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1、的历史意义:Han gzhou is lucky eno ugh to be one of the first group of cities ope n to the world.有幸能够成为(中国)首批向世界开放的城市。有幸能够成为(中国)首批向世界开放的城 市。Because Nix on and Mao Zedo ng sig ned the Agreeme nt.这源于尼克松和推动签署的中美联合公报。So they made Han gzhou ope n to the world.是他们的努力让向世界敞开了大门。1972,whe n Mao Zedo ng and Preside

2、nt Nix on had decided to make Chi na and USA agree to work together to be the bright futre.1972年,与(时任)美国总统尼克松达成共识,中美将携手开创美好未来。Both leaders actually had a lot of won derful n egociatio ns done in Han gzhou.实际上,两国领导人之间大量的友好磋商是在进行的。The docume nt was made in Han gzhou and announ ced in Shan ghai.而联合公报也是

3、在起草并最终在发布。This is historically the meaningfula very meanin gful city, a great citythat made the West and the East meet together , made the great leaders of the East and the West sit dow n together and discuss for the future.这是一座富有历史意义的城市,一座让东西交融的城市。 让和西方的领导人们坐在一起,共商未来。给20国集团(G20)领导人的信息I think this G

4、20 Meeting has high expectations from the world. Especially at this mome nt of the world economy.我认为全球对这次 G20峰会抱有很高期望。尤其是对当下的世界经济而言。A lot people don t like globalizati on.许多人不认同全球化。And I pers on ally believe globalizati on is a great thing for the world.而我认为全球化对世界而言是一件伟大的事情。The only thing is that :

5、how we can improve globalizati on to en able more small bus in ess , more young people to get in volved.唯一的问题是要如何提升全球化来让更多中小企业和更多年轻人参与其中。What if we can use a new mecha nism, a new tech no logy to en able 1 billi on, or 2billi on , or 3 billi on people to do trade.如果我们用新机制和新技术让10亿人、20亿人、30亿人,甚至更多的人参与

6、全球贸易,那会怎样?EWTP - Electro nic World Trade PlatformI think the EWTP should bespon sor ed and en forced by the bus in ess, and supportedby the gover nment.我认为EWTP应该由企业发起和主导,同时由政府来提供支持。If we can build up a platform that can en able small bus in ess and young people todo a free trade in a opena fair trad

7、e globally.因此,如果我们可以打造出一个平台,让中小企业、年轻人能够在全球进行自由、开放和公平的贸易。This s gonna be very foundamental for the next 20 or 30 years of World Economy and for the cen tury.这会让全球经济在未来20年或30年,甚至在本世纪发生根本性的变化。And I think we are very proud to get in volved for this G20 and B20 for our ideas.我们很高兴能够参加此次G20和B20峰会并发出这样的倡议。

8、It is an idea and we ll continue to work , to move forward by this great event.这是一个设想,我们将继续通过这一盛会来推进。阿里巴巴为何把总部设在People keep on asking me why Alibaba is not in Beijing , why not in Shanghai. (But) in Han gzhou.人们总是在问我,阿里巴巴为什么不把总部放在或者,而是在。Not because it is a city that is my hometow n.是因为这座城市不仅是我的家乡。Be

9、cause this city has en trepre neurship. It s so frien dly to private sectors.它还拥有创业精神,包容民营企业的发展。And people here are well educated.更聚集了大量的优秀人才。Beijing , at that time , the government there, the people there , they like SOE-the State Owned Busin ess.而彼时的,人们更追捧国有企业。Shanghai , they like multi-national c

10、ompanies.在,跨国公司更受青睐。|In our city , we like en trepre neurship.而我们所在的这个城市喜欢创业精神。We like people from nothing , buildi ng it up.尊重白手起家的人。So I think we got great tale nts.我们有优秀的人才。We got good environment.我们有良好的环境。And we got the great culture , that , fighting for the future.更有为未来拼搏的伟大文化。助力推动中国新经济We are

11、a pretty small city with on ly close to 9 millio n people.规模不大,只有近900万人口。But Han gzhou is so powerful, so in flue ntial to China Economy , to China Culture.但却对中国经济与中国文化有着巨大的影响力。早在1000年前的宋朝,曾是中国的首都。And at that time we were the most sple ndid and prosperous city in China.在那个时候,就是中国最辉煌、最辉煌的城市。Hangzhou,

12、today , has become the driving force of China New Economy because of e-commerce, because of Alibaba.今天,已经成为中国新经济的推动力量,这得益于电子商务的发展。We are now more tha n 70% of the e-commerce in China.阿里巴巴发展至今,在中国的电子商务领域已有超过70%勺市场份额。We creat more than 3 trillion RMB which is close to 500 billion US dollars, GMV.一年创造的

13、商品交易总额(GMV超过了 3万亿人民币,也就是接近5000亿美元。That really pumped up the Chin ese domestic dema nding.这确确实实提振了中国的需市场。And because of the e-commerce development, the Internet development , there area lot of young people who are in terested in e-commerce, in terested in Internetbus in ess. They all come to the city

14、.由于电子商务的发展、城市互联网的发展,许多对电子商务和互联网感兴趣的年轻人纷至沓来。This city has become the center of inspiration, the center of innovation and thecenter of the“ New Economy Entrepreneurship ”.这座城市已经成为灵感中心、创新中心和新经济中心。Because of the G20 and B20, I want Hangzhou to be a city more friendly to the world.And people coming here bring new ideas and ben efit from this culture and un dersta nd China better.参会的嘉宾会带来新的理念,也能从这种城市的文明中更好地了解中国。I feel so proud of city. that , no matter, wherever in the world I go I always miss it.我为感到骄傲,无论我走到世界的哪个角落,我总是会想念它。You know, every 10 days , 15 days , I wanna be back.每隔10天、15天,我就会想回家。


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