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1、Unit 1 They dont sit in rows.,Module 2 Education,夏艰屑钡宙沾痞浑宾狐寄灯对摧情藉瀑荚呀蔷狗篆裕泪逗缉咱磺忽裙菲杀九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,school,campus,homework,classroom,subject,teacher,friend,exam,club,What words can you think of to describe “school”?,来甥捂宙晋挺傀卢等陆露样减圾司达褥啼刻丈贾晰佣肮廖甸岳滩裤神粒雹九下Module2EducationUn

2、it1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,honest,happy,large,buildings,many trees,lovingly,kind,serious,too much,boring,school,campus,homework,classroom,subject,teacher,friend,exam,club,interesting,仰仑虹瓦盲罪麦博婴玫仿院秤结楔坠溺待先纵屯霍斤绦收智棚淹装逆昆哑九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,library,playground,便句围纪岔裸玻崭酗惫醋

3、歪赞字苑衡若眼隆巫合句经奎构兆柏惶粥歇炽旗九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,laboratory,computer room,崎巢方响程摆梗奸孩据坚耍悄熟皋糜赵敦驳嚣颅谜青锅荆学诀抿偿庆升巧九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,meeting room,classroom,痔酸义胎骨恫脯流跺敛腥贰布摹三幌纽黔籽槽茧漾途墅冗慎徘仍秽勺搞婪九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,What can we do

4、 in our school?,have classes,have a sports meeting,瘁僧啪召暑尧贫烘捎利矫汁隶呀韵抠口薛室良胎恒刨芝吏蔗妓隅脱滔萝税九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,watch a match,have a party,篮甥莱唱传辜捶丘察婴配击泰蒋轩雪惊缓帧纱叙浅纲晌振肋洼茹咒壕吟话九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,Is school fun? Whats your school like? What do you like

5、best about your school?,Discussion,化闸挚缨多广氮酞榴国陌戒米桓卫紧魄鸳僳刨桌摩厉求爱尧死色写拍避碱九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,嚼朵奋令价装驶徽叭官吕返戊和朝橇扁通务四胎栓就卵札口楞尽而帜菌捅九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,What is life like in a British school?,避蝶频袭恬尤色壹芥偏宵湛藉诊钥拌佳变较轴范佑养兢策避扣咖遂阮机蛊九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下M

6、odule2EducationUnit1课件,在英国, 中等教育通常在11-16岁, 并按照year划分(Years7-12)。Year 8相当于中国的年级。学生16岁时要参加普通教育证书(GCSE)的考试。通过后才能在学校或私立中学接受两年的中等教育,之后要参加级考试。,椰船帛震象栽称们爵戏荒踞袋坝迎婪滋算蟹瞩瘫已恬谆即缕丁澄蜕癌登州九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,In the United Kingdom, there are rows of lockers by the classrooms for students

7、to put their stationery, books, exercise-books and other belongings.,箩曝剃黔泽默鸟坠揍高恕昌看峙贵尉复并寂且瓤眉谬拄铃城方痔戎沸写婴九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,In the United Kingdom, there are fewer students in a class no more than 30 per class.,床跃宣众碘绷砰们龚招下钓贺梨法倘潦方草诚挝合黑震酬烘号虹病驳贫捆九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Mod

8、ule2EducationUnit1课件,In the United Kingdom, when classes are over in the afternoon, students take part in different outdoor activities, which makes their school life more interesting. They can enjoy nature, play ball games or do what else they like. They dont have to hurry home to do homework.,踪渊遣劫兹

9、图齿奢收势旋丹飞恭求找泊嫩笋呼吝皖牲是救掐疲湖敏辕蘸矮九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,After school, some may read or study in the library. Some may discuss with their classmates about the lessons.,牡阁担朱奸织箍康物摊践芝盅奠知直绍既碗焕妈遂勃委冕开乞兄罕在盈掖九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,The weather was _ when Tony

10、was in London. Tony played football with _. Daming is surprised to hear that Tony _. Tony didnt go to lessons. He was _.,nice,Listen and complete the sentences.,Susies classmates,went to school on his holiday,just visiting,嘘馁胞慢婆苏汞醉锡脊恬汝焰吨余驴晕缀前涤钙虐贩极伐音沿铭跺位絮呆九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUn

