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1、Accounting Standards for Business EnterprisesBasic StandardChapter 1 General ProvisionsArticle 1In accordance with the accounting Law of The Peoples Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations, this Standard is formulated to prescribe the recognition, measurement and reporting activiti

2、es of enterprises for accounting purposes and to ensure the quality of accounting information.Article 2This Standard shall apply to enterprises (including companies) established within The Peoples Republic of China.Article 3Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises include the Basic Standard and

3、 Specific Standards. Specific Standards shall be formulated in accordance with this Standard.Article 4An enterprise shall prepare financial reports. The objective of financial reports is to provide accounting information about the financial position, operating result and cash flows, etc. of the ente

4、rprises to the users of the financial reports, in order to show results of managements stewardship, and assist users of financial reports to make economic decision.Users of financial reports include investors, creditors, government and its relevant departments as well as the public.Article 5An enter

5、prise shall recognize, measure and report transactions or events that the enterprise itself have occurred.Article 6In performing recognition, measurement and reporting for accounting purposes, an enterprise shall be assumed to be a going concern.Article 7An enterprise shall close the accounts and pr

6、epare financial reports for each separate accounting period.Accounting period is divided into annual periods (yearly) and interim periods. An interim period is a reporting period shorter than a full accounting year.Article 8Accounting measurement shall be based on unit of currency.Article 9Recogniti

7、on, measurement and reporting for accounting purpose shall be on an accrual basis.Article 10An enterprise shall determine the accounting elements based on the economic characteristics of transactions or events. Accounting elements include assets, liabilities, owners equity, revenue, expenses and pro

8、fit.Article 11An enterprise shall apply the double method (i.e. debit and credit) for bookkeeping purposes.Chapter 2 Qualitative Requirements of Accounting InformationArticle 12An enterprise shall recognize, measure, report for accounting purposes transactions or events that have actually occurred,

9、to faithfully represent the accounting elements which satisfy recognition and measurement requirements and other relevant information, and ensure the accounting information is true, reliable and complete.Article 13Accounting information provided by enterprise shall be relevant to the needs of the us

10、ers of financial reports in making economic decisions, by helping them evaluate or forecast the past, present or future events of the enterprise.Article 14Accounting information provided by an enterprise shall be clear and explicable, so that it is readily understandable and useable to the users of

11、financial reports.Article 15Accounting information provided by enterprises shall be comparable.An enterprise shall adopt consistent accounting policies for same or similar transactions or events that occurred in different periods and shall not change the policies arbitrarily. If a change is required

12、 or needed, details of the change shall be explained in the notes.Different enterprises shall adopt prescribed accounting policies to account for same similar transactions or events to ensure accounting information is comparable and prepared on a consistent basis.Article 16An enterprise shall recogn

13、ize, measure and report transactions or events based on their substance, and not merely based on their legal form.Article 17Accounting information provided by an enterprise shall reflect all transactions or events that relate to its financial position, operating results and cash flows.Article 18An e

14、nterprise shall exercise prudence in recognition, measurement and reporting of transactions or events. It shall not overstate assets or income nor understate liabilities or expenses.Article 19An enterprise shall recognize, measure and report transactions and events occurred in a timely manner and sh

15、all neither bring forward no defer the accounting.Chapter 3 AssetsArticle 20An asset is resource that is owned or controlled by an enterprise as a result of past transactions or events and is expected to generate economic benefits to the enterprise.Last transactions and events mentioned in preceding

16、 paragraph include acquisition, production, construction or other transactions or events. Transactions or events expected to occur in the future do not give rise to assets.Owned or controlled by an enterprise is the right to enjoy he ownership of a particular resource or, although the enterprise may

17、 not have the ownership of a particular resource, it can control the resource.Expected to generate economic benefits to the enterprise is the potential to bring inflows of cash and cash equivalents, directly or indirectly, to the enterprise.Article 21A resource that satisfies the definition of an as

18、set set out in Article 20 in this standard shall be recognized as an asset when both of the following conditions are met.(a) it is probable that the economic benefits associated with that resource will flow to the enterprise; and(b) the cost or value of that resource can be measured reliably.Article

19、 22An item that satisfies the definition and recognition criteria of an asset shall be included in the balance sheet.An item that satisfies the definition of an asset but fails to meet the recognition criteria shall not be included in the balance sheet.Chapter 4 LiabilitiesArticle 23A liability is a

20、 present obligation arising from past transactions or events which are expected to give rise to an outflow of economic benefits from the enterprise.A present obligation is duty committed by the enterprise under current circumstance. Obligations that will result from the occurrence of future transact

21、ions or events are not present obligations and shall not be recognized as liabilities.Article 24An obligation that satisfies the definition of a liability set out in Article 23 in the standard shall be recognized as a liability when both of the following conditions are met: (a) it is probable there

22、will be an outflow of economic benefits associated with that obligation from the enterprise;and(b) the amount of the outflow of economic benefit in the future can be measured reliably.Article 25An item that satisfies the definition and recognition criteria of a liability shall be included in the bal

23、ance sheet. An item that satisfies the definition of a liability but fails to meet the recognition criteria shall not be included in the balance sheet.Chapter 5 Owner s EquityArticle 26Owners equity is the residual interest in the assets of an enterprise after deducting all its liabilities.Owners eq

24、uity of a company is also known as shareholderss equity.Article 27Owners equity comprises capital contributed by owners, gains and losses directly recognized in owners equity, retains earning etc.Gains and losses directly recognized in owner s equity are those gains and losses that shall not be reco

