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1、语文版初中语文七年级上空城计同步练习及答案空城计同步练习 第一部分: 1(本文选自 ,作者 是 小说家。 2(注意下列字的读音。 司马懿( ) 旌旗( ) 纶巾( ) 笑容可掬( ) (3(与三国演义并称为我国古典四大名著的其他三部为 、 、 。 4(小说的情节一般分为开端、发展、高潮和结局。读课文,用简洁的话概括本文情节发展的四个阶段。 开端: 发展: 高潮: 结局: 5(诸葛亮足智多谋,处变不惊。课文中哪些地方表现了诸葛亮的这些特点, 6(揣摩下面诸葛亮“笑”时的心理。 ?果见孔明坐于城楼之上,笑容可掬,焚香操琴。 ?孔明见魏军远去,抚掌而笑。 ?言讫,拍手大笑,曰:“吾若为司马懿,必不便

2、退也。” 7(诸葛亮使“空城计”的背景有二:一是 ;二是 。 8(你还知道三国演义中哪些故事,请用简洁的话加以概括。(或写出与之相关的成语、典故等) 第二部分: (一) 却说司马懿前军哨到城下,见了如此模样,皆不敢进,急报与司马懿。懿笑而不信,遂along the ridge line on the plane, and nearly vertical slope contour lines, Guan Po changes with the original ground line, with shallow backfill-pipe, single-pipe water supply,

3、the competent 1.4m, long 1063.506m, two asymmetric y pipe, diameter 0.8M, single 10m. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 8 expansion joint. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, placed on soft rock base surface, pipe concrete C20 on a pedestal. Pipe trench excavation slope 1:0.75, aft

4、er the installation of steel tube, compacted gravel backfill material to the surface, and 1:100 slope drainage to gutters. Gutter width 0.5M depth 0.5m,M5 grouted rubble masonry. 9.2 main engineering content this standard pressure pipe and the metal structure installation part main including Yunnan

5、province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (containing annex); II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level pow

6、er station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hol

7、e, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-11-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pi

8、pe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Hydraulic metal structure ma

9、in characteristics table number project name gate, and stopped dirt gate, and door (Gate) slot opening and closing machine track notes hole mouth size (wide x high) (MXM) number (sets) design head (m) supports type type single heavy (t) total heavy (t) type type opening and closing capacity (KN) hea

10、d (trip) (m) number (sets) single heavy 止住三军,自飞马远远望之。果见孔明坐于城楼上,笑容可掬,焚香操琴。左有一童子,手捧宝剑;右有一童子,手执麈尾。城门内外,有二十余百姓,低头洒扫,旁若无人。 懿看毕大疑,便到中军,教后军作前军,前军作后军,望北山路而退。次子司马昭曰:“莫非诸葛亮无军,故作此态,父亲何故便退兵,”懿曰:“亮平生谨慎,不曾弄险。今大开城门,必有埋伏。我兵若进,中其计也。汝辈岂知,宜速退。” 于是两路兵尽皆退去。孔明见魏军远去,抚掌而笑。众官无不骇然,乃问孔明曰:“司马懿乃魏之名将,今统十五万精兵到此,见了丞相,便速退去,何也,”孔明曰:

11、“此人料吾生平谨慎,必不弄险;见如此模样,疑有伏兵,所以退去。吾非行险,盖因不得已而用之。此人必引军投山北小路去也。吾已令兴、苞二人在彼等候。” 众皆惊服曰:“丞相之机,神鬼莫测。若某等之见,必弃城而走矣。”孔明曰:“吾兵止二千五百,若弃城而走,必不能远遁。得不为司马懿所擒乎,”言讫,拍手大笑,曰:“吾若为司马懿,必不便退也。” 9(第一段中“懿笑而不信”,司马懿为什么“笑”, 10(说说司马懿心理变化的过程。 11(司马懿退兵的理由是什么,(用原文回答) 12(诸葛亮之所以敢使空城计,是因为 。 13(诸葛亮为什么不弃城逃走, 14(“得不为司马懿所擒乎,”的意思是 。 15(诸葛亮最后说“

12、吾若为司马懿,必不便退也”,他为什么不退, 16(从诸葛亮使空城计这一招上你得到什么启发,从司马懿中计这一点上你又得到什么启发, (二) 舌头如刀 ?我曾在一个年迈的富人家做过钟点工,每天,除了搞卫生还有半个钟头“陪读”任务。11-pment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist eq

