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1、 7A Unit 4 Food主备人:灌南县实验中学 晏 波执教人: 执教班级: 执教时间: 年 月 日Total of the unit: 10Content: Integrated skills (1)Period:107Teaching aims and demands:Knowledge aims:to grasp some words, phrases and sentences;Ability aims:to learn how to get useful and important information;to improve the ability of listening;M

2、oral aim:to understand what healthy lifestyle is like.Key and difficult points: Listen for specific information. Grasp useful information to complete a report on other students lifestyle.Teaching aid: a recorderTeaching method: practiceTeaching procedures:StepsNotesStep 1 Revision 1.Nouns changing.

3、2.Describe the classroom with “there be”.Step 2 Warming up Get the students to ask and answer in groups: How much TV do you watch? What about him/her? How much time do you spend on exercise? What about you? How many snacks do you eat every day? Step 3 Listening and ticking 1.Get the students to read

4、 the questions in Part A1. 2.Listen to the tape twice. 3.Tick the correct boxes according to the tape and the students own information.Step 4 Group work 1.Read the questions in Part A1 again and then complete the form on Page 69 2.Discuss how healthy or unhealthy they are according to the scores. 3.

5、Write a class profile on the Bb with the number of students for each category. Step 5 Making an interview Work in pairs with the questions in Part A4 on Page 69.Step 6 Writing a report 1.Write a report on the partner. (A5 on Page 69) 2.Get some students to read their reports in the front.Step 7 Disc

6、ussing Discuss what should be done if we want to have a healthy lifestyle.Homework Get ready for the next period. Board work 教学反思:达标检测 (共40分)EXERCISES (Period 7 of Unit 4, 7A)一、预习检测 (10分)根据课文和首字母提示完成句子:1.He always has long sleep every night. He sleeps m 8 hours everyday.2.The girl likes sweets very

7、much. She eats cakes, b and c often.3.Lingling is a top student. She seldom watches TV. She watches TV l an hour in a week.4.Im sorry to say that you are not fit ! You need to exercise .5.C ! You get the first place this time.二、当堂反馈 (15分)翻译句子:1、多吃蔬菜、水果,少看电视,你就会更健康。 2、总的说来,他不是一个身体很健康的人,但他心地善良(kind),乐于助人。 3、你经常锻炼吗? 是的,我一般一周锻炼4-6次。 4、那个老师总是步行去上班。 5、你得改变饮食,多锻炼。 三、复习巩固 ( 15分)根据你自己的情况和69页上的问题答案,仿照A5中的段落,写一篇关于自己的文章。


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