五年级下册英语课件-Unit 6 Work quietly! Part B|人教PEP .ppt

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1、Unit 6Work quietly!Part BLets learn & Write and say,学习目标,1.能够听、说、读、写词组:keep to the right,keep your desk clean,talk quietly,take turns。2.能够听、说、认读单词:show,anything,else,exhibition, sushi,Canadian,Spanish。3.能够听懂、会说句型“Shh.Talk quietly.”“Keep your desk clean.”,并能在实际情景中灵活运用。4.能理解和朗读Read and write中的课文并完成相应练

2、习。,重点句子:Keep to the right.Keep your desk clean. Talk quietly.Take turns.,学习重点,温故知新,我能选择最佳答案。()1.What are doing? Theyre eating lunch. A.itB.youC.they()2.What the students doing? A.is B.am C.are,B,C,()3.Whats the little monkey doing? Its playing with mother. A.it B.its C.its()4.Do you see any elephant

3、s? ! Look! The elephant is drinking water. A.Yes B.No C.Not,B,A,1.仔细观察课本第62页上面的三幅标示图,小组讨论它们各自 代表的含义,一般用在哪些地方。可以用汉语说出来。2.听Lets learn的录音,跟读三幅标示图下面的三个句子:,合作学习,Keep to the right.Keep your desk clean.Talk quietly.3.小组内自由读句子,然后大声读给其他组员听。4.听录音,跟读Lets learn中的对话,然后小组讨论,创设情 境,组成新的对话。,1.和你的小组成员读一读这些句子,讨论这些句子的含

4、义。2.连线。组内核对答案。3.仿照Zoom和Zip的对话,和你的同学说说这些句子。,温故知新,看一看,写一写。我会根据图片补全短语。 doing exercises a book,morning,reading,to music English class,listening,having,1.组内讨论课本第61页 Lets try中两幅警示牌的含义。一 起读一读警示牌右边的两个句子。2.仔细听录音,圈出与录音相符的图片。,合作学习,1.听Lets talk部分的录音,然后跟读。2.小组内自由朗读。3.仔细阅读课文,小组内讨论并翻译下列句子。(1)Who can show Tom the E

5、nglish books? _(2)Anything else? _(3)Keep your desk clean. _,谁能给汤姆拿英语书?,还有其他的(要求)吗?,让你的桌面保持清洁。,温故知新,一、我能给下列单词找到正确的领队。1.ating(e a i) 2.eading(t r l) 3.istening(l p x)4.ake(p r t)5.aving(h l p)6.eep(o p k)7.alk(a t c)8.anadian (C B R)二、我能选择最佳答案。()1.! Lily is doing morning exercises. A.Look B.See C.Wat

6、ch,e,r,l,t,h,k,t,C,A,()2.What is Amy doing? Oh, . A.she is play chess. B.she is eating lunch. C.she eating lunch.()3.Are they listening to music? . A.Yes,they arent. B.No,they are. C.Yes,they are.()4.What is Mike doing? He talking with his mother. A.is B.are C.am,B,C,A,1.自由读课文,根据课文内容,给下列机器人和它们所做的事情 配对。,合作学习,2.根据课文内容,完成课本第63页的练习。3.小组成员一起读一读这五个句子,并派代表读出本组的答案。,1.Listen and tick.(1)观察课本64页中的六幅图,仿照例句说说图中的人在干什么。 例:Grandpa is listening to music.(2)听录音,完成课本第64页的Listen and tick.。2.Listen again and write. 再听一遍录音,回答课本上的两个问题,把答案写在横线上。比一比谁写得又准确又漂亮!,仔细观察课本64页Lets wrap it up的图片,完成课本上的练习。,


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