered to him. Soapy remained motionless.I looked up and noticed that the shelter workers had stopped talking. Every adult in the room froze in place. Time seemed to have stopped. The little girl reappeared when I was preparing to leave. She reached her hands out and lo

33、oked me directly in the eye. I held Soapy out to her. She wrapped him in a big hug and pressed her face against him. Suspended (悬挂) from my hands as he was, I was concerned that he would begin to struggle. Instead he reached out his head again and laid it on the childs shoulder. His breathing slowed

34、 and he closed his eyes. As quickly as it happened, the little girl released her hug and stepped back. As she turned away, I thought I saw the beginnings of a faint smile.The rabbit in his cloud of soft, warm fur had touched something deep in the child something that had died from too much hard expe

35、rience. Soapys innocence and trust appeared to arouse those very same qualities in the little girl. It seems the language of the heart is simple after all. 56. The little girl didnt speak any word because _. A. she liked staying silent and still B. she had no friends to talk with C. she had too much

36、 hard experience D. the people in the shelter all kept silent 57. What is the correct order of the following events? a. The little girl gave a faint smile. b. Soapy reached out and laid his chin on her knee.c. The little girl carefully reached out and circled him with her arms. d. Soapys breathing s

37、lowed and he closed his eyes. e. The little girl began to whisper to Soapy. A. c; b; e; d; a B. b; c; d; e; a C. b; c; e; d; a D. c; b; d; e; a 58. The authors purpose of writing the passage is to tell us _. A. a moving story about a lonely girl who hasnt talked for years B. to pay more attention to

38、 those children who have been deserted by their parents C. a lot of kind people around us are offering help to those in need D. the heart-to-heart communication between animal and human is powerfulBHow long are you willing to wait for a webpage to open before you start to lose your patience? Half a

39、minute? A few seconds?Google engineers have discovered that even 400 millisecondsas short as the blink of an eyeis too long for most Internet users.A millisecond is one thousandth of a second. People hardly notice such a small time difference, but it does cause them to stop searching, reported The N

40、ew York Times.“Subconsciously, you dont like to wait,” said Arvind Jain, a Google engineer. “Every millisecond matters.”Nowadays, millions of smart-phones and computers are constantly gathering and sending out information. With so many people downloading maps, sports videos, news and restaurant reco

41、mmendations, you can get digital “traffic jams”. Meanwhile, users are expecting faster and faster service.Google found that if one website is 250 milliseconds slower than another website, then people will visit it less often. This is why technology companies are now competing to be the fastest.Googl

42、e said people do expect different things from different websites because they realize not all loading times are the same. For example, a person will be more patient waiting for a video clip to load than for a search result.Even so, four out of five online users will click away if a video takes too l

43、ong to load. This makes it difficult for video websites to choose between the quality of pictures and fast loading times.Pursuing a higher speed has always been part of the history of the Internet.In the 1990s, when the World Wide Web first started to become popular, it was very crowded and slow; pe

44、ople called it the “World Wide Wait”. But engineers managed to fight the problem with new inventions. They laid a lot of fiber optic cables for high-speed transmissions; they improved software so it would work more smoothly; they placed computer servers all around the world to be nearer to users; al

45、l this increased speed.Nowadays we can enjoy much faster Internet. Major search engines such as Google and Microsofts Bing usually find search results in less than a second. But they will need to keep fighting to keep up with the developing demands of Internet users.59. What does the report of The New York Times indicate?A. A millisecond is one thousandth of a second.B. A millisecond has nothing to do with the Internet speed.C. A millisecond really makes a difference to the Internet users.D. 4


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