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1、Unit 1 A 卷听力部分一、听录音, 选出你所听到的单词。(听两遍)()1. A. letB. likeC. Mike()2. A. doorB. dollC. dog()3. A. likeB. loveC. have()4. A. theyB. thereC. where()5. A. heB. sheC. me()6. A. fiveB. fineC. fat()7. A. theseB. thoseC. there()8. A. rubberB. rulerC. robot()9. A. BobbyB. happyC. puppy()10. A. manyB. anyC. man“

2、T或F表示。听两遍二、听录音 ( ( ( ( (三、听录音, 判断所听内容是否与中文意思相符, 用 “)1. 你想要老虎吗?)2. 这些是玩具动物。)3. 看 ! 那是一只可爱的猴子。)4. 我喜欢白色的小狗。)5. 我这儿有一块蛋糕。, 选择正确的应答。听两遍()1. A. Yes, it is.B. Yes, they are.C. Yes, I do.()2. A. No, thanks.B. No, I don t.C. Yes, please.()3. A. Itbigs .B. It shoen bted.C. It s cute.()4. A. It a ls ion.B. Th

3、ey re horses.C. No, they aren()5. A. No, I like pies.B. No, thanksC. No, I don t.()6. A. I like tigers.B. I like tiger.C. I like a tiger.()7. A. It s pahnaenlte.B. It s over there.C. Yes, it is.()8. A. Yes, I am.B. No, it isn t.C. Yes, I do.()9. A. Yes, it is.B. No, it is.C. No, they are.()10. A. Go

4、od morning.B. Good afternoon.C. Good evening.t.四、根据所听内容, 完成下列对话。B: , I B: I like .B: .A: Hello, Helen. you ?A: do you like?A: Here s a panda you.笔试部分()1. g, t, e, r, i()3. d, a, a, n, p()2. k, m, n, o, e, y()4. r, h, e, o, s()5.1, o, n, iB.根据所给单词划线部分的发音,补全单词。1. baglo_;_ irl2. would_e;3. these swt;tc

5、her4. tiger l_ ke;5. catmon_ ey;_uteC、选择正确字母完成单词,并涂在答题卡的相应位置上。atm( )1. h_ _seA. ur B. or C. irea C. aa( )3. tigA. or B. er C. iraoe C.eee( )5. m_k_A. ea B. ae C. ee三、词组翻译I .看这头狮子 ()2. p_nd_A. aoB.()4. b_n_n_ A. aaaB.II .那些玩具鹦鹉2 .三只老虎3 . 一匹黑马12 .和我的狗一起跑13 .和我一起玩游戏4 . H-一只可爱的小鸡 5 .这些玩具动物 6 .和我一起玩 7 .又

6、可爱又胖 14 .七只黑色的鸭子15 .三个胖男人16 .我的小猴子17 .八头可爱的大象1. bagdog ()2. hamburgerget ()3. girltiger(4. pandapie ( )5. tigerhorse ()6. catcute(7. bigboy ( )8. bikedesk ()9.pandawould(10. girlorange ()11. cakeNancy()12. nicecute(13. catcan ()14. dogdo ()15. catcap(,相同的在括号里打 T,不同的在括号里打F。)、判断读音是否相同、单词拼写A.将字母重新排列组成单

7、词,填写在横线上,并选出正确的中文意思填在括号里。A.熊猫B.狮子C.马D.老虎E.猴子8. 一些巧克力和汉堡18.十二匹棕色的马9.喜欢蛋糕19.只橡皮猴子20.喜欢那只老虎10.喜欢这个冰激凌四、根据首字母及中文提示,正确形式填空填空,1. 一 Look at m toy dog. How cute!2. Where_the flowers? under the tree.3. W is the cat? It s u the desk.4. Do you like this rubber? No, I d.5. 一 you a pie? No, Thank you.6. Look at

8、t pig over there. Its lovely.7. How many(animal) can you name?8. I like(大象).9. I like(马).10. There is a little monkey(on)the tree.11. Look a these toy animals.12. - Do you like(horse)? No, I(do)13. Do you like(duck)? Yes, I(do)14. The(狮子)is(在 下面)tree.15. What colour is the(短裙)?16. It ,s(在上)the(椅子).1

9、7. Where Miss Li? in the classroom.18. W you like this b(面包)? No, t. I d like this hot dog.19. This is(I)pen. Hello,(I)am Bobby.(I)bag is red. I m sorry, MrGreen.(I)am late.20. That is(you) rubber. Would(you) like(a) egg?Is this(you) lunchbox?(you)ruler is over there.21. -D you like this c(猫)? - Yes

10、, I do. It s c 可爱的().W you like this p(馅饼)? No, thanks. I like cakes.W is the cat? - It s u the desk.I this a panda? Yes, it is.22. - I horses.you like?, I don t. I like 熊猫).They re and. Oh, I see. I like too.五、单项选择()1. What s that? .A. This is a dog.B. That s a dog.C. It s a dog.()2. Do you like?A.

