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1、Unit 2 What time do you go to schoolPart 4 Section B(课前)目标预习,自主学习一、单词和短语预习。(一)短语1take a walk 散步 = go for a walk( A )(1)Sam _ with his father every evening.Atakes a walkBtaking a walkCtaking walkDtake a walk(2)我通常在晚饭后散散步。I usually take a walk/go for a walk after dinner .2sometimes = at times 有时( C )(

2、1)Lucy goes shopping _.Asome timesBsometime Csometimes Dsome time(2)里克有时上班迟到。 Sometimes Rick is late for work.3lots of = a lot of 许多( B )(1)There are _ people under the tree.Aa lots ofBlots of Ca lot Dlot of(2)我有许多好朋友。 I have a lot of/lots of good friends.4感官动词:feel; taste; smell; look; sound 后面只能跟形

3、容词。例如:The food tastes good. The food tastes well. You look beautiful. You look beautifully. ( D )(1)The soup tastes so_ that we love to drink it very much.AbadlyBwellCbad Dgood(2)那些花闻起来很香。 Those flowers smell nice.5eitheror 要么要么;或者或者连接两个并列名词、代词或句子成分。( C )(1)You can take either this dress _ that one.

4、 AandBnorCor Dneither(2)你要么下棋或者弹吉他。You can play either chess or the guitar .(3)注意:当eitheror连接两个名词或代词做主语时,谓语动词的时态和数应与最接近的主语一致。例:Either you or I am (be)a student.Either I or you are (be)a student.Either Tom or I do (do)the housework.Either I or Tom does (do)the housework.6be good for表示 “对有益;对有好处”拓展:be

5、 bad for表示 “对有害;对有坏处”( D )(1)Its _ us to go to bed early.Agood atBgood withCgood in Dgood for(2)多吃蔬菜对我们的健康有好处。 Eating more vegetables is good for our health .(二)时间的表达。1整点表达法:钟点数+oclock 译为 “几点”例如:1:00 one oclock; 10:00 ten oclock练一练:(1)2:00 two oclock (2)5:00 five oclock (3)15:00 fifteen oclock (4)22

6、:00 twenty-two oclock2非整点表达法(1)顺读法:“钟点数+分钟数” 译为 “几点几分”例如:7:10 seven ten 1:58 one fifty-eight 练一练: 5:18 five eighteen 9:48 nine forty-eight 19:20 nineteen twenty 12:13 twelve thirteen(2)逆读法:(使用介词 past超出、过 to差)A:不超出30分钟:“分钟数+past+钟点数” 译为 “几点几分”例如:7:10 ten past seven 12:25 twenty-five past twelve练一练: 5

7、:18 eighteen past five 9:22 twenty-two past nine 19:20 twenty past nineteen 12:13 thirteen past twelveB:超出30分钟:(60-原分钟数)+to+(原钟点数+1)译为“差几分就几点”例如:9:48 twelve to ten 差12分就10点(60-48= 12分,9+1= 10点)1:58 two to two 差2分就2点(60-58=2分,1+1= 2点)练一练: 7:38 twenty-two to eight 6:43 seventeen to seven 14:50 ten to

8、fifteen 16:35 twenty-five to seventeen3特殊表达法(使用名词 quarter 一刻钟 half 一半)(1)15分钟:a quarter past; a quarter to例如:4:15 a quarter past four 11:45 a quarter to twelve练一练: 17:15 a quarter past seventeen 3:15 a quarter past three 6:45 a quarter to seven 13:45 a quarter to fourteen(2)30分钟:half past例如:9:30 hal

9、f past nine 13:30 half past thirteen练一练: 4:30 half past four 17:30 half past seventeen 9:30 half past nine 21:30 half past twenty-one好了,看完以上的巧记,同学们是否有所收获呢?最后再告诉同学们一个口诀:时间顺读时后分,逆读法分后时。三十以内past连,三十以后to中间。分用六十减放前,时后加一不能欠。二、Section B(1a1d)句型学习。1你通常什么时候起床? When do you usually get up?2你几点吃早餐?What time do

10、you eat breakfast?3我通常在离八点还有一刻钟就去上学。I usually go to school at a quarter to eight.4我大约五点半做作业。 I do my homework at about five thirty.5他们通常在晚上距离七点还有一刻钟的时候吃晚餐。They usually have dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening.三、Section B2b篇章理解预习。(一)预习课文内容,完成下列各句。 1Tony usually gets up at eight . 2Tony usuall

11、y has hamburgers for lunch. 3Tony is Marys brother . 4Mary eats a good breakfast after taking a shower. 5Mary sometimes does sports like playing volleyball . (二)预习课文并选择正确的答案。( C )1According to the passage, how many students are mentioned(提到)in the passage?A3B4C2D1( D )2How long does it take Tony to

12、play basketball?A2 hours.BOne and a half hours.COne hour. DHalf an hour.( B )3Whats the phrase “eitheror”mean?A一个另一个B或者或者C既不也不D不但而且( D )4Which sentence is TRUE?ATony never eats junk food.BMary doesnt like ice-cream.CMary goes to bed before nine.DTony often has a quick breakfast.( A )5In your opinion

13、, who is healthier?AMary. BTony. CBothDneither四、Section B2b篇章短语归纳。1品尝起来很好 taste very good 2散步 take a walk 3有许多时间吃早餐have much time for breakfast 4做作业 do ones homework 5有时 sometimes 6打半小时篮球 play basketball for half an hour 7到家 get home 8要么要么 eitheror 9洗澡 take a shower 10许多水果和蔬菜 lots of fruit and veget

14、ables 五、完形填空。It is Saturday morning.We dont go to 1 . Lily and Lucy go to 2 Uncle Wang this morning.The old 3 house is near the river.They can see some boats on the river. Uncle Wang is glad to meet the two girls. He gives 4 some apples and pears. Now he is making kites 5 Lily and Lucy. His kites ar

15、e good and the 6 like them. Lily and Lucy like 7 kites. Look, the kites are high in the sky now 8 theyre very happy. They 9 Uncle Wang and go 10 with the kites.( A )1AschoolBthe schoolChomeDclassroom( C )2AlookBhearCseeDread( B )3AmensBmansCmansDmens( D )4AtheyBtheirCtheirsDthem( C )5AinBonCforDto( B )6AchildsBchildrenCchildDLucy( C )7AfliesBflysCflyingDfly( A )8AandBbutCorDafter( D )9AwantBgiveCaskDthank( C )10Ato houseBto homeChomeDhouse5


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