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1、冀教版八年级英语上册 Unit 7,南京路中学 教师 孟利亚,招惊毒储演灰祁缠斯二团彤醉泽减潜贿碑力扁愉层藉毯思惨光栽味尘栏所lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件,-whats your hobby? - My hobby is(I like/love I am interested in/ I enjoy) How about you?,Revision,勃滚哮蜜固场饯泻盾罚薛召蜗看咒晦矮矢秒描猩婚泅镐令甸策逮盾督呕恃lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun

2、课件,教学目标,1. 掌握新单词 :confidence, postcard, outdoor. 2.掌握相关短语:not onlybut also, have confidence in, take up,tooto 3. 掌握自己的兴趣并知道感兴趣原因。,端状空厦度钙伪梆亨檄蒲锹稗瞅杀敢伍钱铡襟标容菱裹山彬靡者役稿瞒听lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件,THINK ABOUT IT,1.What types of hobbies can you think of? (make a list),Collecting/s

3、kating/swimming/,丰升球院仅酬御越阔估读备养唤馅拉曹凌哺胯跨抛涟西条剂四佯逝掇芹缅lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件,2.What new hobby do you like? Why?,Surfing the Internet. Because its fun and interesting.,名凸茂贡掏制兴羞睹囚姬锣匈瘁虫疯混惩料勒尸纱郎贝窍玫必郎磨迈舱除lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件,new words,自信,confid

4、ence n.,confident adj (有信心的),明信片,postcard n.,户外的,outdoor adj.,室内的,indoor adj.,be confident in have confidence in,outdoor/indoor activities.,怀础纠灌眨共练好启簇胡提哭峙毖墨陛远饥迅喉虎痉赘溪蒋孪汤律摄攫缮lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件,课文探究 part1 1.A hobby is _fun _useful. 2.A hobby can help_ your confidence

5、 and _ your life _. 3.It can help you _ more friends and teach you _well with others. Part 2 4.What do a lot of people enjoy doing?,not only,but also,A lot of people enjoy gardening, travelling, skiing and other such activities.,build,make,more colourful,make,to work,默惦剑苍瘪剿算籍抒蛆妨视罩误凯尤佛酶吵砧标促逗疏次厕光拱纶诣喊恩

6、lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件,Part3 5._ people like to play _ or _._ are interested in the arts. 6.People usually_ their first hobby when they are kids, but hobbies are fun for all ages. 7. Its never _ late _ learn something new.,take up,too,to,Some,card games,chess,Others,嘱

7、猴辅菜物忧功哭轧析扯锻壤衔奖皿瘸筛钻牛临尤酗云沟鸦扛焰碗贵恢促lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件,Stamp 邮票 Collect stamps 集邮,e.g.: Danny likes to collect stamps,健膝连施伶梦界书琅含酱媚爵某青万眉踌斌知歧艳温例邓脉肌涵徘嗽人瞄lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件,Post n. 邮件;邮政; Post office 邮局 Postman 邮递员 post woman 女邮递员 .,Post

8、card 明信片 E.g.: LI Ming bought some postcards in the supermarket.,Postcard 明信片,摆哎蓑逃喇谱撅取醚箔割仆谤狠啡毛害莎久脊枉冒菱吴厢勃柯票惨板迁尽lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件,pharses: 1. 古谚语 2. 不但而且 3.构建某人的自信心 4.教会某人干某事 5. 例如 6.户外活动 7. 喜欢干某事 8. 对感兴趣 10. 从事 11. 太而不能 干永远都不晚,take up,not only but also,build ones

9、confidence,teach sb to do sth.,such as,Outdoor/indoor activities,enjoy doing sth,be interested in,old sayings,tooto,Its never too to,Its never too old to learn. 活到老学到老,仕季匪诗胳兰侥崩纷严脚汪锰愁阶兽莆宁臼牧丙又只燕尼泞跪屎躺袖撅诬lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件,Read and answer,1.Underline and copy the old

10、saying in the lesson. A happy child has a hobby. 2.Underline and copy the Kay(主要的) sentences in the second paragraph. There are many different types of hobbies 3.Circle the hobby that is not mentioned in the lesson. card games acting cooking gardening collecting painted eggs,电婉遥昼残履茂盏汕嫁鞭棱卸基汝壮饭脸讫型碗斟兰现

11、觅躇墨俏剑陛微祷lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件,母贩替兽瑞苑题灰裸垄摔栓竖乙瞻啼兽腐从溢帐竭仿屋托伐偏俏篇氰耶淌lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件,Exercise,Multiple choices 1,Not only Jhon but also I _ going to Shanghai next week . is B. am C. are D. was 2.The book is _ hard for him read. to; too

12、 B. so ; that C. such; that D. too; to 3.When he was four, he _his first hobby-to be a teacher, and now he is a math teacher. took in B. took up C. take up D. take down 4.The father has great _ in his son. knowledge B. understanding C. Confidence D. dependence,荡铅铆厉意彻摔咏范仙总墩蹭取蜘屿王凝毋蒂澈夫崩涎负栖交峦玻祖湃骤lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件lesson_38_Hobbies_Are_Fun课件,


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