11、 penB. this pensC. this black pen()3. Look at this panda. IA. itlike.B. thisC.that()4. Ilike horses.A. amB. don tC.not()5. Look, the balloon is_the tree.A. onB. inC.at()6. Wheremy pen?A. isB. areC.am()7. Thank you. .A. All right)8. -Do you like toys?一B. OK.C.Not at all.(A. Yes, I don t.B. No, I do.C

12、.Yes, I do.()9. What s that? _a fat tiger.A. It sB. They reC. They is()10. This iselephant and that isapple tree.A. a; aB. an; anC.a; an()11. Look at this dog. _.A. Yes, I do.B. No, it isnt.C.It s cute.()12. Look at these toy_, boys and girls.A. lionB. lionsC.animal()13. Would you like a pie? .A. Ye

13、s, please.)14. This is. I like_B. Yes, I do.C.No, thank.(A. a monkey; monkeysB. monkey; monkeysC.a monkey; a monkey()15. you like cakes? No, I.A. Are; am not.B. Do; doC.Do, don t()16. Look attoy animals. How lovely!A. ThoseB. thisC.those()17. Whatthese? Theydogs.A. are, isB. are; areC.is; are()18. T

14、his iscat, that s_elephant.A. a; aB. an; anC.a; an()19. Dolike? Yes, I do.A. your; lionsB. you; lionsC.you; lion()20. Look at the monkeys. cute.A. It sB. They reC.This is()21. the pandas. They are cute and fat.A. Look atB. LookC. Do you like()22. That s a.I likeA. tigers; tigersB. tiger; tigerC. tig

15、er; tigers()23. I like cats! A. It s a cute.B. I like it too.C.Its cute.()24. a panda? Yes, it is.A. This isB. Is thisC. What s()25. Which animal is black and white? A. A catB. A tigerC. A panda()26. How old your little sister, Mike? She s seven.A. areB. isC. am()27. The flower and juice for you. Th

16、ank you.()1. Is this a dog?()2. Do you like lions?()3. Would you like a pie?()4. Look at my T-shirt.()5. Who s she?()6. Where s the pen?()7. Look at these chickens.()8. What would you like?()9. Do you like that doll?()10. I like pandas.A. How nice!B. No, thanks.C. Wow, they re cute.D. She is my moth

17、er.E. No, I don t.F. Yes. I like dolls.G. Me, too.H. It ,s in the pencil case.I. A cake, please.J. No, it isn t.A. amB. isC. are)28. WelcomeMuseum!A. forB. toC. with)29. Let s countoneten.A. with; toB. from; toC. from; with六、 从n栏中找出与i栏中句子相配对的句子。七、选词填空A.将合适的单词序号填在合适的横线上A.isB. areC. doD. don t E. aF.

18、an1.I have_pie here.2.you like dogs? No, I3.What s that? It s_ egg .This presentfor you.5. Whatthese? They are apples.B.用a瓒nsomeX空1.tiger2. _elephant3.orange dog4.apple5.big apple 6. _lions7.big pig8.9.monkeysegg10.F”11.“S”12.C.A.从方框中选择合适的词NoB. Hello,用其正确形式完成对话。C. likeD. Don tE. eatF. aboutG. sorryA

19、:A:A:A:. Helen!Would youa cake?Whata sweet?ImB:Shh,B:B: No! Donshout!,thank you.tin the library.U”D.阅读短文,选择合适的单词,把短文补充完整。milk, don t, fruit, hamburgers, have, mangoI m Susan. My brother and I often(l常)breakfast together. I like some andpies for breakfast. Jim likes and orange juice. We like eggs.Som

20、etimes(有时)my mother makes salad for us.八、连词成句,并写出中文意思。1. I, an, would, elephant, like (.) 中文:2. at, these, toy, cats, Look (.) 中文:3. the, cute, pandas, fat, and, are (.)中文:4. that, like, do, skirt, you, new (?) 中文:5. dont, those, I, like, elephants(.) 中文:6. at, these, toy, tigers, look (.) 中文:7. hav

21、e, I, cakes, here, some (.) 中文:九、句子翻译1 .你的午餐盒在哪里 ?它在那里。your lunch? It slike a hamburger?pandas?What?a beautiful.is it?is it? It,sityour? No,This is, Bobby.2 .这是给你的,波比。3 .你想要一个汉堡吗?4 .你喜欢熊猫吗?5 .你想要什么?6 .那是一只漂亮的鸟。8.它在你的课桌里吗?不在。7 .它是什么?它在哪里?它不在这里。9 . 你的尺子在哪里 ? 它在我的铅笔盒里 .your?my pencil case.10 .你的爸爸在哪里 ?