13、uipment and electrical equi.5 t, gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19tructure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt tal sal about 562

14、t (containing annex); II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station mehydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe tot ondarypipe and the metal structure installation part main inc

15、luding Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secnage to gutters. Gutter width 0.5M depth 0.5m,M5 grouted rubble masonry. 9.2 main engineering content this standard pressure .75, after the installation of steel tube, compacted gravel backfill material to the surface, and 1:100 s

16、lope draiend structure of gravity, placed on soft rock base surface, pipe concrete C20 on a pedestal. Pipe trench excavation slope 1:0-r for the closedlish 12 town Pier, 8 expansion joint. Town piepipe water supply, the competent 1.4m, long 1063.506m, two asymmetric y pipe, diameter 0.8M, single 10m

17、. Competent to estab-pipe, single-s, Guan Po changes with the original ground line, with shallow backfillalong the ridge line on the plane, and nearly vertical slope contour linening and closing capacity (KN) head (trip) (m) number (sets) single heavyouth size (wide x high) (MXM) number (sets) desig

18、n head (m) supports type type single heavy (t) total heavy (t) type type oped door (Gate) slot opening and closing machine track notes hole m2 hydropower station Hydraulic metal structure main characteristics table number project name gate, and stopped dirt gate, an-single pipe joint water supply 1.

19、4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1air exposed pipe, -air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-openthe penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock 1 the main ch

20、aracteristics of-3. Table 1- 2 - 一天,我把花瓶与笔筒的位置弄反了,他大发雷霆,骂我笨蛋 ?我忍着近10分钟的恶骂,之所以忍着,是因为我同情他除了骂人的舌头外,已别无利器。等到他要我读一段故事给他听时,我想起了一相台湾朋友讲过的来自南太平洋的见闻所罗门岛上的一些土著,如果树木长得过大,连斧头都砍不下了时,他们就会对着树木集体叫喊,直到树木倒下为止喊叫扼杀了树的精灵。 ?刀棍、石头会打断我们的骨头,尖酸、刻薄、粗鲁的言语,会刺伤我们的心。 ?年迈富有但性格怪癖的老人听完我的故事,不说话了。当我把咖啡送到他面前,准备为他加快糖时,他第一次慈祥地抬起头,说:“不,你已

21、为我加了糖” ?由此,我想起另外一幕:一个幼儿园的老师恨透了一个顽皮捣蛋的男孩,她问全班的小朋友:“他像不像一头笨猪,”天真无邪的孩子们稚声稚气地齐声回答说:“像” ?我想,那个顽皮的小朋友,肯定会一辈子记住这一句恶毒的话,而这也意味着,他心灵所受的伤害,可能伴他一生。 ?舌头是柔软的,但也是刃血的刀,稍有不慎,就会伤人。 17、第一段中“我”挨骂的原因是 。这一原因暗示着 。段末用省略号的作用是 。 18、第二段中“他除了骂人的舌头外,已别无利器”,意思是说 。它暗含着对老人的 之情。 19、第三段中运用的修辞手法是 ,重在表达 之意。 20、第四段写老人的性格由 变为 ,之所以产生这一变化

22、,是因为 。 21、第四段中老人说:“不,你已为我加了糖”是不是表示“我”给老人加了糖,得自己却忘了, 22、第五、六段能否去掉,为什么, 23、最后一段中说:“舌头是柔软的,但也是刃血的刀”,前者是指 的话,后者是指 的话,这一句运用了 和 的修辞手法,说明我们平时说话一定要小心谨慎,注意 。 24、说话是一门艺术,会说话是一种修养,请写出一个能证明这一观点的事实来。 along the ridge line on the plane, and nearly vertical slope contour lines, Guan Po changes with the original gro

23、und line, with shallow backfill-pipe, single-pipe water supply, the competent 1.4m, long 1063.506m, two asymmetric y pipe, diameter 0.8M, single 10m. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 8 expansion joint. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, placed on soft rock base surface, pipe conc

