译林牛津版 8A Unit 4 Do it yourself reading I 教学课件 2.ppt

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《译林牛津版 8A Unit 4 Do it yourself reading I 教学课件 2.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《译林牛津版 8A Unit 4 Do it yourself reading I 教学课件 2.ppt(23页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4,Do it yourself,Reading,Learning aims:,To learn new words about DIY.学会DIY的相关词汇。2. To read and master the general information about the article, and finish some exercises.读懂并能理解文章大体内容,完成相关习题。3. To guide the students consciousness of DIY .引导学生的DIY意识。,DIY是英文do-it-yourself的缩写,意为“亲力亲为,自己动手做”。DIY是一个

2、于20世纪60年代起源于西方的概念,原意指不依赖或聘用专业的工匠,自己利用适当的工具与材料来进行住宅的修缮工作。但后来DIY的概念扩展到所有可以自己动手做的事物上,内容也变得包罗万象,比如家具DIY、美食DIY、电脑DIY等等。DIY的目的也由一开始时为了节约开支,慢慢地演变成为了休闲、发挥个人创意或培养爱好。,卷纸芯儿自制立式音箱,用碗或者杯子做手机扩音器,早上当闹钟震天响。,用N次贴粘灰尘。,废旧杂志没地儿卖?做成凳子吧。,crazybe crazy aboutterribleonce put inmistakemake a mistake,adj. 着迷的,狂热的; 发疯的对着迷adj.

3、 可怕的adv. 曾经,一度安装n. 错误,失误犯错误,Words & phrases review,Step1:Words,power cutpipefillfill with not only but (also)ceiling,n. 供电中断;停电n. 管子,水管vt. 使充满用填充不仅而且;和.都n. 天花板,Words & phrases review,shelfwhoopsadvisecoursealreadyinsteadattend,n. (pl. shelves) (橱柜或书 架等的)架子,搁板excl. 哎呀vt. & vi. 建议,忠告,劝告n. 课程;过程adv. 已经

4、adv. 反而;却vt. & vi. 经常去;出席,Words review,be crazy aboutrepairterriblefilladviseattend,a very badb make something full of something elsec go to d like something very much e fixf tell someone what you think he/she should do,Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.,Listen and answer th

5、e questions:,1. How many DIY jobs did Andrew do?2. Is he good at DIY?,Four.,No, he isnt.,Read and retell each paragraph,be crazy about repair things decorate the houseBut,Para. 1 Introduction of Andrew,Para. 2 Andrews DIY jobs,put in a brighter light,make a mistake,have a power cut,put up a picture

6、on the wall,fill the room with water,hit a pipe,If you were Andrew, would you do it by yourself? Why or why not?,What could you do if you were Andrew?,living room, boring, paintblue, not only,but alsoceiling, floor, cat,a shelf, above, spend five hours, not stay, much higher,Para. 3-4 Andrews DIY jo

7、bs,If you do this , your mother will support you or stop you?,What is his shelf like?What should a shelf be like?,1 Putting in a brighter light2 Putting up a picture3 Painting the living room4 Putting up a shelf,a No books could stay on it.b He hit a pipe and filled the room with water.c The whole h

8、ouse had a power cut.d The cat is blue now.,Jobs,Problems,What can we do to help him?,Thinking twice is very important. You should think first and make plans before beginning his DIY job.,You should buy some books to learn more about it.,DIY is not easy. You should be patient and be careful.,Sometim

9、es advice is useful to you. You should listen to it.,My advice to Andrew,finish Millies notes(page46 PB3),Suzys cousin loves doing DIY.Suzys cousin failed to put in a new light in his bedroom.Suzys cousin put a picture on a pipe.Suzys cousin thought the cat was boring, so he painted it blue.It took

10、Suzys cousin only a few minutes to put up the shelf on the wall.Suzys cousin wants to get better at DIY.,T,T,F,livingroom,on hisbedroom wall,F,F,5 hours,F,doesnt want,Andrew is crazy about DIY. (有表情地表达),put in a brighter light,but,had a power cut,put up a picture,filled the room with water,but,but,b

11、ut,painted his living room,put up a shelf,has not only blue walls but also a blue ceiling,couldnt stay on the shelf,2/4/2022,Exercises,1.让我们去远足而不是呆在家里。 Lets go hiking_ staying at home, shall we?2他把包里装满了零食。 He _ snacks.3.我的图片比你的漂亮的多。. My picture is _ than yours.4.我妈妈不但是个老师而且是个好厨师。My mother is _ a tea

12、cher _ a good cook5.我爸爸对足球很痴迷。 My father _ football.,instead of,filled the bag with,much more beautiful,not only,but also,is crazy about,Dont throw things carelessly! Even a piece of paper!,Read the articles. The more you read, the faster and better youll understand. 读课文Master the new words and expressions.掌握生词和短语,


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