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1、山西省太原市第五中学 2017-20182017-2018 学年高一英语下学期 5 5 月月考试 II. 完形填空 (共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空 题 白处的最佳选项。 My mother did quite a fine job loving me, guiding me and leading me to be an I. 单项选择 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10分) excellent young man. She taught me to love all people a

2、round me and always reminded 从下面各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 me of _11_ special I was and my splendid future as a great leader one day. 1. One of the easiest ways to _ your child about life is life quotes (格言). I believed her. But she died when I was 14 and I was left to _12_ the world arou

3、nd me on A. educate B. exchange C. experience D. forecast 2. Throughout World War II, it became necessary for most homes _ their waste, my own. So I had to be _13_ for getting myself up and going to school. I spent most of high school _14_ time from one friends house to another. My condition which a

4、llowed people to make the most of what was available to them. did not _15_ me from finally getting into college, and I spent my first year A. recycle B. to recycle C. recycling D. recycled at Iowa State University. _16_, I was not ready for college. I ended up back 3. We have to think of ways to _ o

5、ur expenses or increase our earnings. in Chicago, having left school with no job and no bright future. I was _17_. I pretty much wandered around for several months without thinking about my A. pick up B. put out C. cut down D. give out 4. How _ he looks in his new suit with a nice tie! future. I _18

6、_ thought about how sad I felt and how much of a _19_ I had become. I started spending more time just _20_ around. One day I walked out A. much better B. very better C. more better D. much good in the cold air. My legs felt _21_ they were tied to a ball and chain. I labored 5. The boss of the compan

7、y is trying to create an easy _ where his employees with every single step. “This _22_ be my life,” I announced to myself. I enjoy their work. closed my eyes and _23_ praying. My whole world soon became dark and I had A. development B. process C. entertainment D. atmosphere a moment of clarity (清晰).

8、 I saw my _24_ life unfold (展开) in an instant. 6. The people, all of whose homes _ by the flood, were given help by the Red My first vision _25_ the path I was on. The second vision consisted of taking Cross. another path. I saw my wife, my children, my struggles, my success, everything. A. have dam

9、aged B. had been damaged C. was damaged D. had damaged Most importantly, I saw the _26_ my mother had for me to become someone _27_. At that very moment, I believed her again, and my life was never the same. 7. As the cars rely on software, people are _ about how safe they are. A. concerned B. unfor

10、tunate C. terrified D. active I found a mentor (导师) _28_ helped me into Roosevelt University. He even helped me to get financial aid and a dormitory room. That term I earned all As. 8. It is never a good idea to exercise too close to bedtime, _ regular exercise I graduated three years later with two

11、 degrees (双学位). Soon, I went to law school, is very important. became a _29_, and started a family. A. if B. now that C. when D. although 9. I was informed that I _ our Student Unions next minister of health. A. am becoming B. would become C. has become D. had became 10. The sick old man does nothin

12、g _ stare at the ceiling all day long. A. and B. or C. but D. so It is the love, attention, and support of a parent that can make a broken man cheer up and let me _30_ everything I have today. 11. A. how B. what C. very D. even 12. A. take out B. figure out C. put out D. give out 13. A. responsible

13、B. sorry C. nervous D. busy 14. A. to kill B. killed C. killing D. to killing 15. A. let B. make C. permit D. stop 16. A. Unfortunately B. Moreover C. Still D. Besides 1 17. A. lucky B. lost C. excited D. free the healing room was truly effective for me to get rid of my stress from weekdays,” 18. A.

14、 likely B. hardly C. mostly D. rarely said Kim Eun-kyum, a 24-year-old officer. 19. A. loser B. winner C. learner D. beginner Some have described Mr. Healing and other similar relaxation cafes in South 20. A. doing B. working C. studying D. hanging Korea as simple fashions, but there are also those

15、who see them as a business model 21. A. even if B. whether C. as if D. though in the long term, because they offer a service that Koreans really need. 22. A. cant B. mustnt C. have to D. ought to 31. What is the third paragraph mainly about? 23. A. stopped B. started C. set D. got A. The price of ea

16、ch session. B. Ways of doing stretches. 24. A. happy B. entire C. past D. exhausted C. Varieties of energy drinks. D. The process of their service. 25. A. symbolized B. made up C. shown D. consisted of 32. According to Kims words, we know that _. 26. A. sadness B. sufferings C. career D. expectation

17、s A. he benefits from Mr. Healing 27. A. intelligent B. special C. handsome D. rich B. the young in Korea feel stressed 28. A. whom B. whose C. who D. which C. he plans to give up his tiring job 29. A. doctor B. driver C. lawyer D. barber D. he has no time to entertain himself 30. A. buy B. give C.