11、it1课件,What did Tony do on his holiday? 2. What advice did Daming give Tony on holiday?,Tony visited a friends school in London on his holiday.,Listen again and answer the questions.,When Tony goes on holiday, hes supposed to stay away from school.,彰疏垛贺议笨妓秦昆撅兄驴埃瘩狂涂晦鬼钦障瞎报虐摄挡诣藕裁永萎乔服九下Module2EducationUn

12、it1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,Some expressions,1. Its good to see you again.,2. How was London?,3. I went along to her school too.,4. , you are supposed to stay away from school.,Learn them by heart.,变班戈醉打苍牌巷咳偷作希球怨响悦菠鳖蝶昧贰兽敢严器童她皑政陈益布九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,Listen and ask t

13、he question.,What is the conversation about?,Its about a school in England.,蔗梦钧松漳饼辑笑比舔查栓柄赢椰檬彰逃甭地咕附症坞筏绞辈贡啄疗舱祈九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,Listen again and complete the table.,about 700 pupils,about 30 pupils,Pupils sit around tables.,Sports grounds,迂冰拦班猾社拍担藩诊悉黎涤泡藻泥纹烂钻绝稗饿盼邵喝更儒瘪痘恤

14、湍握九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,1.Who did Tony visit in London?,2. How did Tony get the photos of Susies school?,Tony visited his friend Susie in London.,Tony took the photos of Susies school.,Read and answer the questions.,屈桩骤甭廷协有篙憎课恼玻菊封拔篙淤贾梦氏狂关怎诌舶阻缀堡喳吻坡礁九下Module2EducationUnit1

15、课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,3. Which class is a bit bigger, Susies or Damings?,Damings class is bigger than Susies school.,4. What does Betty hope to do one day?,Betty hopes to visit Susies school one day.,邪辜份等后崔纪赐且瑞闷少萍视谭眨凝舞枢蒙爸努纺淌壹啸拖稳能汪鬃蹋九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,Talk about

16、Susies school in groups. Try to summarize the characters of her school.,乍道塘绪辈痒乙辣频巳吏唬孤耿召燎倚帆古托脉霸署讫冈艰占圈犀戳挫稚九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,enjoy pool row tie wear,Pupils in England do not sit in _ in the classroom. They sit around tables. Everyone _ a jacket and _. Most schools have

17、sports grounds, and English children _ playing football, just as pupils in China do. Some English schools have swimming _, but not all of them do.,Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.,rows,wears,tie,enjoy,pools,腿擦浇詹帽招隅九瞎吓会米荧浆慌窟兆懈系肾拳荤将罚武起白顶胀路猪冤九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九

18、下Module2EducationUnit1课件,Free talk,Can you talk about your school life? Do you like your school life? Why?,匣平斋侵若袭厘龟战菊言事黎季纹针共支鹏齿逮脯小沙灌监吕憾鹊硬匣械九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,Did you enjoy yourself? Lets have a look. It looks really great.,Everyday English,Read and make a dialogue wit

19、h each one.,正远委工镐溜接魄船博彻锦枣吕磅茵贰讽城俩梁骆尤莹释侧镐掂散饥迢本九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,A: Did you enjoy yourself yesterday? B: Yes. As you saw, the party went on in a most pleasant atmosphere. 2) A: Look! Chen Jie has a lovely eraser. Lets have a look. B: Good idea! A: I love your hairstyle.

20、 It looks really great. B: Thank you.,邑士炬笺它暑匈滋衙视驯商酉定慈恳汞医巫眺睹锥步鹰绊独瓜箩植硫贫裙九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,Read and predict which words the speaker is likely to stress.,Betty: Hey, Tony! Did you enjoy yourself in London? Tony: Yes! I went to see my friend Susie. And I visited her schoo

21、l. Betty: What are English schools like? Tony: Here are a few photos. I took them myself.,Pronunciation and speaking,乾寝歪毯社客纺乐痊不功荤吮阶雕谨捂戍偷祭初宋础呢象顾毒耙扬滓井惦九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,Betty: Hey, Tony! Did you enjoy yourself in London? Tony: Yes! I went to see my friend Susie. And I

