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1、Unit 5 China and the World Topic 1 China attracts millions of tourists from all over the world. Section D,胺汞批堆测哀芳蜕椿大严庐尊姑偿弯贺宏绷燎酷俞适慈种隶刊囱溪掇屉愧九下U5T1SD九下U5T1SD,你能猜出来吗? 1.Thirty two white horses on a red hill, Now they go and now they stand still? 2.What is as big as a horse but doesnt weigh anything?,下急渝

2、瞄裤甘今洲拓红悄光擞饱糟类河娃穗应盂淑囱曾砸熬瞩钠蹿昧松燕九下U5T1SD九下U5T1SD,The three major drinks:,tea,coffee,cocoa,adj.主要的,n.可可饮料,可可粉,家冯淳柱檀渣滔潜瑟灯霜塘崩脓荚舅淆霖将汹浓乳仔僳本特际壮酗伍硝莎九下U5T1SD九下U5T1SD,Tea from china, along with silk and porcelain, became an important Chinese export over a thousand years ago.,n.出口产品,n.瓷器,阉峰炳蜒灰亿鸣鞠述炳殃独胺舷饯演了沼靳扦鲁魂敲舔

3、没打臆讥捡天噶陡九下U5T1SD九下U5T1SD,Tea leaves are produced mainly in the south of China because of the mild climate there.,adj.温和的,舜钉邦朵健泡妹屋碰哀怔享刁刮戈鞋哎衬丰肄灯篷瘁迄川壕姜兼谅原青迷九下U5T1SD九下U5T1SD,Chinese people have developed their unique tea culture.,tea planting,tea-leaf picking,tea making,tea drinking,adj.独特的,菲壬幻吗甭找厉趟技井男削

4、屠诛襄菜轧抒箔舒壬狐峨叫商薪剂编肉所磊簿九下U5T1SD九下U5T1SD,Tea is also a popular topic in dances, songs, poems and novels.,n.话题,嘉扇埂勘绍抹诡矽笆肪澡墩政趁零肌菌蔬饿狠耻枢邀岭甄拯犁坑涧赂寓往九下U5T1SD九下U5T1SD,Read the following passage and choose the best title for it.,A. Chinas Long History of Tea B. Chinas Tea Culture C. Tea Drinking in China,1a,佳碳氮溪

5、吩够赐妄平玲温勤骗僵立艇愉揪函深纂象墨榴较粟痞耳元廷吾时九下U5T1SD九下U5T1SD,Section C 1a,The home of tea , which has more than 4000 years of history , is China . People throughout China drink tea daily . Of the three major drinks -tea , coffee and cocoa-tea is drunk by the largest number of people in the world . Tea from China ,

6、along with silk and porcelain , began to be known by the world over a thousand years ago and has been an important Chinese export since then .,臣腰裔井嚣锤疏宫稚凶讶旨箍蟹快簧舀鞍讣拦馁箩栅屑颇枪泥嫁接驮迎吸九下U5T1SD九下U5T1SD,The word for tea in different languages came from the Chinese character ,”cha”. The English word , “tea” ,so

7、unds similar to the pronunciation of it in Xiamen , Fujian Province . The Russians call it “chaI ”, which sounds like “chaye ”(tea leaves ) as it is pronounced in northern China . The Japanese character for tea is written exactly the same as it is in Chinese , though it is pronounced a little differ

8、ently.,舍控惟赃罢驳趾敬难刷袱员瘟厌岂科椅备傻盘鸣国醛甩芬甭伶乌蔚亚旱窗九下U5T1SD九下U5T1SD,Tea leaves are produced mainly in the south of China , because of the mild climate and rich soil there . Longjing , Puer , Wulong and Tieguanyin are all famous tea . Theyre produced in the provinces of Zhejiang , Yunnan and Fujian . Over the pa

9、st centuries , Chinese people have developed their unique tea culture , which includes tea planting , tea-picking , tea making and tea drinking,愤疚公萍椎藕消凄赎模孝肢躺蒙揩负学消坛效宙镜赶徐石挝台警坦戊森泽九下U5T1SD九下U5T1SD,Tea is also a popular topic in dances , songs ,poems and novels.,肮龄坟仗质钵舒拥揉味句歧疼禾立令严氟勃颧讣藕盎狞菊氟踞慕提爸轿冰九下U5T1SD九下

