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1、.二、核心短语sixteen-year-olds = sixteen-year-old teenagersallow doing/sb to do sb be allowed to do get/have sth done serious enough be serious about drivers license instead of need to do/doing stay up be strict with sb in sth concentrate on the other day at present have an opportunity to do=have a chance

2、 of doinglook good on sb=suit sb fine at least 8 hours sleep have Friday afernoon offtake/fail a test make my own decision get in the way of schoolwork on the school running team want to be a professional athletecare about care for/take care of millions of dollars two million dollarswhatif introduce

3、towithout permission plenty of friends/water a number of friends an amount of water would ratherthan prefer torather than preferto let down come up with/think ofcome out by accident/mistake fall downstairs hide medicine from childrenput the burned area under cold running water三、基础语法1.情态动词(should等)+b

4、e+及物动词过去分词:should be allowed to do2.should+动词原形表建议四、交际用语(功能及目标语言)1.谈论允许和不允许做的事情:I think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive./Thirteen-year-olds should not allowed to have part-time jobs./Do you think?2.表达赞同和不赞同:I agree. I dont agree. I disagree.3.提出建议和忠告:If I were you, Id/Youd better/I thin

5、k you should /Why not/ Why dont you93-It_(似乎)that its going to rain. 94-I often learn English_.(通过广播) 95-Guangzhou is in the_(南方)part of China四、练习:1执照、许可_2研究、学习_3经历_4回答_ _5成员、会员_6机会_ _7设计、构思_8愚蠢的_9完成、实现_10架子_11重要性_12医学的_ _13充足_14圈子_15成功(v)_16成功(n)_17成功的_18要点、论点_19拒绝_20膝盖_21提供_22深的_23遮盖_24其余_25知识_26有

6、见识的_27烧坏_28赛跑_29有帮助的_30正确的_31在楼下_32自信的_33调查_34服从_35目前_36有活力的_37准确的、纠正_38对待_39fairly _40pain_ 41shelf(复)42represent_43aid_44first-aid_45bother_46million47realistic_48permit_49permission_50mess_51volunteer_52local_53concentrate_54earring_55piece_58newsletter_59reply_60achieve_61tie62hurt_ 63lay_64lie1

7、.说谎_2.躺_65hang1.绞死_2.吊、挂_66与.处_67一点也不_ _68如果.将会怎样_69担心、关心_70挡道_71使.失望_72提出、想出(主意等)_73出版、发表_74全神贯注于_75不睡觉_76代替、而不是_77几天前_78对.是严肃认真的_79在.方面对.严格要求_80考试不及格_81宁可做.而不做_.82与.比起来更喜欢做_.83请一段时间假_84 对.有信心_ _84-Dont try to anything from me, Mary.-I know nothing about it, Mum. I was sleeping there A.hear B.cheat

8、 C.get D.hide85-Why do you get up so early in the moring, Tarcy. - I generally make it a _to be up by 7:00 to read English. A.plan B.wish C.secret D.rule86-Hi,Tom.Your new flat is so nice! -Thanks,_.A. dont mention it. B. my pleasure. C. help yourself. D make yourself at home.87-Would you like to go

9、 to the concert with me tonight? -Id love to,but_of us couple has tickets. A.both B.all C.neither D.none.88-I think science is more useful than art.- I disagree.I think art is_science. A. not so useful as B. less useful than C. the most useful of D. as useful as89-I thought you had_English._ No .It has been useful in my work. A. studied B. failed C. passed D .dropped 90-The weather changes with the_(季节)change. 91-I sent him a post card, but he said he_(没收到)it yet. 92-We were all very_(失望)after he told us it. :


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