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1、美国签证面试英语培训Q: Do you have relatives in the答:“我去看我的儿子/女儿。During the interview :Greet the Interviewer when you see him/her at the beginning.My English is not perfect , but I will try my best to answer your questions .to repeat or rephrase the question, if you dont Generally asked questions:Q: Why are y

2、ou going to the US?Ans: I am going to visit my son/daughter and for tourism purposes.Q: Have you been to the U.S. before?Ans: Give the true answer Yes or No.Note: The consulate can check to confirm this answer.understand the question.面试过程中:友好的与面试官问好。我的英语不是很好,但我会尽力回 答你的问题。如果你没听清他的问题,可以礼貌 的要求其再说一遍。常见问

3、题:US? If yes, who?Ans: Give the true answer Yes or No. My son/daughter lives there. If you have other relatives in the U.S. mention them.Note: Do not give details of other relatives unless they ask first.问:你为什么要去美国?问:你去过美国吗?答:根据事实回答是或者不是。注:领事馆可查询确认此答案。问:你在美国有亲戚吗?如果有, 他是谁?Q: Who is going to sponsor y

4、our visit?Ans: I am going to sponsor myQ: Where will you stay in the US?Ans: Wewill stay at XYZStreet, ABC City, PQ State, 1234 Zip code.Note: Memorize the address. It should correspond to the one on your visa application.Q: How much do you earn?Ans: Give the true answer. I答:回答“是”或“不是”我的儿 子/女儿住在那里。“

5、如果你在美国 有亲戚提起他们。注意:不要给其他亲属的细节,除 非他们先问。visit.问:你的费用谁来承担?答:“自费。”问:你将在美国停留在哪里?答:“我们在某某街,ABC PQ邮 政编码1234。”earn $annually.Note: Carry financial documents to support your answers. Your answer must correspond with the amount given in the visa application.Q: Where do you work?答:给出真实的答案。我每年挣Ans: I work for na

6、me of company.Note: Memorize the name of the company.记:记住地址。它应该与你的签证 申请的一个对应。问:你的收入是多少?Q: When do you plan to travel?Ans: We plan to travel in name of month.Q: Why do you want to travel at that time?Ans: If the trip is in spring/summer, you can say We want to visit during summer as the weather will

7、be suitable for us and we have heard that everything is beautiful at that注:携带财务文件,以支持你的答案。你的答案必须与在签证申请中的数量相对应。问:你在哪里工作?答:“我在公司名称工作。”记:记住公司的名称。fall/winter, say We want tovisit at that time because wewant to see the fall colors andsnow.问:你打算什么时候去旅行?答:“我们计划在月名旅行。”问:为什么你想在那个时候旅行?答:如果旅行是春天/夏天,你可以说:“我们想在夏

8、天参观天气更适合我们,我们听说在此期间一切都 是美好的,“如果在秋天/冬天来访,time of the year If visiting in说“我们想去参观,因为我们想看秋色和白雪。”Q: What are you goingto do in theafter our visa is approved.US?Q: Howmuchexpense do you expectAns:Wearegoing tofrom this trip?travel/visittheinterestingAns: Give the correct answer.places therelike:(give som

9、enames of famous tourist spots)问:你打算在美国做什么?Disneyland, Niagara Falls,答:“我们要去参观有趣的地方是:Washington D.C, Las Vegas.(给一些着名的旅游景点名称)迪Note: Make sure this answer斯尼乐园,尼亚加拉大瀑布,华盛corresponds with the answer for顿,拉斯维加斯。”the previous question.注意:确保这个答案与前面的问题Q: What is the purpose of your的答案相当。trip?问:你旅行的目的是什么?An

10、s: We are going for pleasure答:“我们将娱乐和旅游,看到一and tourism, to see some of the些有趣的地方,在我们和我们的儿interesting places in the US .子/女儿花时间(和儿子/媳妇)medical insurance etc.等。Ans: We will arrange for that答:“我们签证通过后就买。”Q: Do you have return air tickets,问:你是否有返回机票、医疗保险问:这次旅行你期望多少费用?Q: Is this your first visit to US?An

11、s: Give the true answer Yes orNote: The consulate can check to confirm your answer, tell the truth. If you have visited U.S.before,be prepared to answerquestions about your previous visit/s.Q: What places do you want to visit?Ans: Wewant to visit give names of interesting and famous U.S.tourist attr

12、actions likeDisneyland, Las Vegas, NiagaraFalls, Washington D.C etc.Note: We want to visit give names of interesting and famous答:按实际情况回答。No.问:这是你第一次来美国吗?答:给真正的回答是或者不是。U.S. tourist attractions like Disneyland, Las Vegas, Niagara Falls, Washington D.C etc.Q: Howlong will you stay in the US?注:领事馆可以检查确认

13、你的答案, 说出真相。如果您已经访问了美国 之前,准备回答关于您以前访问/秒的问题。问:你想参观哪些地方?答:“我们要去给有趣的和着名的 美国的旅游景点如迪斯尼乐园,拉 斯维加斯,尼亚加拉大瀑布的名字, 华盛顿等。”注:“我们想参观有趣的和着名的 美国旅游景点,如迪斯尼乐园,拉 斯维加斯,尼亚加拉大瀑布,华盛 顿特区等。”问:你会在美国待多久?Ans: We want to stay for number days, for example ten in the U.S.Q: What work do you do and where?Ans: Give the correct answer.

14、 If you are retired, say so.Q: What is your job profile?Ans:Give job details,responsibilities etc.Q: How much do you earn/ What is your annual income?Ans: Give true answer and details.to support your answers.Q: If you are working, you may be asked: Did you take leave?Ans: Yes, I have accumulated ten

15、 days?.Note: Show leave certificate.Q:Can I see youBusiness/visiting card?Ans: If you have a card, show it.If not, say you don t have one.Q: Do you have a credit card?Ans: Give the true answer, Yes or No. If yes, show it.Q: Will you work in the US?Ans: No, I amgoing for tourism and sightseeing. I ha

16、ve no intentions or reasons to work in the U.S.Note: Carry financial documentsQ:What is your son/ daughter/father/ mother/spouses birth date?Ans: Give the correct answer.答:“我们要住几天,例如10天问:你做什么工作和地址是?注:显示准假证明。问:我能看看你的名片吗?答:如果你有,请出示。如果没有,就说没有。问:你有信用卡吗?答:给出正确答案。如果你退休了,就这样说。问:你的工作职责是什么?答:给出真正的答案,是或不是。如果是,表明。问:你会在美国工作吗?答:给工作细节,责任等。问:你的年收入是多少?答:给真正的答案和细节。注:携带财务文件,以支持你的答案。答:“不,我要去旅游观光。我不想在美国工作。问:你的儿子/女儿/爸爸/妈妈/配偶的出生日期是什么?答:给出正确答案。问:如果你在工作,你可能会被问:你休假吗? 答:“是的,我已经积累了十天?


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