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1、Unit 6 Im watching TVSection A 1a 2d课前预习1 .报纸2 .看报纸3 .使用;运用4 .汤5 .做汤6 .洗7 .电影8 .看电影9 .只是;恰好10 .出去吃饭11 .看电视12 .通过电话交谈13 .听一张光盘14 .使用电脑15 .洗餐具16 .听起来好17 .没什么18 .洗我的衣服典例精讲典例1 Hello? This is Jenny.你好?我是珍妮。一 Hi, Jenny. Its Laura here .你好,珍妮。我是劳拉。在电话中先说“Hello并自报家门”,即说明姓名。电话中的 我是 ”在英语里要用“This is. /This is.

2、 speaking. ”来表达,而不能用“I am.问对方是谁时,英语中不用 Who areyou ? ”,而用“Whos that ? ”。如问对方 是吗?,不用“Areyou. ? ”,而要用 “Is that. . ?典例 2 Do you want to join me for dinner ?你想和我一起吃晚 饭吗?join sb. for sth.表示与某人一起做某事;参与或加入到某人 的行列中一起做某事e. g. Would you like to join us for a cup of tea ? 你想跟我们喝 杯茶吗?典例3 Id love to .我乐意。Id love

3、to是I would love to的缩写形式,常用来回答对方客气 的邀请,也可以用Id like to表示 我愿意”,其中的to不可以省 略。【拓展】当婉言拒绝某人邀请时多用Id love to , but.或Sorry , Im afraid I cant课后巩固一、写出下列单词的现在分词形式。1.clean2.run _3.do 4.go5.take6.see _7. swim 8. get9. eat10.watch二、根据句意及所给词的适当形式填空。1. Look ! She(clean) the classroom.2. Lets(sing) the song now.3. Tha

4、t sounds(well).4. Ben wants(go) to the movies this evening .5. Where are they?They(read) in the library .三、单项填空()1. Look! They games over there.A. playB. is playC. is playingD. are playing()2. We are doing .A. our homeworkB. my homeworkC. ones homeworkD. homeworks()3. 一 you watching TV at home now?Y

5、es, I .A. Do; doC. Do; am()4. Listen ! Mr . White Jim .A. talk about B. is talking toC. talks with D. is talking()5. Is the boy opening the door?No, he.A. cantB. isC. doesntD. isnt()6. 一 are Lisa and Tim talking to?B. WhoD. WhenTheir English teacher .A. WhatC. Where()7. Im talkinghim the English6B.

6、about; withD. to; belowspeech contestA. with ; aboutC. with ; to()8. 一 cleaning the classroom?B. WhosD. Who are Mike .A. Who doesC. Who()9. One of my classmates from Poland .A.isB.areC.amD.be()10. Who is he waiting ?A.toB.forC.inD.at四、根据课本P32 2d完成短文。Jenny and Laura are 1 on the phone. What are they

7、2 ?Laura is 3 her clothes. Jenny is 4 TV . Laura 5 love to 6_ Jenny for dinner . But Jennys parents 7 at home. So they can 8 out. They 9 at Jennys home first at half 10 six.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 五、完形填空Its a fine Sunday morning. Thereare manypeople inthepark . Many of 1 are young and some ar

8、e old . Some children are 2_ games over there . Twoboys are playing3 theirtoyboats. There is a lake in the park . The water is 4 . There are some 5 on the lake .6the lake ayoung man isreading . There is a house nearthe lake.Beside 7house twomenare working . Look a that big tree ! There are some bird

9、s8it. Under it are some men . Four of them are playing cards . One of them is looking at two cats . The cats are 9 up the tree . What dothey 10 to do ? They want to catch the birds .()1. A. theyB. themC. their()2. A. playB. playsC. playing()3. A. toB. onC. for()4. A. clearB. tallC. funny()5. A. wate

10、rC. rain()6. A. BehindC. Near()7. A. aC. the()8. A. forC. in()9. A. runningC. runing()10.A. to wantD. theirsD. doingD. withD. humidB. boatsD. busesB. InD. NextB. /D. anB. onD. withB. runD. runsB. wantingD. wantC. wantsSection A 1a 2d课前预习1 newspaper 2.read a newspaper 3.use 4.soup5 make soup 6.wash 7

11、.movie 8.go to the movies9 just 10.eat out 11.watch TV 12.talk on the phone 13.listen to a CD 14.use the computer15 wash the dishes 16.sound good 17.not much 18.wash my clothes课后巩固1、 1.cleaning 2.running 3.doing 4.going5 taking 6.seeing 7.swimming 8.getting9 eating 10.watching2、 1.is cleaning 2.sing 3.good 4.to go5 are reading3、 1 5 DADBD6 10 BABAB四 、 1.talking 2.doing 3.washing 4.watching 5.would 6.join 7.arent 8.eat 9.meet10 past五、1 5 BCDAB6 10 CCCAD


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