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1、中国与美国的外表粗糙度光洁度对照表Surface Roughness Standard China vs US外表粗糙度有Ra,Rz,Ry之分,据GB 3505商录:There are 3 different parameters to determine the roughness Ra,Rz andRy, according to GB3505,外表粗糙度参数及其数值Surface Roughness Parameters and their Values 常用的3个分别是:轮廓算数平均偏差Ra-arithmetical mean deviation of the profile;微观不平

2、度十点高度Rz-the point height of irregularities;轮廓最大高度Ry-maximum height of the profileRa-在取样长度L内轮廓偏距绝对值的算术平均值.Ra is arithmetic average of absolute values over the entire samplinglength LRz-在取样长度内5个最大的轮廓峰高的平均值与5个最大的轮廓谷深的平均值 之和.Average summary of the five highest peaks and lowest valleys over theentire sam

3、pling length LRy-在取样长度L内轮廓峰顶线和轮廓谷底线之间的距离.Distance between maximum peak height and maximum valley depth over the entire sampling length L如果图面没标注粗糙度选用 Ra /Rz /Ry的情况下默认为RaIf it is not specific remarked, it would be treated as Ra.中美外表粗糙度光洁度对照表Surface Roughness Standard China vs US中国旧标 准China ol d standa

4、 rd 光 洁度 Surface finish中国新标 准China Ne w standa rd 粗糙 度Ra Roughnes s美国标 准US Stan dard 微米R a Micron meter美国标准US standa rd微英寸R aMicronInch 4320250 5200160125 61008063 7504032 8252016外表粗糙度是指加工外表具有的较小间距和微小峰谷不平度.其两波峰或两波谷之间的距离波距很小在1mmz下,用肉眼是难以区别的,因此它属于微 观几何形状误差.外表粗糙度越小,那么外表越光滑.外表粗糙度的大小,对机械 零件的使用性能有很大的影响,主要

5、表现在以下几个方面:Surface roughness is determined for the minor interval or minor distance between the peak height and valley depth on the machining surface .If the distance is less than 1mm, it would be invisible to the naked eye. If these deviations are small, the surface is smooth. The di fferent roughne

6、ss may influence the performance of mechanical parts a s follows, 外表粗糙度影响零件的耐磨性.外表越粗糙,配合外表间的有效接触面积越 小,压强越大,磨损就越快May influence the Wear resistance. 外表粗糙度影响配合性质的稳定性.对间隙配合来说,外表越粗糙,就越易 磨损,使工作过程中间隙逐渐增大;对过盈配合来说,由于装配时将微观凸峰挤 平,减小了实际有效过盈,降低了联结强度.May influence the stability of the fitting. 外表粗糙度影响零件的疲劳强度.粗糙零件

7、的外表存在较大的波谷,它们像 尖角缺口和裂纹一样,对应力集中很敏感,从而影响零件的疲劳强度.May influence the fatigue strength of the parts. 外表粗糙度影响零件的抗腐蚀性.粗糙的外表,易使腐蚀性气体或液体通过 外表的微观凹谷渗入到金属内层,造成外表腐蚀.May influence the resistance to corrosion. 外表粗糙度影响零件的密封性.粗糙的外表之间无法严密地贴合,气体或液 体通过接触面间的缝隙渗漏.May influence the leakproofness of the parts.此外,外表粗糙度对零件的外观、测量精度也有影响.Furthermore, it may also influence the appearance of the parts and me asurement accuracy.


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