18、overcome D. obtain 33. What can we infer from the last paragraph? A. Mr. Healing aims to deal with mental problems. III. 阅读理解 (共两节;满分 30 分) B. Mr. Healing is a symbol of Koreans life. 第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项 (共 10小 C. Mr. Healing can hardly bring great profits. 题;每小题 2 分,满分 20分) D. Mr.

19、 Healing starts a new direction. A People usually visit cafes to keep themselves from falling asleep, but Mr. B Healing, a popular cafe chain in South Korea, helps customers reduce their stress The forests in the eastern Zimbabwe supply the country with food and most of by letting them order a drink

20、, lie on a comfortable chair and take a break. its fresh fruit. But the decrease of trees and use of fire to clear land have caused Many Koreans suffer from a lack of sleep as a result of overworking, so any a lot of damage to the area. Officials say Zimbabwe lost more than 1.5 million opportunity t

21、o relax and even take a short break is greatly appreciated. Mr. hectares of forest in 2016. This is mostly because of local communities cutting Healing is the perfect place to go when youre on a short work or school break the trees for firewood or setting fires in forested areas to make hunting easi

22、er. and you need to catch up on sleep. The cafe offers a relaxing massage (按摩) in But now a non-profit group, called Environment Africa, is trying to improve various ways, depending on how much time you have and how you choose to spend it. the situation. Environment Africa is teaching farmers to rai

23、se bees. The group The 20-minute session (一段时间) is priced at $3.5, the 30-minute massage is working in the Mutasa district, near the countrys border with Mozambique. costs $7, and the 50-minute session is $9, all of which also include a drink. Once And it has already helped about 1,500 farmers. you

24、make your choice, you are taken to the “healing center”. You are asked to Benjamin Chatambura is one such farmer. He has set up about 250 beehives (蜂箱) take off your shoes as well as any jewelry that might damage the chairs, after near his home. He sells the honey the bees produce and uses the money

25、 to feed his which you can choose a massage mode, from “stretch (舒展)” to “sleep”. You family. He likes having bees on his land because the insects help him and the forest. can start with a stretch for a few minutes, and then switch to sleep if you want “The trees provide us with flowers,” he says. “

26、That is the food for the bees to take a short break. After the relaxing session comes to an end, you are taken to produce the honey. If there were a way, I would like more land to plant more back to the cafe area to enjoy a coffee. different types of trees.” “I have to sit on a chair and stare at th

27、e computer all day due to my job; 2 Lawrence Nyagwande is with Environment Africa. He says some farmers are outbreak has proved the fungus could stand more distant travel than previously earning as much as $1,000 a month from selling honey. The average government worker known. in Zimbabwe earns just

28、 about $500 a month. Many other diseases also influence the tree. These difficulties make cacaos Nyagwande says, “beekeeping is helping improve the countrys forests. Now ever less appealing to producers. Yet demand for chocolate is rising. A chocolate if you look around, the forest in Mutasa is impr

29、oving because people are also shortage may arrive soon. working together with the nearby timber (木材) industries to fight the forest That is where Dr. Phillips-Moras project comes in. The great diversity in fires.” the International Cacao Collection in Turrialba may help avoid the danger. It has This

30、 project has caught the attention of the government. Violet Makoto a collection of 1,235 types of cacao trees. In the 1980s, Dr. Phillips-Mora began represents Zimbabwes Forestry Commission, a government agency that works to to find the most naturally tolerant and productive cacaos, then painstaking

31、ly protect forests. She says the commission hopes local people will take up beekeeping hybridized (杂交) the candidates to create new varieties. It is a long process. and end the use of fire to clear land. Finally in 2006, Dr. Phillips-Mora produced his first group of hybrid cacao 34. What does Enviro

32、nment Africa do to save the forests? varieties. Unlike other modern efforts to increase output, Dr. Phillips-Moras A. Assist local farmers to sell honey at a high price. program regards fine mouthfeels as the first consideration. New varieties that B. Help farmers make a living through beekeeping. d

33、ont impress consumers are thrown away. C. Plant more different types of trees with farmers. D. Join the farmers in fighting fires in the forests. 37. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “exacerbated”? 35. What can we learn from Paragraph 4? A. Improved. B. Worsened. C. Handled. D.

