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1、英国首相卡梅伦新年演讲稿(中英双语) It’s a New Year – and for Britain there can only be one New Year’s resolution新的一年到来了,对英国人民来说我们只有一个新年目标to stick to the long-term plan that is turning our country around.那就是坚持长期计划,让英国走出经济低谷。When we came to office, our economy was on its knees.曾经在我上台的时候,我国的经济几乎处于瘫痪状

2、态。Three and a half years later, we are turning a corner.三年半之后的今天,我们正处在一个转折点。We see it in the businesses that are opening up, the people who are getting decent jobs, the factories that are making British goods and selling them to the world again.企业拓展着新的业务,人们逐渐都找到体面的工作,生产英国产品的工厂恢复其世界市场的销售,这些都能够让我们看到经济

3、转折的趋势。The plan is working.我们的计划起作用了。That’s why this year, 2018, we are not just going to stick to the plan – we are going to re-double our efforts to deliver every part of it, to benefit the whole country and secure a better future for everyone.这就是为什么,在新的一年我们不仅仅要坚持这项计划,我们要付出双倍的努力来实现计划的每一

4、个部分,为整个国家谋福利,为每一位国民创造一个更美好的未来。We’ll continue with the vital work on the deficit.我们将继续重视解决赤字问题。We’ve reduced it by a third already我们已经将赤字问题减少了三分之一and this year we will continue that difficult work, to safeguard our economy for the long-term, to keep mortgage rates low and to help families

5、 across Britain.今年我们将继续进行这项艰难的工作,以保证长期的经济安全,保持低水平的抵押贷款利率,帮助全英国的家庭。We’re going to keep on doing everything possible to help hardworking people feel financially secure我们将继续尽最大努力,帮助勤劳的人们获得财产安全感cutting income taxes and freezing fuel duty.削减收入所得税,冻结燃料税。We’ll keep on working even harder to cre

6、ate more jobs, whether that’s through investment in our roads and railways, lower jobs taxes, or more help for Britain’s amazing small businesses.我们将更加努力,通过各种方式创造更多的工作机会,如进行公路铁路投资、降低工作税收,或者鼓励支持英国出色的小型企业。Those who run our small businesses are heroes and heroines, they are the backbone of

7、our economy and we are supporting them every step of the way.小型企业的运营者是我们的国民英雄,是我国经济的支柱。在小型企业运转的每一步骤,我们都会给予大力支持。We are going to keep on with our vital work on welfare and immigration too.我们也会继续福利和移民方面的重要工作。We’ve already capped welfare and cut immigration我们已经限制福利和移民数量and this year, we’ll c

8、arry on building an economy for people who work hard and play by the rules.今年,我们会继续为那些努力工作、遵守规则的人们创建更好的经济条件。And last but not least – we’re going to keep on delivering the best schools and skills for our children and young people最后,我们将继续为孩子们及年轻人提供最好的学校和技能,这一点至关重要so that when they leave ed

9、ucation they have a real chance to get on in life.这样,在他们结束教育的时候,就能真正拥有开启新生活的机会。So this is a vital year for our economy.总之,今年对我国经济来说是非常重要的一年。And 2018 is also an important date in the history of the United Kingdom.同时2018也是英国历史上一个重要的日期。The referendum vote will be the biggest decision Scotland has ever

10、been asked to make.这一次全民公决将是苏格兰做过的最大的决定。相关阅读:苏格兰发表独立白皮书 2018年9月公投>>>The outcome matters to all of us, wherever we live in the UK.公决的结果对我们每个人来说都很重要,无论我们住在英国的哪里。This is not a vote for the next few years, but a vote that could change our country forever.这次公决不仅会影响接下来几年的发展,而且可能永远改变我们的国家。Our fami

11、ly of nations is at its best when we work together with shared interest and common purpose.我们是一个多民族的大家庭,如果大家齐心协力、利益相通、目标一致,那将是我们最好的时候。So this year, let the message go out from England, Wales and Northern Ireland to everyone in Scotland今年,希望这个消息可以从英格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰传递到苏格兰的每个人耳中we want you to stay – a

12、nd together we can build an even stronger United Kingdom for our children and grandchildren.我们想让你们留下来,为了我们的孩子和子孙后代,一起建立一个更加富强的英国。So that is what our long-term plan is about这就是我们的长期计划重点所在and we will stick to that plan this year.今年我们将坚持这项计划。I’d like to wish everyone a happy New Year – and best wishes for 2018.祝大家新年快乐!2018年,送上我最好的祝愿!


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