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1、I. Wordsk ? ntri? ? pa? tm? ntrentkwa ? ? t m? n B ? ne? b? st ? ? b? ? k stri ? t k ? ? n? p? ? st ? b? kst ? ? sju ? p? ? md? k? t re ? lwe? ste ? ? ? nendr ? ? dt ? a? ld sp ? ? t kl ? ? z f d? s? ? v? s? e? r? ?k ? l ? f? lsli ? p mu? vk ? ntr ? sa ? ds ? tin ? ? zitr ? f? kk ? stm? s e? fre ? n

2、.排房n.农场住宅n.农村,国家n.美套房v.出租II、写出以下短语Unit6Topic2根底训练adj .安静的n.月,月份 出租n.邻居n.大型百货商店n.银行;岸n.街道n.街道拐角;n. ; v. 邮寄n. 邮局n.美书店停车场n.超市n.铁路n.车站n.尽头;结尾v.完毕n.路,道路,公路 例如n.社区pl. childre nn.小孩许多,大量=lots ofn.体育运动adj .接近;v .关靠近adj .远的adv.远远离n.效劳n.地区;adj.五彩缤纷的v. &n.睡觉v .搬家;移动n.乡村,农村n.城市 adj .吵闹的 n.父通n.花费v .需付费v.思念;错过n.空

3、气;空中adj .新鲜的1. 一座有着两层楼的排房2.与某人住在一起3. 喜欢做某事4.寻找5.在乡下6.这儿附近7.在街道的拐角处8.存钱9.在的末尾10. 招租11.邮局12.停车场13.带着一个小孩的家庭14.许多15.做运动16. 靠近17. 离很远/不远18.向求助19.保持安静20.对友好21. 一个运动中心22. 一个社区效劳中心23.从到24.生活费用25.例如26. 个有着大院子的房子27.看医生 _III 情景交际1. 你想知道对方住在什么样的房子里,可以这么问:2. 你想知道对方的那座公寓楼有几层,可以这么问:3你要告诉朋友你是住在一个有两层楼的排房里,可以这么说:4.

4、你想告诉对方在街道的拐角处有一家银行,可以这么说:5. 你想告诉对方,Tom的房子在这条街道的末尾,可以这么说:6. 你想告诉对方火车站离你的家很远,可以这么说: IV、选择填空。()1. ? It s an apartment buildingA. What s your homeB . Where s your houseC . What kind of house do you live in()2. much water in the glass? No, only a little!A. Are thereB. There isC. Is there)3. Would you lik

5、e me to help him?.B. No problemC. This way ,pleasechool. He usually goes to school on foot. C. far awayin the pool.C. swimmi ngA. much B. high C. big(A. Yes ,thankss home is not the s B. away from)4. Li Lei A. far from( )A. swim(5. Look!There are so many stude ntsB. are swimmi ng6. The livi ng cost

6、in the city is .7. The old woma n lives a house a garde n.A. in ; and B. on ; withC.in ; with8. We can buy many school things , pens, pencils and rulers in the shop.A. likeB.such asC.and so on9. How about play ing soccer after school?I d love to , but I have homework to do.A. a lot ofB. a fewC. many

7、()10. Can you hear her the guitar in her room? Yes.A. playB. playi ngC. to playV .看图写句。,townhouse)2.(classroom ,across from),near)3.,heavy)5.,cityUn it6 Topic 2I. Wordsk ? ntri country? ? pa? tm? nt apartmentrent rentkwa ? ? t quietm? n B mon th? ne? b? neighbourst ? ? storeb? ? k bankstri ? t stree

8、tk ? ? n? cornerp? ? st post? b? kst ? ? bookstoresju ? p? ? md? k? t supermarketre ? lwe? railwayste ? ? ? n stationend endr ? ? d roadt ? a? ld childsp ? ? t sportkl ? ? z closef a? far? s? ? v? s service? e? r? ? areak ? l ? f ? l colorfulsli ? p sleepmu? v movek ? ntr ? sa ? d countrysides ? ti

9、cityn ? ? zi noisytr ? f? k traffick ? st costm? s misse ? airfre ? freshn.排房 tow nhousen.农场住宅 farmhousen.农村,国家 countryn.美套房 apartmentv.出租 rent根底训练adj .安静的quietn.月,月份 mon th出租 for rentn.邻居 n eighbourn.大型百货商店 storen.银行;岸 bankn.街道 streetn.街道拐角; cornern. ; v.由E寄 postn.由E局 post officen.美书店 bookstore 停车场