22、他在图书馆里。your father?in the library.11 .杨玲在哪里 ? 她在树下。Yang Ling?thetree.12 .这不是海伦的书包。13 .那是我的新汽车。14 .这是李老师的夹克衫吗 ?是的,它是。Helen s schoolbag. my.Miss Li s?,it15 .那是你的洋娃娃吗?不,它不是。your?, it16 .在课桌下的这是什么 ?是一顶帽子。 What s thea.17 .你有一些蜡笔吗 ?是的。18 .那是什么?它是一头大象。19 .我喜欢狗。我不喜欢鸭。20 .你喜欢熊猫吗?是的,我喜欢。21 .我喜欢棕色和绿色。这些蜡笔给你。 2

23、2 .我有一些玩具动物,你有吗?不,我没有。我有一些玩具汽车。我喜欢玩具汽车。 你有多少辆玩具汽车 ? 9辆。23 .在树后面的那是什么 ?是一个绿色的球.What s behind the? It s a.24 .我喜欢我的玩具老虎。我也喜欢你的玩具老虎。I like. I like too.25 .你喜欢牛吗?不,我不喜欢。我喜欢猪。十.完形填空A:_1,Bob!_2_ that?B:Hi, Nick!It s a _3of my familyA:_4_that man?B:5my father.A:Whos that woman?B:She s my mother.A:_6.is you

24、r father?B:He s a7in our school.A:What about your mother?B:She s a nue in a big hospital.A:Oh, is this your sister?B:Yes,8is.A:_9.is she?B:She is twenty. She is _10nurse too.()1.A. HiB. MorningC. Nice to meet youD. Goodbye()2.A. What,sB. Who sC. WhoD. What()3. A. photosB. nameC. photoD. names()4.A.

25、Who sB. What sC. WhoD. What()5.A. She sB. He sC. HisD. Him()6.A. WhatB. WhoC. What sD. Who s()7.A. friendB. teacherC. studentD. classmate()8.A. itB. thisC. sheD. he()9.A. WhatB. HowC. What oldD. How old()10. A. a十一、阅读理解B. anC./D. the(A)I have many toy animals.Look!This is a monkey. It s lovely. I li

26、ke it very much. That strog(强壮的).What are these? They re pigs. They re cute and fat. Wheres ans my dog? Oh, it.Its bis under the taiyou like my toy animals?()1. The toy monkey is. A. fatB. bigC.cute()2. The elephant is_. A. bigB. strongC.big and strong()3. The pigs are.A. fatB. strongC.big()4. The d

27、og isthe table. A. onB. underC.behind(B)Mother: Wake up! It s seven o clock. Breakfast is ready.Sandy: What time is it, Mum?Mother: It s seven o clock.Sandy: Seven o clock?Mother: Yes! Hurry up! You are late for school.Sandy: Oh, where s my school bag? Is it on my desk?Mother: No, it s on the chair.

28、 Go to school, now.Sandy: Oh no, Mum. It s Sundaytoday. I don t go to school today.()1. It s seven o clock in the evening)2. Breakfast is ready.()3. Sandy s school bag is on the desk . )4. Today is Sunday.()5. Sandy will(将要)go to school today.(C)Nancy: Let s go to the farmavid.David: Great!David: Wo

29、w! So many animals! What do you like, Nancy?Nancy: I like the ducks and cows, but I don t like the pigs.David: What s that in the tree? Is it a monkey?Nancy: Yes. You re right.David: Look at the fruit (水果).What would you like?Nancy: I d like an apple. What about you, David?David: I d like a pear.()1

30、. David and Nancy are at school. ()2. Nancy likes the pigs.()3. The monkey is in the tree.()4. Nancy would like an apple.()5. David would like a pear.(D)按表格内容填空。HelenVSu HaiVSu YangVVMr GreenVA: Hello, Helen. Do you like animals?B: Yes, I like and. Do you like, Su Hai?A: No, I like, but I like. Su Yang likes, too.She and Mr Green also(也)like


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