34、 Tested. A. Trees are important to bees. B. Beekeepers income is large. 38. How is the outbreak in Jamaica special? C. Timber industries are harmful. D. Forest loss is becoming worse. A. It happened unexpectedly. 36. What is the governments attitude towards the project? B. It has the fastest speed o

35、f spread. A. Passive. B. Doubtful. C. Indifferent. D. Supportive. C. It brought about the heaviest loss. D. It shows the funguss survival ability. C 39. What does Dr. Phillips-Mora value most about the new varieties? As is well known, cacaos seeds provide something loved by billions: A. Taste qualit

36、y. B. Potential profit. chocolate. Like other crops, cacaos are under constant threat from diseases and C. Growing period. D. Environmental influence. environmental challenges. The situation is exacerbated by our tendency to grow 40. What is the best title of the text? only a few varieties with simi

37、lar genetic features (基因特点). “Most varieties A. Fungus the main threat to cacaos. produced worldwide belong to a narrow set of clones selected in the 1940s,” said B. Efforts to preserve the diversity of cacaos. Wilbert Phillips-Mora, a botanist. Therefore, commonly planted varieties of C. Save the w

38、orlds favorite treat chocolate. cacaos are easily affected by the same diseases, which can spread quickly. D. Growing markets make hybrid worthwhile. Cacao production brought wealth to Costa Rica until the late 1970s, when a kind of fungus (真菌) spread around the country, and by 1983 Costa Rican expo

39、rts 第二节 根据短文内容,从短文中的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有 of cacao beans had reduced by 94%. The industry there has never recovered. And 两项为多余选项。(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) though the Costa Rican outbreak is history, the fungus continues to spread. The Many high school students feel that they need to plan their future

40、 before most recent outbreak in Jamaica may have been the result of traders moving between graduation. At that point, the best way to prepare for the process of career Costa Rica and Jamaica, picking infected (感染的) cacao fruit as a snack. That planning is to take some steps to get to know more about

41、 yourself. _41_ 3 Think about what you love.Think about what you love. We will recycle all our garbage so we wont waste our natural resources. What classes have you found especially interesting? What activities keep you In fact, I think that life _54_ (be) much better twenty years from now so absorb

42、ed that you dont even notice how much time has passed by? _42_ because of new scientific discoveries. People will live longer and _55_ Create Create a a self-portrait.self-portrait. (health) lives. I only hope I will still be alive to see the new world! Are you friendly, creative or impatient? Try w

43、riting down a list of 10 qualities to describe your personality. Ask your friends and family to name some V. 短文改错 (共 10 处错误;满分 10分) of your qualities. _43_ Now think about what kind of career fits the person 文中共有 10处错误,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 your list describes. 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 _44_ 删除:

44、把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 Think about some experiences that taught you something about yourself. Choose 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 the one that gave you the greatest sense of satisfaction and write a sentence that 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改 10处,多者(从 11 处起)不 explains why that was so. If you know what makes you

45、happy, you can choose a career 计分。 that will provide those types of experiences. Jack grew up in a poor family and his father couldnt work because of poor Consider your strengths and weaknesses.Consider your strengths and weaknesses. healthy. The family led a hardly life. So he quit school at 14 but

46、 planned to start Make a list of your five top strengths and weaknesses. If youre a good public speaker, explore what types of career call for that skill. _45_ You can his own business. At that time, raw material were not enough and Jack see an keep away from careers that require skills youre not co

47、nfident about. opportunity in used metals. He collected a large number used metals and sold them, A. Recognise valuable experiences. B. Add their suggestions to your list. making a lot of money. At 30, Jack succeeded in earn his first million, with what C. Imagine yourself in different roles. he bui

48、lt a beautiful house for his family. At the last, he sold the house. The D. Because your family know you better than others. E. The advice below can help lead you in the right direction. reason why he sold them was that he lived uncomfortably there. F. List 10 things you love which can help show pos

49、sible paths. G. Your weaknesses can also tell you a lot about where you might go. VI. 书面表达 (满分 15 分) 4 月 22日是世界地球日。请结合实际并以学生会的名义为校报写一篇英语倡议信。 IV. 语法填空 (共 10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容 (1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。 I enjoyed _46_ (read) your article Twenty Years from Now, about life in the future. I was _47_ (especial) interested in the s


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