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1、Unit 2 What time do you go to schoolPart 6 Self Check自我检测,综合提升一、读音标,写单词。1 /dres/ /a(r)/juuli/ dress shower usually 2 /tu/ /nev(r)/klk/ tooth never oclock 3 /test/ /a(r)/ekssaz/ taste either exercise 4 /best/ /smtamz/kw(r)t(r)/ best sometimes quarter 5 /pst/(r)li/hmw(r)k/ past early homework 二、单元语法过关

2、。 ( B )1Jim has _ interesting job.AaBanCtheD/( C )2Linda usually has lunch _ 12:00Afor BinCat Dto( D )3_ do you get up? At 6:30AHow BWhatCWhy DWhen( B )4Does Tina always play chess with you? Yes, but _ he plays it with Frank.AalwaysBsometimes Cusually Dnever( C )5As for “11:45”, we can say “_”.Afort

3、y-five elevenBthree quarters to twelve Ca quarter to twelveDa quarter past twelve ( A )6Sam doesnt like swimming. I dont like it, _.Aeither Balso Ctoo Das well( A )7We shouldnt be late for class, so we must run _. Aquickly BwellCgood Dquick( C )8What does Tim usually do after dinner? He usually _.Am

4、akes friends Bgets dressed Ctakes a walk Dgets up( D )9What do you think of these two skirts? They dont fit me well. They are _ too long _ too short.Aboth; and Bneither; norCnot only; but also Deither; or( A )10We go to school early, so we dont have much time _ breakfast.AforBinCby Dto三、配对阅读专练。左栏是对五

5、个人的情况介绍,右栏是七个广告,请将这五个人与他们感兴趣的广告配对,并将答案的字母编号填写在题前括号内。( D )1My father likes sports. His favorite sports are mountain climbing and fishing.( A )2My mother likes to learn something about cooking good food and soup.( C )3My sister is 20, and she likes listening to music and wearing beautiful clothes.( F

6、)4My grandpa usually has nothing to do in the evening and he likes watching operas(歌剧)very much.( G )5My little brother is 5 years old. He thinks monkeys and pandas are interesting.AFamily Cooking: on ATV at 9:00 in the morning.BInsect World(昆虫世界):can be seen on CCTV-1 at 5 p.m. every Monday.CMusic

7、and Fashion(时装):at 9:00 every Saturday evening. You can see beautiful clothes and listen to music at the same time.DSports Channel(频道)on GDTV:introduces(介绍)many sports at 11:00 p.m. such as fishing, swimming, boating and mountain climbing.EOpera Special(歌剧特约):on show from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on w

8、eekends. FGarden for Opera Fans(歌剧粉丝乐园):on Guangzhou TV, 9:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.GAnimal World: on show for 45 minutes on Nanfang TV at 8:00 p.m. every evening.四、短文填空。 I am Peter. I am 13 years old. I am a 1 in No. 1 Middle School. I am in 2 5, Grade 7I have a good friend. His 3 is Jack. Jack us

9、ually 4 up at seven. He often exercises. It helps him 5 in good health. He exercises 6 a quarter past seven to half past seven. Then he 7 his teeth and has breakfast. He goes to school at eight oclock. He has 8 at twelve oclock. He gets home from school at 16:30 and 9 his homework. He has dinner at

10、six. He loves vegetables and eats them three 10 a week. And he usually drinks milk. He goes to bed at nine thirty in the evening. 1 student 2 Class 3 name 4 gets 5 keep6 from 7 brushes 8 lunch 9 does 10 times五、读写综合。A信息归纳。My name is Dave Clark. I am from Australia. I study in Guangzhou. I do well in

11、swimming. I like playing the guitar very much. Every morning I get up at 6:30Then I quickly get dressed and brush my teeth at 6:45After having breakfast, I always go to school by bus. My home is between the park and my school. Its 15 kilometers from my home to school. I have 7 classes in the school.

12、 I am good at English and art. I like drawing very much. But I dont like math at all, because its too difficult. I like going swimming with my friends after school. Its very relaxing. I get home at 18:00Then I need to do my homework first. I go to bed before 22:00On weekends, I need to do the dishes

13、 and make the bed. Information CardThe country Dave comes from1AustraliaThe time Dave brushes his teeth26:45The distance between Daves home and school315 kilometersThe subject Dave doesnt like4MathThe housework Dave needs to do5Do the dishes and make the bedB书面表达请介绍一下你和你的家人的业余爱好,以及通常周末是怎样度过的。作文要求:1不

14、能照抄原文,不得出现真实的人名和学校名字。2语句连贯,词数75左右。写作方法指导与操练一、写什么细审题,列要点1首先可以简单地介绍自己的家庭成员情况。(例如人口,各自的职业等等,需要用一般现在时。)2其次谈谈家人的爱好和周末活动。(注意使用一般现在时。)3最后小结对家人的热爱。二、怎么写遣词句,重结构 第一点:首先可以简单地介绍自己的家庭成员情况。(例如人口,各自的职业等等)这是我的家庭。 This is . 我家有四口人。 There are .他们是我的爸爸、妈妈、姐姐和我。 They are .我的爸爸和妈妈两个都是医生。 .第二点: 其次谈谈家人的爱好和周末活动。(描述爱好和周末活动,

15、可使用一般现在时。主要短语:climb the mountains;stay at home;watch TV;read books or play cards; have a good time等等。 )我们都喜欢爬山。We all like .在周末,我们通常去爬山。 On weekends, .当下雨的时候,我们就待在家里,看电视、读书或打牌。 When it rains, .我们通常玩得很开心。We usually .结尾:最后小结对家人的热爱。我有一个幸福的家庭。.我爱我的家人。.This is my family. There are four people in my famil

16、y. They are my father, mother, sister and I. Both my father and my mother are doctors. We all like climbing the mountains. On weekends, we usually climb the mountains. When it rains, we stay at home, watch TV, read books or play cards. We usually have a good time. I have a happy family. And I love my family.【我的完整作品书写美观,可适当发挥】_5


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