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1、财经政法大学考博英语试题单选题1. To shut your eyes to the facts,_A_many of you often do,is foolish.A.asB.whatC.whichD.that2. -What would you like to eat?-I can eat_C_.A.somethingB.everythingC.anythingD.all3. Why didnt Jack ask for the job?He _C_it.A.might getB.could getC.could have gotD.must have got4. The lecture

2、_A_me to death.A.boredB.forcedC.killedD.put5. The pictures that he_A_on the wall yesterday are very beautiful.A.hungB.hangedC.hangingD.was hanged6. He achieved his aim_D_.A.by hard workingB.through hard workingC.working hardD.by hard work7. My wallet is nowhere to be founD.I_C_when I was on the bus.

3、A.musy drop itB.should have dropped itC.must have dropped itD.had dropped it8. _D_,we should be glad.A.They arrive tomorrowB.Were they arriving tomorrowC.They were to arrive tomorrowD.Were they to arrive tomorrow9. I could have done it better if I_C_more time.A.have hadB.hadC.had hadD.will have had1

4、0. He was a good swimmer,so he_D_swim to the river bank when the boat sank.A.couldB.mightC.succeeded toD.was able to11. _C_,that step is not safe!A.Look aroundB.Look upC.Look outD.Look down12. Is there any_B_ medicine to cure that patient of his illness?A.efficientB.effectiveC.attractiveD.enjoyable1

5、3. Make greater efforts,and you are sure to reach your goal_A_.A.eventuallyB.especiallyC.effectivelyD.endlessly14. As I felt so much better,my doctor_B_me to take a holiday by the sea.A.suggestedB.advisedC.consideredD.made15. Every picture has been sold_A_these two,so youd better make a decision ear

6、lier.A.expectB.besidesC.expect forD.beside16. Seldom_B_him in the past two years.A.I have seenB.have I seenC.I sawD.did I see17. -He went to see the film last night.-_A_.A.So he did,and so did IB.So did he,and so I didC.So he did,and so I didD.So did he,and so did I18. I wish I_B_you better.A.knowB.

7、knewC.will knowD.have known19. This is the student_A_I know will pass the TOEFL test.A.whoB.whomC.whoseD.what20. They are looking forward to_C_to the lecture by the famous professor.A.sendB.be sentC.being sentD.sending21. Not only_A_us light,but it gives us heat.A.does the sun giveB.the sun givesC.g

8、ives the sunD.the sun does give22. They were too dirty to walk;_B_,it was late.A.besideB.besidesC.exceptD.yet23. The book looked_C_it had been out in the rain.A.thatB.whetherC.as throughD.what24. My brother had a cold last week,so_B_I.A.hadB.didC.amD.have25. I havent met him for ages,but his mother_

9、B_him quite often.A.had seenB.seesC.has seenD.saw26. I sat near the entrance for a long time_A_him,but he didnt arrive.A.expectingB.attendingC.waitingD.excepting27. Im_D_in this newspaper.A.making a word puzzleB.having a puzzle wordC.getting a word puzzleD.doing a word puzzle28. Im not_B_beautiful d

10、reams.I want beautiful realities.A.content toB.content withC.content ofD.content at29. As there is no butter,we shall have to_A_dry bread.A.content ourselves withB.content us withC.content toD.content30. The Anti-Japanses War_B_in 1973and it_8 years.A.was broken out;lastedB.broke out;lastedC.broke;r

11、emainedD.had been broken out;kept31. What do you think_C_?A.what he isB.that he isC.he isD.is he32. I still remember the place_C_he visiteD.A.whereB.in whichC.thatD.at33. Mother was worried because little Alice was ill,especially_A_Father was out.A.asB.thatC.duringD.if34. He plays football_B_,if not

12、 better than,John.A.as wellB.as well asC.so wellD.so well as35. Finallt,the thief handed everything_D_he had stolen to the police.A.afterB.whatC.thatD.which36. If you climb up to the top,you can get a good_B_of the whole city.A.sightB.viewC.sceneD.sigh37. You look tireD.You_ A_all day long.A.must ha

13、ve been workingB.might be workingC.should have been workingD.should have worked38. Come and see me_B_two days time.A.forB.inC.afterD.during39. _B_Java Man.who lived before the first Ice Age,was the first man-like animal.A.Generally believed it isB.It is generally believed thatC.Believed it generally

14、 is thatD.That is generally believed40. I havent seen Tom yet today,and I havent seen Joe,_B_.A.bothB.eitherC.tooD.neither41. -You forgot to turn the gas off when you finished cooking this evening.-Good heavens,_B_.A.so did IB.so I didC.so you didD.you did so42. Mary is_A_.She is a bit too strong.A.

15、on a dietB.at a dietC.on a dietingD.going for dieting43. How many_B_do you need?A.hours sleepB.hours of sleepC.hours of sleepingD.sleeping hours44. I want to know how much you_A_since you_last time.A.have read;didB.had read;didC.had read;readD.would have read;had read45. _A_he said made me _.A.What;

16、sickB.That;sickC.whether;illD.If;to sick46. They have been in Hawaii_A_the end of the war.A.sinceB.atC.byD.in47. Under the tree_B_two boys.A.lyingB.layC.liesD.lain48. As a_C_of fact,talking to a friend is nice,but being alone is also enjoyable.A.thingB.businessC.matterD.affair49. My brother said_C_eraser he had bought was_help to him.A.the;/B.a;aC.the;aD.the;the50. You can often see the runners_B_on the playground.A.to trainB.trainingC.trainD.to be training【财经政法大学考博英语试题单选题】15


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