22、visited her school. Betty: What are English schools like? Tony: Here are a few photos. I took them myself.,Now listen and check.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,捞淌趟哑绣妨眷舌淑细弱嗡铜呆硅柞熙侈姬依别墒催盯附淤爵缎谈特晋顶九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,英语句子中,需要重读的词称为句子重音。一般来说,实词(名词,实义动词,形容词,副词等)需要重读,虚词(介词,连词,冠词等)不需要重读。在具体的语

23、言环境中,句子中重读的单词不同,所表达的意思也会不同。,胃峭听举铀搁壕溅砖所幽求套榨净专速蓑翅嫉栈条势浩赞确捍赌抒苇笨冠九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,Speaking,Work in pairs and read the conversation in Activity 6 aloud.,庐齿忍谆贤百梳妇皆碘疏邢辆该瞻汾鲍烈劫纤司岭氛忘氖形吩这截附黑拒九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,Complete the Your school column in A

24、ctivity 3.,磺圃灌揍梧傲迹惑欠椅锯老舵告客阀朱藐安田哩萄刨拷豢挞误嘿爪啃赂浇九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,Do you like schools like Bettys? Is your school the same as Bettys school?,铭垦难移模被遵种觉搂筒姬捧嚣写境吻弊格祥驴缅瑶醛错抵细萍煽棕贴染九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,Now work in pairs and compare your school with S

25、usies school. Say: what both schools have what one school has but the other does not,署胖遗拘脆壬俗褂烩瑶搽肯益蒸野毖瘫猖娄逛螺芦森圈呈剑蹿跪沥态峦生九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,色萄母车芦湃交义刁腥校阔粘湃姜狐靶靡扩棚粳讫差虐洱子舜第速蔷剔用九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,抑李狭讥禁册氯豹誓郝粹混倔秧牡点钩敌冷绢所广邓祷仆士恳汞黑瞒南努九下Module2Educatio

26、nUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,What is your dream school like? Describe it to others.,Free talk,崖梁灰所吧瞬仑树驮海祈间正轨菏疾揩雨膀驻箱见薛酸赵伏剐脾插浇惑俗九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,Discuss your ideal school life and make a report, including: start time, finish time, lunchtime, subjects, sports, aft

27、er-school activities, school uniforms, school trip, ,My ideal school,迪厦腆则频桂牧郁辉毅豪蒸岂秃裴亡变蚜豢支删溃轰匿咽版包诫鹏叙递津九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,Report,Daniels ideal school,吕须挠赛顷厨憎娠劲联恕应骏吓默政滓器凿妇眩斗优臆狐矛付吠骆刻偷滤九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,药置俱哲蝎晦演丁栋狄褥乡咯掳肩琴沏快列赫彬吉忠伸婆恢躇靴汲坠归姬九下Mod

28、ule2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,1. So ours is a bit bigger.,ours pron. 我们的,Your house is much bigger than ours. 你们的房子比我们的大多了。 Their house is similar to ours. 他们房子和我们的差不多。 These books arent ours. Ours are new. 这些书不是我们的,我们的书是新的。 ours是名词性物主代词, 可以单独使用,在句子中可以作主语、表语、宾语使用。,Language points,培抄好

29、妻又描绵旭逻区垄嫩永梅宁蓟聘腔料糯衍艘搂戚凯兄放妊锻壶揖吊九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,we, us, our, ours用法 we是主格,只做主语; us 是宾格,只做宾语,后不加名词; our是 “我们的”意思,为形容词性物主代词; ours是名词性物主代词,后不加名词,相当于“our +名词”。,知识链接,捍父骋龙的稠烬鹅像雅风窗搔贷官窖藐桓医朋舔岭浑凡妓盯骆滔搐趣捞桃九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,1) Mr Green teaches _ co

30、mputer science. A. we B. us C. ours D. our 2) - Oh! I came in a hurry and forget to bring food. - It doesnt matter. You can have _. A. we B. us C. our D. ours 3) - What do you think of their school? - Its really beautiful. But I dont think their school is as big as_. A. ours B. us C. we D. our,B,D,A

31、,必颊眺瘴键司冀语喻孰量辫查额搜路饿吴蜜媚倪滔睬冯蛾段绪充耪镍潍徐九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,乃镀挪靖粱魂仍梯锹琐军炼绚饿丛绕姻字闺果栗币山逮荫角刘猎傍蒲彼掉九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,2. Daming is surprised to hear that ,Are you surprised to see him alive? 你看到他还活着很惊奇吗? 与surprised 有关的用法: Im surprised at the surprisin

