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1、摘要变压器噪声与振动控制分为振动控制和噪声控制两部分。 振动控制由于振动 理论和振动工程化研究已经成熟和完善, 对变压器振动处理已不再是治理变压器 声振问题的重点, 而相对于变压器振动问题, 干式变压器的低频噪声扰民问题在 解决起来反而困难地多。 一方面是声学理论本身存在着很多缺陷, 另一方面, 低 频噪声治理在工程实际中本身就是个难点。本文在分析了国内外干式变压器噪声研究状况的基础上, 结合昆明赛格迈电 气股份有限公司自身的客观实际条件, 提出了干式变压器隔声罩研制方案来治理 变压器噪声的扰民问题。 本文主要设计研究了干式变压器隔声罩消声器, 成功地 实现了消声器的工程化, 通过实验分析,

2、消声器的理论数值仿真计算与实验结果 基本吻合。 消声器设计在保证变压器通风散热的前提下, 最终实现了预期的消声 效果,使真个干式变压器隔声罩研制获得成功, 有效地在现有技术条件下, 低成 本地解决了变压器的扰民问题。本文在研究分析了干式变压器声振机理的前提下, 研究了本文所用的干式变 压器隔声罩消声器的消声机理,并在此基础上重点设计和实现了微穿孔板消声 器、非传统迷宫型消声器的工程化。关键词:干式变压器;低频噪声;隔声罩;SYSNOISE;微穿孔板消声器;迷宫 型消声器AbstractThe control of transformer noise and vibration divides

3、into the vibration control and the noise control .the former is easier than the latter because of the theory of vibation perfect and the reserch on the use of projects mature. However, there are a lot of deflauts in the theory of noise control and the noise control in using on project so that the lo

4、w frequency noise of the dry-type transformer was solved difficult .In this paper , on the base of the research results of the dry-type transformer at home and abroad and the technical conditions of the Kunming SGM Electric Company ,the project of the dry-type noise insulation cover was raised in or

5、der to solve the low frquency noise of the dry-type transformer . the muffler of the noise insulation cover was successfully designed and studied . And what is more, the mufflers was made and was used in the project .by experimentation in the lab and simulate computation on the computer,the both res

6、ults are coherent.the mufflers were successfully designed so that the effect of reducing noise was realized. At last, the mufflers help the dry-type transformer noise insulation cover to solve the influence which the low frequency noise have on the peoples health.In this paper, the noise and vibrati

7、on mechanism of the dry-type transformer was analysed, studied and the noise elimination mechanism of the mufflers designed was also researched.On the based of these, The micro perforated Panel muffler and unconventional maze-model muffler were studied and designed and made. Finally, compared with the micro perforated panel muffler, the unconventional maze-model muffler was used in the noise insulation cover of the dry type transformer.Key Words: the dry-type transformer,the low- frequency noise,noise insulation cover,Sysnoise,Micro Perforated Panel Muffler,Maze-model Muffler


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