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1、Unit 1Where did you go on vacation?,不定代词,the Great Wall,the Palace Museum,Tainan Men Square,a Beijing Hutong,Beijing,Shanghai,I went to the Great Wall.,Where did you go on vacation?,She visited the USA.She went to New York City.,Where did she go on vacation(去度假?,New York City,They visited their teac

2、her.,Where did they go on vacation?,固定词组:1.stay at home 呆在家 2. go to New York City 去纽约市3. visit my uncle 拜访我的叔叔4.go to summer camp 去夏令营5. go to the mountains 去爬山6.go to the beach 去沙滩7.visit museums 参观博物馆,与go to the mountains结构类似的词组还有: go to the beach 去海边 go to summer camp 去夏令营 go to New York City 去纽

3、约市 go on vacation 去度假 go to a trip 去旅行 go to the movies 去看电影,2) home与house, family的区别 home指“家”这个概念, 包括“住处”和“家人”。 house则指“房子”、“住宅”, 侧重于建筑结构。family则指“家庭成员”。 当family作整体概念时, 谓语动词用单数;看作一个个成员时, 谓语动词用复数。,e.g. I watched TV at home last might. 我昨晚在家里看电视。 This house is very beautiful. 这房子真漂亮。 My family is a s

4、mall but happy one. 我家人不多但很幸福。 My family are watching TV. 家人在看电视。,Central park 中央公园位于美国纽约中心的曼哈顿地区,是纽约最大的都市公园,四季皆有不同美景,独享纽约“后花园”之美称。它不仅是纽约市民心目中的休闲胜地,也是世界各地游客向往的著名公园。,Do you know?,不定代词的用法:1.形容词做主语时,一般被认定为单数形式。2.形容词必须放在复合不定代词之后,语法上称作“后置”。例如: something important 重要的事 something interesting-有趣的事 nothing i

5、nteresting-没有什么有趣的事情,1. Lucy did her homework yesterday evening. (改为否定句)Lucy _ _ _ _ yesterday evening.2. I had lunch at my friends home. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) _ you _ _ at your friends home?_, _ _.3. Jim went to the beach last Sunday. (对画线部分提问)_ _ Jim _ last Sunday?4. They played basketball yesterday. (对画线部分提问)_ _ they play basketball?5. The students had great fun in the park. (改为同义句)The students _ _ _ _ in the park.,didnt do her homework,Did have lunch,Yes I did,What did do,V. 根据要求改写下列句子。,When did,had a good / great time,Thank You!,


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