25、gnized in profit or loss of the current period but will result in changes (increases or decreases) in owner s equity, other than those relating to contributions from, or appropriations of profit to equity participants.Gains are inflows of economic benefits that do not arise in the course of ordinary

26、 activities resulting in increases in owner s equity, other than those relating to contributions from owners.Losses are outflows of economic benefits that do not arise in the course of ordinary activities resulting in decreasesArticle 28The amount of owners equity is determined by the measurement of

27、 assets and liabilities.Article 29An item of owner s equity shall be included in the balance sheet.Chapter 6 RevenueArticle 30Revenue is the gross inflow of economic benefits derived from the course of ordinary activities that result in increases in equity, other than those relating to contributions

28、 from owners.Article 31Revenue is recognized only when it is probable that economic benefit will flow to the enterprise, which will result in an increase in assets or decrease in liabilities and the amount of inflow of economic benefits can be measured reliably.Article 32An item that satisfied the d

29、efinition and recognition criteria of revenue shall be included in the income statement.Chapter 7 ExpenseArticle 33Expense is the gross outflow of economic benefits resulted from the course of ordinary activities that result in decrease in owners equity, other than those relating to appropriations o

30、f profits to owners.Article 34Expense are recognized only when it is probable there will be outflow of economic benefit from the enterprise which result in a reduction of its assets or an increase in liabilities and the amount of the outflow of economic benefits can be measured reliably.Article 35Di

31、rectly attributable costs, such as product costs, labour costs, etc. incurred by an enterprise in the process of production of goods or rendering of services shall be recognized as cost of goods sold or services provided and are charged to profit or loss in the period in which the revenue generated

32、from the related products or services are recognized.Where an expenditure incurred does not generate economic benefits, or where the economic benefits derived from an expenditure do not satisfy, or cease to satisfy the recognition criteria of an asset, the expenditure shall be expensed when incurred

33、 and included in profit or loss of the current period.Transactions or events occurred which to the assumption of a liability without recognition of an asset shall be expensed when incurred and included in profit or loss of the current period.Article 36An item that satisfies the definition and recogn

34、ition criteria of expense shall be included in the income statement.Chapter 8 ProfitArticle 37Profit is the operating result of an enterprise over a specific accounting period. Profit includes the net amount of revenue after deducting expenses, gains and losses directly recognized in profit of the c

35、urrent period, etc.Article 38Gains and losses directly recognized in profit of the current period are those gains and losses that shall be recognized in profit and losses directly which result in change (increases or decreases ) to owner s equity, other than those relating to contributions from , or

36、 appropriations of profit to , owners.Article 39The amount of profit is determined by the measurement of the amount of revenue and expenses, gains and losses directly recognized in profit or loss in the current period.Article 40An item of profit shall be included in the income statement.Chapter 9 Ac

37、counting MeasurementArticle 41In recording accounting elements that meet the recognition criteria in the accounting books and records and presenting them in the accounting statements and the notes (hereinafter together as financial statements), an enterprise shall measure the accounting elements in

38、accordance with the prescribed accounting measurement bases.Article 42Accounting measurement bases mainly comprise:a) Historical cost: Assets are recorded at the amount of cash or cash equivalents paid or the fair value of the consideration given to acquire them at the time of their acquisition. Lia

39、bilities are recorded at the amount of proceeds or assets received in exchange for the present obligation, the amount payable under contract for assuming the present obligation, or at the amount of cash or cash equivalents expected to be paid to satisfy the liability in the normal course of business

40、.b) Replacement cost: Assets are carried at the amount of cash or cash equivalents that have to be paid if a same or similar asset was acquired currently. Liabilities are carried at the amount of cash or cash equivalents would be currently required to settle the obligation.c) Net realizable value: A

41、ssets are carried at the amount of cash or cash equivalents that could be obtained by selling the asset in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated costs of completion, the estimated selling cost and related tax payments.d) Present value: Assets are carried at the present discounted value

42、 of the future net cash inflows that the item is expected to generate from its continuing use and ultimate disposal. Liabilities are carried at present discount value of the future net cash outflows that are expected to be required to settle the liabilities within the expected settlement period.e) F

43、air value: Assets and liabilities are carried at the amount of which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm s length transaction.Article 43An enterprise shall generally adopt historical cost as the measurement basis for accounting elemen

44、ts. If the accounting elements are measured at replacement cost, net realizable value, present value or fair value, the enterprise shall ensure such amount can be obtained and reliably measured.Chapter 10 Financial ReportArticle 44A financial report is a document published by an enterprise to provid

45、e accounting information to reflect its financial position on a specific date and its operating result and cash flows for a particular accounting period, etc.A financial report includes accounting statement and notes and other information or data that shall be disclosed in financial reports. Account

46、ing statements shall at least comprise a balance sheet, an income statement and a cash flow statement.A small enterprise need not include a cash flow statement when it prepares financial statement.Article 45A balance sheet is an accounting statement that reflects the financial position of an enterpr

47、ise at a specific date.Article 46An income statement is an accounting statement that reflects the operating result of an enterprise for a certain accounting period.Article 47A cash flow statement is an accounting statement that reflects the inflows and outflows of cash and cash equivalents of an ent

48、erprise for a certain accounting period.Article 48Notes to the accounting statement are further explanations of items presented in the accounting statement, and explanations of items not presented in the accounting statements, etc.Chapter 11 Supplementary ProvisionsArticle 49The Ministry of Finance is responsible for the interpretation of this Standard.Article 50This standard becomes effective as from 1 January 2021.


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