10、U5T1SD,Read 1a again and mark T (True) or F (False).,1. Chinese tea became world-famous over one thousand years ago. ( ) 2. The sound of the English word “tea” is similar to that of “chaye” in northern China. ( ) 3. The written forms of the word “tea” are totally the same in both Chinese and Japanes

11、e. ( ) 4. Famous tea leaves in China are produced mainly in the southern part of the country. ( ) 5. Tea drinking is the only part of the Chinese tea culture. ( ),T,F,T,T,F,1b,斜颗辞颓售跳沏呈送往辑灭湃刊累布囤怖挺往位争椒康凹郊斟亦视砚白祝九下U5T1SD九下U5T1SD,重点短语,1. throughout China 全中国 2. The largest number of people 人数最多 3. Since

12、then 自从那时 4. Sound similar to听起来与相似 sound like听起来像 5. Over the past centuries 在过去的几个世纪里,旨匈苞块裔卯乳略项姥轻将描佐逢藤厚湍尚俊粪封庶寓邵音旷拦肘倒炙千九下U5T1SD九下U5T1SD,6. along with 与一起 当主语与along with连用时,谓语动词与along with前面的主语在人称和数上保持一致。如: Joe, , is leaving for Disneyland. 7. the number of 的数量 a number of 许多,一些,重点短语,along with his

13、family,迫晰设誊晚筏氛媒北惮昏绞闻食甫圆祸盔律欠轻骗彭矛币署硫挽部贩逞类九下U5T1SD九下U5T1SD,Work in groups to list some unique Chinese tea culture which you know.,2a,誉秃吨奄酋炮返御佑滇卡稳纷耶沽掸乎乖扯滞甩阂浆锐粮秸惧豁咕池题靖九下U5T1SD九下U5T1SD,Translate the following sayings about tea into Chinese and discuss your understanding of them with your partner.,1. The f

14、riendship between gentlemen is like a cup of tea.君子之交淡如水。 2. Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are necessary to begin a day. 开门七件事:柴、米、油、盐、酱、醋、茶。,2b,瓮郊至疫青拙卸肠座听渍逃壬艰得牺恕务暇萤酷肘往注福蠕酌喊雾擞豹亩九下U5T1SD九下U5T1SD,Phrases 1. along with 与一起 2. the number of 的数量 a number of 许多,一些 Sayings 1. The friend

15、ship between gentlemen is like a cup of tea. 君子之交淡如水。 2. Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are necessary to begin a day. 开门七件事:柴、米、油、盐、酱、醋、茶。,小结,浴暑露贿篡蔷娶相良奴违凹唾滁陕奔舵襄话讫往让轩喷啊崇破买奥拆稻辩九下U5T1SD九下U5T1SD,小结,Grammar China is a great country with about 5 000 years of history. China is a great co

16、untry which/that has about 5 000 years of history. It is a book with details about China. It is a book which/that introduces China in detail.,墙掉功竞陶卷淋渺擦舟杭丸瑚往充咽则闲限批深炳鞭撩夜想救没颇染缴丁九下U5T1SD九下U5T1SD,Functions 1. And some of them are very famous, such as Mount Tai, Mount Huang, Mount Song and Mount Emei. 2. Thats correct!,小结,跳哉妖捌小兹烘挖寐诧榨澄啃杖钡瘸桑华腕朋号桌隶邦盛腰纠侈焉防必举九下U5T1SD九下U5T1SD,1. 复习本课的单词和短语. 2. 做练习册5-6,作业,筷细鳞屹殉怯插崩毛危寇呀哲壕坛燕迸洲归浚刀蛋斡乾匡样欣哥瘴混菊榆九下U5T1SD九下U5T1SD,Thank you!,觉尼纹冲替盈绵徘箔振爵砚返惕伦守窖像滨君潍辅楼汉蒸畏嗓晃察脑丝寒九下U5T1SD九下U5T1SD,


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