24、rete C20 on a pedestal. Pipe trench excavation slope 1:0.75, after the installation of steel tube, compacted gravel backfill material to the surface, and 1:100 slope drainage to gutters. Gutter width 0.5M depth 0.5m,M5 grouted rubble masonry. 9.2 main engineering content this standard pressure pipe

25、and the metal structure installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (containing annex); II level power

26、 station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power st

27、ation metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-11-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the pe

28、nstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M

29、 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Hydraulic metal structure main characteristics table number project name gate, and stopped dirt gate, and door (Gate) slot opening and closing machine track notes hole mouth size (wide x high) (MXM) number (sets) design head (m) supports type type single heavy (t)

30、 total heavy (t) type type opening and closing capacity (KN) head (trip) (m) number (sets) single heavy 即;(三) 应用题白卷 (4)面积公式:(hc为C边上的高);小城最大的一家外资企业,最近准备招聘一名技术人员,许诺的条件是:月工资5000元,奖金除外,每年还可以到大洋彼岸风光一次。一时间报考者蜂拥而至。 七月流火。树上的叶儿蔫头耷脑。 145.286.3加与减(三)2 P81-83高工坐在闷罐似的考场里,蒸腾的暑气加上燥热的心情,热汗淋漓,面对考题他并不怵,外文、专业技术类考题都答得十

31、分圆满。惟有第二张考卷的两道怪题令他头疼:“你所在的企业或曾任职过的企业经营成功的诀窍是什么,技术秘密是什么,” 这类题对于曾在企业搞过技术的应考者并难。可高工手中的笔却始终高悬着,捏来攥去,迟迟落不下去。多年的职业道德在约束着他:厂里的数百名职工还在惨淡经营,我怎能为了自己的饭碗而砸大家的饭碗呢, 他心中似翻江倒海,毅然挥笔在考卷上写下了四个大字:“? ” 高工拖着沉重的步子向家里挪动着,进门后,妻子一再追问,他才道出了答题的全部苦衷。全家人默默无语。 正当高工连日奔波,另谋职业之际,石破天惊,外商独资企业发来了录用通知。高工技压群雄,白卷夺冠,众议纷纷,成为小城一大新闻。 三角形内心的性质

32、:三角形的内心到三边的距离相等. (三角形的内切圆作法尺规作图)25、文中“七月流火,树上的叶儿蔫头耷脑”属于什么描写,你认为这一描写有何作用, 6.方向角:指北或指南方向线与目标方向线所成的小于90的水平角,叫做方向角。如图4,OA、OB、OC、OD的方向角分别是;北偏东30,南偏东45(东南方向)、南偏西为60,北偏西60。26、高工在考卷上毅然写下了哪四个大字,请联系全文思考。 27、高工在妻子的一再追问下,才道出了答题的苦衷,你知道高工的苦衷是什么,请用文中的原句作答。 弦和直径: 弦:连接圆上任意两点的线段叫做弦。 直径:经过圆心的弦叫做直径。28、这篇小说除了成功运用了多种描写手法

33、之外,在情节安排上有何突出特点, 29、高工最后技压群雄,白卷夺冠,靠的是什么,你从中受到什么教育, -pment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equi.5 t, gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work

34、 door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19tructure about 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt tal sal about 562t (containing annex); II level power station pressure pipe about

35、 733 t (containing annex); level power station mehydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe tot ondarypipe and the metal structure installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yongxing River primary a

36、nd secnage to gutters. Gutter width 0.5M depth 0.5m,M5 grouted rubble masonry. 9.2 main engineering content this standard pressure .75, after the installation of steel tube, compacted gravel backfill material to the surface, and 1:100 slope draiend structure of gravity, placed on soft rock base surf

37、ace, pipe concrete C20 on a pedestal. Pipe trench excavation slope 1:0-r for the closedlish 12 town Pier, 8 expansion joint. Town piepipe water supply, the competent 1.4m, long 1063.506m, two asymmetric y pipe, diameter 0.8M, single 10m. Competent to estab-pipe, single-s, Guan Po changes with the or

38、iginal ground line, with shallow backfillalong the ridge line on the plane, and nearly vertical slope contour linening and closing capacity (KN) head (trip) (m) number (sets) single heavyouth size (wide x high) (MXM) number (sets) design head (m) supports type type single heavy (t) total heavy (t) t

