佛山农业商业银行人力资源管理研究Human Resources of Foshan Rural Commercial Bank (FRCB).doc

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1、广东轻工职业技术学院毕业设计(论文)题目: Human Resources of Foshan Rural Commercial Bank (FRCB)系(院): 应用外语系专业: 国际商务英语班级: TAFE112班 姓名: 姚嘉榆学号: 2011070502322指导老师: 黄韧完成时间: 2014年3月 2011级毕业设计(论文)成绩评定表平时成绩(20分)评语:平时成绩: 指导教师: (签名)年 月 日评阅成绩(50分)评语:评阅成绩: 评阅教师: (签名) 年 月 日答辩成绩(30分)答辩评语:答辩成绩: 主持人: (签名) 年 月 日总评成绩教研室主任(签名)答辩组成员兹发给 TA

2、FE112 班学生 姚嘉榆 毕业设计(论文)任务书,内容如下1.毕业设计(论文)题目:Human Resources of Foshan Rural Commercial Bank2.应完成的项目(如页面不够可另附纸张): 要求查阅相关文献 5 篇以上; 在研究学习了大量相关文献的基础上再写论文; 题目贴切,有较强的科学性、前瞻性,题目规模适当; 具备论文的撰写能力及答辩能力; 具备相关资料、信息的获取及独立分析的能力; 具备综合运用所学知识和技能解决实际问题的能力; 具备熟练使用计算机 ( 包括索取信息、数据处理等) 的能力; 培养学生的创新意识,提高探索的能力; 通过写论文达到对这一论题H

3、uman Resources of Foshan Rural Commercial Bank有一定的研究与独到的见解。3. 论文完成进度计划(如页面不够可另附纸张): 第1-2周 完成开题报告 第3-4周 收集资料,完成初稿 第5-6周 完成第一次修改 第7-8周 完成第二次修改 第9-10周 完成终稿 4. 参考资料以及说明:I BANK 总第08期2014年4 月、I BANK 总第07期2014年3月、财经易网、I BANK第一期5. 本毕业设计(论文)任务书于2013年2月5日发出,应于2014年5月15日完成,然后提交各系进行答辩。系 主 任 批准 年 月 日 教研室主任 审核 年

4、月 日 指 导 教 师 审核 年 月 日Table of ContentAbstract41. Introduction51.1 History51.2 The study and research issues61.3 Research Issues7Chapter II102.1 Human resource concept102.2 Departments and the management122.3 Commercial Bank in Foshan13Chapter III153.1 Stockholders equity153.2Qualification Of sharehol

5、der153.3 Shareholding ratio16Chapter IV. Rural Commercial Bank reform174.1 Encouragement174.2 Reason174.3 Restructuring Process184.4 Process18The fifth chapter19Reference20Abstract In todays rapid economic development, bank plays a key role in it. Concerning about the bank management, human resource

6、s is of great importance. This paper aims to take Foshan Rural China Bank as an example to shed light upon the management of human resources. It will mainly be on the basis of five parts, ranging from ots history to the development, thus giving people a better understanding of it. Key Words: Human r

7、esources; bank; development1. Introduction1.1 HistoryIn 1954, the Foshan suburbs for the first Credit Union in the village of Tanabe were established. In 2014, Foshan, Nong among banks 111 business outlets throughout the administrative centre town, chancheng district, Foshan City. From rural credit

8、cooperatives to the Bank, business outlets from one to hundreds of businesses thrived in the trials and hardships, and to become the main force to promote local economic development, finance.During the administrative attribution of the rural credit cooperatives, the peoples Bank in escrow through a

9、planned economy, the agricultural supervision development stage. In 1996, credit cooperatives and the agricultural Bank of China branch in Foshan suburbs in Foshan suburbs from administrative reporting relationship, commonly known as the separation. And after the separation of the Bank, credit union

10、s in the suburb (for the Foshan City suburbs rural credit cooperatives Union) and credit unions forming within their town street-level corporate management model, namely town street credit for level corporate, with their own rights, but the Administration attached to city-level rural credit cooperat

