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1、-精品范文推荐- 关于英语的课件关于英语的课件需要怎么制定才能引起学生们学习英语的兴趣呢?以下是小编为大家精心整理的关于英语的课件,欢迎大家阅读。关于英语的课件一教学目标:a.学生能熟练掌握新单词:Santa Claus, Christmas tree,card,stocking, present, bell.b.学生可正确理解运用句型:Merry Christmas!重点难点:Words:Santa Claus, Christmas tree ;Sentence: Merry Christmas!教学方法:游戏法,小组竞赛法,情境法教具准备:多媒体课件,实物。教学过程:Step One: W

2、arming up(热身活动)A.“One,two, three!” 整顿课堂纪律,热情的师生问候“Good morning!/ Hello!/ Hi!”B. T: 叮咚抢答,引出所学主题:Festivals;S: 认真听老师的问题,积极抢答为自己所在小组得分;C. English song: We wish you a merry Christmas!设置悬念:让学生猜一猜今天老师要带大家欢度什么节日?Step two: Presentation and Practice(呈现新语言知识和练习)A. Learn the new words:(大小声,多少一遍,滚轮子,one by one)S

3、anta Claus, Christmas tree, card,stocking, present, bell.B. 创设情境T:扮演圣诞老人,分发礼物,引导学生打招呼,引出新句型Merry Christmas!S: 认真听圣诞老人的话大声模仿,同圣诞老人用英语打招呼!C.Review:比比看哪组小朋友单词记的最棒!D. 认真看图,叮咚抢答。总结:比比看哪组得分最多给予鼓励!Step Four: Homework(家庭作业)比比看哪个小老师最棒将今天所学单词教给自己的爸爸、妈妈!关于英语的课件二教学目标:1、能听得懂、会说、能拼写单词 bright,发音正确。2、能听懂、会说日常交际用语lo

4、ok at the moon. oh, its bright.3、能运用句型look at the oh, its 对物体进行简单描述。教学重点:1、能听懂、会说日常交际用语look at the moon. oh, its bright.2、能运用句型look at the oh, its 对物体进行简单描述。教学难点:1、能会说、拼写单词 bright,发音正确。2、能运用句型look at the oh, its 对物体进行简单描述。教学准备:1、单词卡片(四线三格);2、课件教学过程:step 1 warm-up1.show a picture (sun, moon, star)t:

5、look at the picture. whats this? /whats that?ss: its the sun/moon/star.t: who can spell the word?ss spell the words.divide them into 3 groups: sun/ moon/ star group. (课堂上进行分组比赛,随时加分)t: take out your paper. please find words and draw lines.t: what can you find in the paper?ss: n.2. say a rhymet: its

6、in the morning now. look at the sun. oh, the sun is (手势)ss: the sun is big.t: its in the evening now. look at the moon. oh, the moon is ss: the moon is nice. (t helps)t: its at night now. look at the star. oh, the star is (手势)ss: the star is small.t: lets say a rhyme.morning, morning, sun, sun, sun.

7、 you are big.evening, evening, moon, moon, moon. you are nice.night, night, star, star, star. you are small.step 2 presentation1. teach: brightt: look at the sun.ss: oh, its big/ yellow/ nicet: yes. and its bright. (单词卡片bright)read the word: bright. /ai/, /ai/, igh; /ai/, /ai/, bright.t: can you rea

8、d these words? ( ppt) night, light, fight, right.t: bright, bright, the bright sun.ss repeat.t: look at the star.ss: oh, its bright. (t helps)ss: bright, bright, the bright star.t: look at the moon.ss: oh, its bright.ss: bright, bright, the bright moon.2. t: look at the sky. what can you see? (光盘,到对

9、话前暂停)ss:t: (继续)listen carefully, then ill ask some of you to act it. .(解释)3. read the dialogue after the tape.4. act the dialogue.step 3 practice1.t: now look at the sun. its big/ red/yellow/nicelook at the theyre板书 (结合上节课对eyes、ears、hands,本课继续拓展一些水果类单词的复数,尝试让有能力的学生说说:look at the s. they are nice!)2.

10、 ss use the objects to practice in pairs.3. 学生进行表演step 4sing a song:sally, go round the sunstep 5 consolidationt: lets do some exercises.exercise 1: read the words and sentences.1. the big apple the red sun look at the cat.2. the big mouth the bright moon oh, its small.3. the yellow bananathe small

11、star my book is nice.exercise 2: choose.1. _ at the moon! a. book b. look2. the sun is _ . the star is _ . a. small b. big3. good evening. look at the _ . a. sun b. moonexercise 3: translation.1.look at the sun! oh, its bright.2.the moon is big and bright.3.good night, star.板书设计:unit 3 look at the moonlook at the moon!sun moon staroh, its bright.


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