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1、定语从句典型题对比训练定语从句是英语里的很重要的知识,如果还是有些不懂可以看看下面小编为你带来定语从句典型题对比训练,希望大家喜欢。1 .Tom, _ I went to the concert, is a friend of mine. Tom,_ bicycle I went to the concert, is a friend of mine.A.whomB. on whoseC. with whomD.whose2. The man _ she married last year was a soldier. The man _ she was married was a soldi

2、er.A.whomB. to whomC. with whomD. whose3.Here are players from Japan, some of _ are our old friends.Here are some players from Japan and some of _are our old friends.A. whichB. thatC. whomD. them4.Is this factory _ we visited last week?.Isthisthefactory _ we visited last week?A、whereB、thatC、to which

3、D、the one5. The day _ she spent with us was never to be forgotten.The day _ she played with us was never to be forgotten.A. /B. whereC. whenD. in which6.We are trying to reach a pointboth sides will sit down together and talk.A. whichB. thatC. whereD. when. -Do you have anything to say for yourself?

4、-Yes, theres one point _ we must insist on .A. whyB. whereC. howD. /7._ leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights._ who leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights._ who leave the room last ought to turn off the lights.A. AnyoneB. Who C. Those D. Whoever8.This is one of the most intere

5、sting films _ shown last week.This is the very one of the most interesting filmsshown last week.A.whichwasB. that wasC. which wereD. that were9.The teacher gave us so difficult a problem _ we couldnt solve.The teacher gave us so difficult a problem _ we couldnt solve it.A. asB. thatC. whichD. the on

6、es10It was October_we met in Damiao for the first time.It was in October_we met inDamiao for the first time.A. thatB. whichC. whenD. while11.He is such a good teacher_we all like him.He is such a good teacher_we all like.A. whomB. thatC. asD. which12.It was eleven oclock _ they went out of the cinem

7、a.It was at eleven oclock _ they went out of the cinema.A. whichB. that C. when D. on which13.Galileo collected the facts _ proved the earth and all the other planets move around the sun.Galileo discovered the fact _ the earth and all the other planets move around the sun.A. that B. which C.不填 D. in

8、 whichE. A, B14.The wayhe explained the sentence to us was not difficult to understand.The way _he explained to uswas quite simple.A.that B.不填 C. in whichD. which E.A,B,CF. A,B,D15.Tom,_ we had expected, got the 1st place in the competitionTom,_ we had expected to help us, didnt even show his face .

9、A. asB. whomC. thatD. which16._ we all know, China is rich in natural resources._ is well-known that China is rich in natural resources.A. WhichB. AsC. ItD. That17.He still lives in the room _ window faces to the east.He still lives in the room, the window _ faces to the east.He still lives in the r

10、oom _ is in the north of the city.He still lives in the room _ there is a beautiful table.A. which B. whose C. where D. of which18.This is thelibrary _I borrowed the book.Itisfrom thislibrary _I borrowed the bookA. thatB. whichC. whereD. when19.She has married again,was expected.She has married again,wasunexpected.A. asB. whichC. thatD. whereKeys1.C B 2.A B 3.C D 4.D B 5.A C 6.C D 7.D A C 8.D B 9.A B 10.C A 11.B C 12.C B 13.E A14.E F 15.A B 16.B C 17 B D A C 18.C A 19.A B【定语从句典型题对比训练】5


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