11、ives. In network management, level corporate ownership of outlets may be established as necessary.At the same time, gave birth to the market dynamics of the market economy, township enterprises began in everywhere in the countryside, as the national economic development of Foshan City yipianshengji,

12、 ceramics, childrens clothing, large and small businesses have sprung up, such as stainless steel grows, they thirst for capital is equally strong. Town and township enterprises in order to meet the demand for cash flow, RCC priority village on the net, or small businesses, shops side by side. Lansh

13、i credit cooperatives, for example, in their village of tangtou, ChangJie, Pan village, deep within, Lishui, stones, almost every village Committee includes outlets, this layout is different from State-owned commercial banks set up at the outset in the bustling street of the town. Accordingly, the n

14、etwork named their village Committee to name.But because of the lack of unified planning, improvement of network management system, resulting in wasteful duplication of layout. It is understood that, between 1997 and 2003, within their network of up to more than 140 employees, many outlets are only

15、a few hundred metres, for example, part of lanshi huayuan branch of the Credit Union and cooperative sales office is only one street away, fellow lanshi water and Tin Sam in the credit union branch is exactly the same situation. In the dot pattern decoration, very rustic, network space, decorated by

16、 coloured marble counter high, called on public and individual operations are handled in the bullet-proof glass counter, perhaps long lines of customers transact business licences rancor is also due to poor equipment.Even so, the villages in the rural credit cooperatives network remained due diligen

17、ce examinations after villagers and commercial tenants deposit and withdrawal, witnessed in rural areas face rapid change, listening to the laughter of farmers, there are plant enterprise voice rumbling machines. Comparison:Chinas current rural financial system both in formal financial institutions,

18、 agricultural development Bank, agricultural Bank of China, rural credit cooperatives and postal savings, there are various forms of non-formal finance. But in recent years, grass-roots branches of ABC is shrinking, business goals has turned to non-agricultural industries. The agricultural developme

19、nt Bank as a policy Bank, functionally just a grain purchasing funds supply Bank over the years of postal savings deposit not only loan caused significant outflows in rural areas, rural credit cooperatives have gradually become the backbone of the rural financial system, plays a leading role in the

20、rural financial market as a whole.My of rural credit unions first established Yu founding times, experience has preliminary development, and twists and turns repeatedly, and fast development, different of stage, August 1996, State publishing on rural financial reform of decided under, rural credit u

21、nions official from and ABC of administrative under relationship, gradually change for farmers voluntary shares, members democratic management, main for members service of cooperation financial organization, and in country began for variety forms of reform pilot.1.2 The study and research issuesBack

22、ground:In recent years, China is moving in a demutualization, commercialization and scale of rural credit cooperatives and marketing direction, along with the financial industrys rapid development and continuous improvement of productivity levels, to adapt its better development of Chinas rural cred

23、it cooperatives should reform its institutions, will be turned into joint-stock cooperative system, construct rural commercial banks.Chinas rural credit cooperatives rural financial institutions play an important role in the rapid development of Chinas rural economy. In recent years, as people of th

24、e San Nong issues of broad concern, and deepen the reform of rural financial system, reform of rural credit cooperatives for rural commercial banks in China. Rural commercial bank in China in cooperation with financial institutions in rural areas, is a common risk, voluntary collaborators formed und

25、er conditions of cooperation and shared interests, and within the bounds of the law to provide financial services. China achieved great results since the reform of rural credit cooperatives, but because of the rapid development of the rural economy, gradual failure properties of their cooperation co

26、uld not be adapted to the needs of rural finance, rural cooperative finance formality.As Chinas economy continues to develop, new rural construction moves forward, San Nong problem more and more national leadership attention. Solving the three rural problems, is key to building a harmonious society,

27、 is a prerequisite for promoting the integration of urban and rural. Since 2004, Central continues introduction of eight first document. From to increase farmers income, improving the agricultural comprehensive productive capacity and promote the construction of new Socialist countryside, developing

28、 modern agriculture, grain output, farmers income, promoting the urban-rural integration, promoting the innovation of agricultural science and technology areas of concern peasant. Countries for many years to come about three agricultures policy put enough attentio to San Nong n. Solve the three agri

