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1、关于基本旅游英语口语精选客房服务Key Sentences重点句子99. Housekeeping. May I come in?我是客房的,可以进来吗?When would you like me to do your room, sir?您要我什么时间来给你打扫房间呢,先生?You can do it now if you like.如果您愿意,现在就可以打扫。I would like you to go and get me a flask of hot water.我想请你给我拿一瓶开水来。r m sorry that your flask is empty.很抱歉您的水壶空了。May

2、 I do the turn-down service for you now?现在可以为您收拾房间了吗?Oh, thank you. But you see, we are having some friends over.噢,谢谢,但你知道我们邀请了一些朋友过来聚聚。Could you come back in three hours?你能不能过3小时再来整理?Certainly, madam. I 11 let the overnight staff know.当然可以,女士。我会转告夜班服务员。Would you tidy up a bit in the bathroom?请整理一下浴

3、室好吗?r ve just taken a bath and it is quite a mess now.我刚洗了澡,那儿乱糟糟的。Besides* please bring us a bottle of just boiled water.此外,请给我们带瓶刚烧开的水来CIts growing dark. Would you like me to draw the curtains for you?天黑下来了,要不要我拉上窗帘?Is there anything I can do for you?您还有什么事要我做吗?I1 m always at your service.乐意效劳。Inq

4、uiring about Detail了解细节1. Where is the tourist infimnation?旅游咨询中心在哪里?2. Can you give me more detail on whats included in the package?能不能告诉我全部行程的细节?3. I have to think about it before I decide on a program.在我选定旅游项目前,我得考虑考虑。4. Are all meals included in the price?三餐都包含在费用之内吗?5. Is there any extra charge

5、?有没有其他额外费用?6. Can you arrange a trip for us?你能为我们安排一次旅行吗?7. How long would you like your trip?你们希望旅行多少天呢?8. There is a two-day tour to these cities.有一个到这些城市的两日游。9. How are you going, by air or by train?你准备怎么走,是乘飞机还是乘火车?Preparation准备登船1. The ship is about to start. Lets get on the ship.船就要开了。我们上船吧。2W

6、ell embark soon. Are you ready?马上就要上船了。你都准备好了吗?3. Dont forget to bring along your passport and Access Card.别忘了携带你的护照和登船卡。4. When will we get on the ship?什么时候登船?5. Would you tell me where we get on the ship?请问登船的地点在哪里?6. Have you confirmed for your cruise ticket?你做过船票确认了吗?7. Is it necessary to take medicine for seasickness on board?需要带晕船药上船吗?感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。


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