39、ype type oped door (Gate) slot opening and closing machine track notes hole m2 hydropower station Hydraulic metal structure main characteristics table number project name gate, and stopped dirt gate, an-single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1air exposed pipe, -air exposed p

40、ipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-openthe penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hydropower station penstock 1 the main characteristics of-3. Table 1-11- 4 - 空城计答案 1(三国演义、罗贯中、元末明初 2(略 3(

41、水浒传、红楼梦、西游记 4-6(略 7(一是司马懿引大军十五万蜂拥而来;二是孔明身边只剩二千五百军士。 8(略 9(是一种怀疑继而轻蔑的笑,他不相信诸葛亮会冒这么大的险。 10(由笑到疑到撤兵 11(亮平生谨慎,不曾弄险。今大开城门,必有埋伏。 12(此人料吾生平谨慎,必不弄险;见如此模样,疑有伏兵,所以退去。 13(吾兵止二千五百,若弃城而走,必不能远遁。得不为司马懿所擒乎, 14(能不被司马懿擒获吗, 15(略 16(略 17(把花瓶和笔筒的位置弄反了;老人脾气怪癖,我受了委屈;省略了他恶骂的内容。 18(老人除了爱骂人之外,再没有伤害或威胁他人的别的本领了;同情或谅解 19(对比;恶语伤

42、人 20(怪癖;慈祥;“我”讲的故事起了作用。 21(不是,老人是用这种方式委婉表达自己的歉意。 22(不能,这一例子仍是用来证明“恶语伤人”的,它扩充了文章论据,也使文章的结尾成为一种呼吁。 23(亲切、友善;恶毒、伤人;对比;比喻;讲究文明、讲究分寸 24(略 25(环境描写,烘托人物心情的作用。 26(无可奉告 27(厂里的数百名职业还在惨淡经营,我(1)如圆中有弦的条件,常作弦心距,或过弦的一端作半径为辅助线.(圆心向弦作垂线)(情节曲折,结尾喜剧性的变化加强了作品的怎能为了自己的饭碗而砸大家的饭碗呢, 288.解直角三角形:在直角三角形中,除直角外,一共有五个元素,即三条边和二个锐角

43、。由直角三角形中除直角外的已知元素,求出所有未知元素的过程,叫做解直角三角形(须知一条边)。可读性。 29(多年的职业道德。做人要属守职业道德,才能得到别人的尊重或重用。 一、指导思想:along the ridge line on the plane, and nearly vertical slope contour lines, Guan Po changes with the original ground line, with shallow backfill-pipe, single-pipe water supply, the competent 1.4m, long 1063.

44、506m, two asymmetric y pipe, diameter 0.8M, single 10m. Competent to establish 12 town Pier, 8 expansion joint. Town pier for the closed-end structure of gravity, placed on soft rock base surface, pipe concrete C20 on a pedestal. Pipe trench excavation slope 1:0.75, after the installation of steel t

45、ube, compacted gravel backfill material to the surface, and 1:100 slope drainage to gutters. Gutter width 0.5M depth 0.5m,M5 grouted rubble masonry. 9.2 main engineering content this standard pressure pipe and the metal structure installation part main including Yunnan province tengchong County yong

46、xing River primary and secondary hydropower station in the of pressure pipe and the power station metal structure, which level power station pressure pipe total about 562t (containing annex); II level power station pressure pipe about 733 t (containing annex); level power station metal structure abo

47、ut 52.5 t, containing discharge Gate 2 hole, rushed sand Gate 1 hole, water mouth work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole, Qian pool work door and the stopped dirt gate the 1 hole; Secondary power station metal junction at about 19.5 t, containing sand Gate 1 hole, water inlet water gate and

48、trash the 1 hole; their auxiliary hoist equipment and electrical equipment. Concrete pressure pipe, gate, trash and hoisting device project property list 1-11-3. Table 1-1 the main characteristics of the penstock number item parameter type controller size head a long pipe diameter pipe length 11 hyd

49、ropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.3M 931m 0.8M 8.3*2m 22 hydropower station penstock open-air exposed pipe, single pipe joint water supply 1.4m 1063.506 m 0.8M 10*2m table 1-2 hydropower station Hydraulic metal structure main characteristics table number project name gate, and stopped dirt gate, and door (Gate) slot opening and


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