29、cultural problems that require significant financial support, which will require the formation of rural perfection, can effectively serve three rural financial systems.1.3 Research Issues1. Governance structure(1)、 In 1996 after Chinas rural credit cooperatives from the decoupling of agricultural Ba

30、nk of China, rural credit cooperatives, in accordance with the requirements of the decision of the State Council on reform of rural financial system, establish a rural credit cooperative Member representative Assembly, the Council, the Board of supervisors the separation of core governance. Board is

31、 responsible for the day-to-day decisions and asks the credit management business objectives and strategic principles: Board of supervisors is responsible for the supervision and administration of the business layer. On behalf of Council and the Board of supervisors of elections, Council and Board o

32、f divided into four segments from top to bottom on the system of rural credit cooperatives, national, provincial, County and township levels, respectively, which means holding the bottom up ownership.(2) Current issues. First of all, credit unions three systems exist. Members of Congress did not bec

33、ome truly supreme authority, control and manipulation of their own credit unions. Board and the Supervisory Board of normative systems has not been established, the Council controlled by the parent, Board of supervisors a mere formality, unable to play a limited number of internal supervision, activ

34、ities of credit unions and more on executive orders.Second, the provincial cooperative control system and corporate governance mechanism of property rights conflict with each other. Separation of powers model of rural credit cooperatives, solve our rural credit cooperatives and credit unions between

35、 shareholders and the Governments ownership and management of distribution. Improving your Credit Union administration authority to provincial governments, resulting in the provinces without exception have established provincial rural credit cooperative Union, which controlled rural credit cooperati

36、ves for local governments and local financial opportunities, restricting the rights of different property to participate in decision-making.Finally, the management level is limited, management inefficiencies. Rural credit cooperatives employees educational level is not high, in lending cannot be acc

37、urately and effectively convey information credit to farmers, and body mass of redundant personnel, high administrative costs and operational inefficiencies.2. Regulatory Conditions(1) The beginning of the founding of, mainly by the peoples Bank of China and rural credit cooperative supply and marke

38、ting cooperative joint supervision, supervision of content are some of the basic rules of specifications. After the 80 s, rural credit cooperatives to become ABCs grassroots initiatives by the agricultural Bank of China is responsible for the supervision, regulation is mandatory administrative comma

39、nds. In 1996, the State Council issued a decision on rural financial system reform, rural credit cooperatives began emerging from ABC affiliate status.(2) In June 2003, promulgated by the State Council to deepen reform of rural credit cooperatives programme, establishes the General principles of the

40、 regulation. 2004 approved by the State Council, the CBRC issued on clear supervision of rural credit cooperatives, which further will come under the supervision of the management authorities and responsibilities notification system at all levels of Government, provincial regulatory bodies, the PBoC

41、 and the CBRCs duties and responsibilities.(3) Current issues, first of all, no effective enforcement regulation of the provincial association. As the rights of rural credit cooperatives in the country gradually devolved to provincial governments, provincial association of special status would have

42、to have a higher level of strict management of national institutions, CBRC supervision in this regard is not perfect, manage basic was a mere formality. At present whether it should establish a dedicated National Credit Union regulators are also to be discussed.Secondly, the poor credit unions with

43、regulatory authorities, did not establish an appropriate communication mechanism. Current reform of credit cooperatives are still in early stages of development, many businesses are not standardized, so the regulators wary. Regulators have not taken the initiative to establish effective mechanisms o

44、f communication with credit cooperatives at all levels.Solve the staff shortage problemFor various reasons, personnel and distribution system of rural credit cooperatives in China have been difficult to adapt to rural commercial bank building requirements. Therefore, should be perfecting the rural c

45、redit cooperatives personnel management system, to promote the Banks restructuring process. First, improve the quality of rural credit cooperatives, in accordance with job requirements, training of existing personnel.Appraisal skills for rural credit cooperatives to make it their own, determine its

46、own position, for precise positioning. Secondly, the establishment of sound personnel management system, the use of contemporary methods of personnel management, implementation experience in various management system, establishing a higher degree of talent agency. Finally, active in building a culture of financial firms, carefully constructing a learning-oriented enterprises, so that any member of staff in secondary schools. Establis


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