10、 park ing lotn.超市 supermarketn.铁路 railwayn.车站 stati onn.尽头;结尾v.完毕endn.路,道路,公路 road例女口 such asn.社区 com mun itypl. childre nn.小孩 child许多,大量=lots of a lot of n. 体育运动 sportadj .接近;v .关 close靠近 close toadj .远的 adv.远 far远离 far fromn.效劳 servicen.地区; areaadj.五彩缤纷的colorfulv. &n. 睡觉 sleepv .搬家;移动 moven.乡村,农村c

11、ountryn.城市 cityadj .吵闹的noisyn.交通 trafficn. 花费v .需付费costv. 思念;错过missn.空气;空中airadj .新鲜的 freshII、写出以下短语1. 一座有着两层楼的排房 a townhouse with two floors2.与某人住在一起live with3. 喜欢做某事 like doing sth 4.寻找 look for 5.在乡下 in the countryside6. 这儿附近 near here 7.在街道的拐角处 on the street corner 8. 存钱 keep money9.在的末尾 at the

12、end of 10. 招租 for rentll. 邮局 post office 12.停车场parking lot 13.带着一个小孩的家庭 a family with a child14. 许多alot of15.做运动 do sports 16. 靠近 close to 17. 离很远 / 不远 be (not) far from18.向求助 ask/call .for help 19.保持安静 keep quiet 20.对友好 be frien dly/k ind to21. 一个运动中心 a sports center22. 一个社区效劳中心a community servicec

13、en ter23.从到from . to 24.生活费用 the cost of living25.例如 such as26. 一个有着大院子的房子 a house with a big yard 27.看医生see a doctorIII、情景交际1. 你想知道对方住在什么样的房子里,可以这么问:What kind of home do you live in?2. 你想知道对方的那座公寓楼有几层,可以这么问:How many floors are there in your apartme nt building?3你要告诉朋友你是住在一个有两层楼的排房里,可以这么说:I live in

14、a tow nhouse with two floors.4. 你想告诉对方在街道的拐角处有一家银行,可以这么说:There is a bank on the street corner.5. 你想告诉对方,Tom的房子在这条街道的末尾,可以这么说:Toms house is at the end of the street.6. 你想告诉对方火车站离你的家很远,可以这么说:The railway stati on is far from my home.IV、选择填空。(C ) 1. ? It s an apartment building.A. What s your homeB. Whe

15、re s your houseC. What kind of house do you livein(C ) 2. much water in the glass? No, only a little!A. Are thereB. There isC. Is there water是不可数名词(A ) 3. Would you like me to help him? .A. Yes ,thanksB. No problemC. This way ,pleasefoot.(A ) 4. Li Lei s home is not the school. He usually goes to sc

16、hool onA. far fromB. away fromC. far awaybe far from 远离 be not far from离. 不远(C ) 5. Look!There areso many students in the pool.A. swimB. are swimmi ngC. swimmi ngThere be + 人/物+ doing + 介词短语.某处有某人或某物正在做某事。(B ) 6. The living cost in the city is .A. much B. high C. big讲价格高或生活费用高,用形容词:high(A ) 7. The o

17、ld woman lives a house a garden.C. in ; with译为:带有一个花园的房子pens,pencils and rulers in the shop.C. and so onA. in ; and B. on ; withlive in 居住在 with 表示伴随 (B ) 8. We can buy many school things,A. likeB. such as(A ) 9. How about playing soccer after school?I d love to , but I have homeworkto do.A. a lot o

18、fB. a fewC. manyhomework是不可数名词。a few与many修饰可数名词的复数形式。a lot of 既可以修饰可数名词的复数形式,又可以修饰不可数名词。B ) 10. Can you A. playhear sb do sth的词连用。hear sb doing sthV .看图写句。hear her the guitar in her room? Yes.B. playi ngC. to play听见某人做某事。常与 ofte n, usually, always听见某人正在做某事。等一些表示频率,townhouse) I live in a townhouse with two floors.2.(classroom ,across from)My classroom is across from yours.3.(bookshop,near)There is a bookstore n ear our school.4.,heavy)The traffic is very heavy.5.,city) There are a lot of tall buildings in thecity.


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