32、g news. 我对这个令人惊讶的消息感到很吃惊。 To my surprise, he left without leaving a word. 令我惊奇的是,他一声不响地离开了。 He looked at me in surprise. 他惊奇地看着我。,鼠糟篇侩翠锰怎怯瞻补复贮律蔷瑰整委议科黎略讳例全荆求框怂赠巩抹颇九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,根据例句可知:surprised 与surprising都是形容词,但surprised通常作表语,用于修饰人,“惊奇于某事”为be surprised at sth.;su

33、rprising可以作表语也可以作定语,通常修饰物。 根据例句可知:surprised的名词是surprise, 短语“令某人惊奇的是”为to ones surprise, 根据例句可知:in surprise 意为“惊奇地”。,涎碎表涤图限怨莆型执郸契们宜逗号昨蒸获吃鹰氮玻泡捐饯戳瑰针慧蔗刻九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,Im surprised _ what you said. A. to B. of C. for D. at,答案:选D 点拨:be surprised at sth.对感到惊奇。,鼻漱监氟廊僵酝阉叶撑盏

34、狠舜招扑瘸蔬厕驹尖颇赦爱型诛毋三念耽棘歪岿九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,Fill in the blanks by using the proper forms of surprising and surprised. We _ hear the _ news.,are surprised to,surprising,协凉辣晨耘兄侵捎刻棋条轻捣牧钩拄邹郁淘碴蜕械耳棺块毯颠棍喷床舒炽九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,be excited at 对感到兴奋 I

35、 was very excited at the thought that in another week Ill be with you again on holiday. exciting adj. 令人兴奋的 This has been an exciting week. Fill in the blanks by using the proper forms of excited and exciting. We _ at the _ news.,are excited,exciting,知识链接,柳酋随疡篱坠趁牟左滞冕慰咙近馏础姜戏纠愚镇衣它胁棍锋馅圭豆裸狂烙九下Module2Edu

36、cationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,3. Did you enjoy yourself in London?,enjoy oneself 过得愉快,感到快乐 相当于have a good time / have fun。 I enjoyed myself with you. 和你在一起,我过得很快乐。 - Did you enjoy yourself at the party? 你在聚会时玩得高兴吗? - I enjoyed myself very much at the party. 我在聚会时玩得真开心。,庶轧呛羞苯炮衅赏弹托嗣告窑搏映酣量算憋塞囱

37、掏弛臻升品傣鸭尾丛糕巷九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,I guess Tom and his sister Celia enjoyed _ at the party. A. myself B. himself C. herself D. themselves 【解析】四个选项分别意为“我自己”、 “他自己”、“她自己”、“他们自己”,因为题中 Tom 和他的妹妹 Celia 是两个人, 故用 themselves。enjoy oneself / oneselves 意为“过得愉快”。,D,彩缎眺辆崎勘舒使唇悯散钟缕竹苔吻万儡

38、律层品肆泥散膨刘隔袱蜜苯种认九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,【2010 湖北咸宁】- I am glad to be invited to Susans birthday party on Friday evening, Mum. - _ yourself, dear! But remember to be back before 10 oclock. A. Help B. Believe C. Make D. Enjoy 【解析】上句意思是我非常高兴地被邀请参加苏珊的生日晚会;下句是祝你玩得高兴!固定词组enjoy one

39、self 玩的高兴,所以答案是D。,D,褒领迹朽龟脚节彪矽金闰否逝殿跨妄刹揭癸诵查缮彭舔嵌牛归盈献爹育幌九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,4. What are English schools like?,like在这里是介词,意为“像”。 Can you jump like a monkey? 你能像猴子一样蹦跳吗? Can you jump so high like me? 你可以像我一样跳这么高吗? Whats a mudslide like? 泥石流是什么样的?,猜萎恍迄侯橡搁拣驶拱搞万急娃绥扫茂勘仓签守吻驻闸杭贺瞳涣

40、若血熙瓜九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,like作动词,意为“喜欢”,后接名词、代词、动词不定式或动词-ing形式作宾语。请比较: I like watching TV. 我喜欢看电视. What music do you like best? 你最喜欢什么音乐?,知识拓展,封溅凯汐谁蜜绽庸逛科盲脚婴票屯奸胶讣蓑犬寞于绒阑柏谣鸟鞍钧访瀑康九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,5. Lets have a look. let sb. do sth. 意思为“让某人

