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1、7A Unit 4 Food主备人:灌南县实验中学 晏 波执教人: 执教班级: 执教时间: 年 月 日Total of the unit: 10Content: Grammar (2)Period:106Teaching aims and demands:知识目标:进一步掌握可数名词单、复数变化规则;学习不可数名词数量表述方法;掌握“there be”结构的正确用法;能力目标:能正确运用所学知识描述物体数量;情感目标:进一步对中西饮食文化进行比较,引导学生倾力光大民族文化。Key and difficult points: The method of describing of the amo

2、unt of uncountable things.Teaching aids: some objects.Teaching methods: 实物教学Teaching procedures:StepsNotesStep 1 Revision 1.Revise the rules of changing a countable noun. 2.Some nouns or objects for the students to practise.Step 2 Presentation 1.Show two bags of milk to the students and ask them: Ca

3、n we say two milks? No. Why? Then what can we say about it? Get the students to look at the pictures and find the method of describing. 2.Show some uncountable things for the students to describe. Teach the following words: packet/salt/tea/kilo/carton 3.Get the students to find more uncountable thin

4、gs in groups.Step 3 Practice 1.Get the students to ask and answer with the pictures on Page 66 like this: -Whats this? -Its water/juice/Theyre four kilos of meat/five cartons of milk/ 2.Complete the dialogue on Page 66. Practise in pairs. 3.Finish off the form on Page 66. 4.Get the students to make

5、up similar dialogues with nouns in them.Step 4 Presentation 1.Put some things on the teachers desk or show a picture to the students and ask: Whats on the desk? / What can you see in the picture? Write down “There is/are” on the Bb. and help them to answer the questions with the structure “There is/

6、are”. 2.Explain when we use “There is” and “There are”.Step 5 Practice 1.Get some students to describe desk or the picture with “there be”. 2.Get the students to ask and answer about their desks, bags or classroom. 3.Complete the dialogue on Page 67. And practise in pairs. Get them to pay attention

7、to the sentences: Is there any meat/bread? There is some chicken There is a carton of milk, a carton ofStep 6 Practice Make up their own dialogues.Step 7 Exercises Homework Revise what learned in this period.Board work 教学反思:达标检测 (共100分)EXERCISES (Period 6 of Unit 4, 7A)一、预习检测 翻译下列短语:(每个3分)1、一袋盐 2、两包

8、米 3、三杯茶 4、四碗米饭 5、五个芒果 6、六只羊 7、七瓶果汁 8、八千克肉 9、九片面包 10、十台收音机 11、两个胡萝卜 12、八个书架 13、五公斤鸡肉 14、六盒牛奶 15、三张纸 16、四台电脑 二、当堂反馈 用a, an或some填空:(每个3分) water book egg milk orange cake box tea hour1.This is new watch.2.Is this English car?3.There is i in the word bike.4.There is old picture on the wall.5.Shanghai is

9、big city in China.三、复习巩固 (每个2.5分)用there be结构或 have/has填空:1. any tomatoes in the fridge?2. some milk left in the box.3. Our school many pianos.4. How many kilos of meat in the bag?5. three little fish and some rice in the bowl.6.They some sheep on the farm.7. a carton of milk, a carton of orange juice and a bottle of Coke on the table.8. two pieces of paper and a book in your drawer?9. any bread for me to ?10. a lot of work to do.


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