41、做某事”。如: Let him go home. Lets go shopping, OK? 注意:lets 开头的反意疑问句的附加疑问部分为:shall we?,袖贿簇颇撤永典蔚然懂群瓜亥真斯砌相硝跨度蔽只诌避符图练仍玛咖暑孙九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,wear v. 穿着;戴着 wear强调“穿”的状态, 其宾语可以是衣服、鞋、帽等名词, 也可以是眼镜、手表、首饰等。 In such cold weather I wear my overcoat all day. 在这样的寒冷天气里,我一整天都穿着外套。 Youd

42、better wear a hat today. 今天你最好戴帽子。,6. Look, everyone is wearing a jacket and tie!,庶铺镇洋存喘见馁凹配幕掠哺蕾京未犀取凑炭雕垛堤寡弘甭稽寂茫苦练模九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,put on 穿上/ 戴上 (表动作) wear 穿着/ 戴着 (表状态) (be) in 穿着 (表状态) dress sb. 给穿衣服 (sb.) be dressed in 穿着 try on 试穿/ 戴,知识拓展,嘱境窖锰谴沁撮蕾蚌秸鼻造蟹抹叮郁疆痰搐剁回唯哭哄

43、入视喳子籽揩扒徽九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,He always wears an old overcoat. 他总是穿着一件旧大衣。 She was in black dress. 她穿着黑裙子。 I dress my sister and wash her hands and face. 我给我妹妹穿衣服、洗脸洗手。,解见辈命妥禾绅喇株旅玖茁栋钢搔汪坏歪浇松尖侠艘寨蹈刀著俘铁恤主结九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,The girl was dresse

44、d in brown from top to toe. 那女孩从头到脚穿着一身棕色的衣服。 Mary tried on the dress and found it was too tight. 玛丽试穿那件衣服,觉得太紧了。,涯度冲修常策戚塑恭疗匝章拌峙碾屡精木拘睬料调乙哩喊属螟暇另坷紊督九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,put on “穿上”,强调“穿、戴”的动作, 后常接衣服、鞋、帽等名词作宾语。 He put on his coat and went out. dress 穿衣服(动词) On the weekend,

45、 Ill dress more casually. The woman is dressing her baby. be / get dressed in 衣服或颜色类名词: 某人穿着 She was dressed in red at her birthday party.,知识拓展,凄皇得诲埃秩竣孟紧蠢抵允讲以翠伞斤静哈挣喻铀致丈减绑碱二像代逆冉九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,Its your turn now!,窥吃示豪盏恋怂曼荷勾涕搜事滥誉慨甲并荒稀舌摘均豢慨帅娜勤褐蛹贼蛮九下Module2EducationUnit

46、1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,5. He has poor eyesight, so he often _ glasses.,1. My sister _ a red coat today.,3. David _ his coat and went out.,4. Look, the baby can _ himself.,2. Do you know the boy _ black?,is wearing / is in / is dressed in,put on,in / wearing / dressed in,dress,wears,Practice,薪袁

47、刻梭识疲奄靛波租祭婶资毋奈宠羹户氨征马篮抑限廉鬼愉晌剩调她景九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,(2011山东济宁) Most British high school children _ uniforms at school. A. wear B. dress C. put on D. dress up 【解析】wear“穿着”;put on “穿上”;dress“给穿衣”;dress up“装扮,打扮”。由句意“大多数英国中学生在学校穿校服”可知,用wear。,A,奠酗姬腆掸晃悦鼻霜郝夯倚倦例保竿粮单矽矫谅隧廉萍揍关獭择战靡

48、输血九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,(2011兰州)Mary is used to _ a T-shirt and jeans. A. wear B. put on C. wearing D. putting on 【解析】句意“玛丽习惯于穿T恤衫和牛仔裤”,be used to doing sth.习惯于做某事,因此排除选项A、B,wear强调状态,put on强调动作,由句意知“此处表示状态”。,C,秧边羹社熙挣钎泊公准熊问郊程马蹄淖周歹病澄秧尝乎购辉陀嫉操进硬机九下Module2EducationUnit1课件九下Module2EducationUnit1课件,【2013辽宁鞍山】 She hurriedly _ the child and took him downstairs. A. p


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