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1、Un it 8 A gree n world教学目 标知识与能力:1. To learnsome informationabout goinggree n.2. To lear n how to write a script on how togo gree n.过程与方法:1. discuss how to go gree n in groups.2. Read Part A then learn some simple stepsto take .情感态度与价值观:To train the Ss to go green in daily life.教学重点难占八、1. To learn s

2、omein formati onaboutgoing gree n.2. To lear n how to write a script on how to go gree n.教学活动内容活动组织过程改笔Step 1 Prese ntati on1. Show some pictures and prese nt the new words: simple, step, power.2. Read after the teacher.3. Read together.Step 2 Warmi ng upDiscuss: How can we go gree n?go gree n = pro

3、tect the en viro nmentStep 3 Brai nstormWhat can we do to save water?What can we do to save power?What can we do to reduce polluti on?Step 4 Readi ngRead Millie s notes on page 118 and find out:What can we do to save water?What can we do to save power?What can we do to reduce polluti on?Which else c

4、an we do to live a gree n life?Step 5 Practice1. Complete Millie s scripton page 119.2. Check the an swers.3. Read together.Step 6 Lan guage pointsHere are some simple steps to take.take some steps采取一些措施e.g. We should take some simple steps to save water.我们应该采取一些简单的措施来节约用水。Step 7 Writ ingLearnsome n

5、ewwords and master them.An swersomequesti ons.Read Millie s no teson page118 and find out:CompleteMillie s script on page 119.Check outthehomework and the preview.To train the Ss to go gree n in daily life.To get the Ss to go over PartA and learn how to go gree n.Show some pictures about protect ing

6、en vir onment. Let the stude nts to give aprese ntati on on how to go gree n.Useful expressi ons:1) It is time for us to.2) We can save waterby.3) We should use/take .4)is a good wayto.5) It is important for us to .6)It is goodto .7) Moreover, Step 8 ExercisesI. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. The waste can(separat

7、e)in todiffere nt groups to recycle.2. Take your own bags whe n(shop).3. You should do more exercise and watch(little) TV.4. We can save water by(take) shortershowers.5. You n eed to check your homework afterfinishing(write).II. 汉译英。1. 我们可以通过缩短淋浴时间来节约用水。2. 为了节约电力,当我们离开房间时应该把灯关掉。3. 好习惯能够帮助减少污染。4. 对我们

8、来说养成环保的生活方式很重要。5. 遵循这些小步骤,你可以对地球产生大影响。6. 当电视和电脑不用时,我们应该关掉电源。Step 9 HomeworkMastersomeusefulexpressi ons.Completetheexercises.Tran slatethesenten cesintoEn glish.To give the Ss 15 min utes to give a prese ntati ononhow to go gree n.Toshow theirwriti ngsin frontthe n the teacher give a judge.1. Finish

9、 your script.2. Review all the new words and Ianguage points in this unit.课堂达标n .根据中文意思或用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. It s time for us(go) gree n.2. Follow these small steps, and you can make a big(differe nt)to the earth.3. You must give up your bad(习惯).4. We should do more exercise and watch(little) TV.5. We al

10、l hope to live in a(no ise) en viro nment.6. (separate) your things into differe nt groups.7. It s getting hot. Your hair needs(cut).8. Every one(simple) can t wait for the summer holiday.9. A war(break) out and many people(kill) intwois1997.皿.单项选择。()1. British Prince William(威廉王子)and Kate for nearl

11、ymon ths.A. married B. have married C. have bee n married D. havegot married()2. Today is Sim on s birthday. Among thoseare some old frie nds ofmine.A. in vit ingB. in vitati ons C. to in viteD.in vited()3. Alicesome advice on how to improve her liste ning skills, andshe gladly accepted Green s.A. g

12、aveB. was give nC. givesD.give n()4. You canthe lights to find the small n eedle.A. turn upB. turn dow nC. turn offD. turn on()5. Some people ride bikes to work to reducepolluti on.A. waterB. airC. soilD.white板书设计8 下 Unit 8 A green world TaskUseful expressi ons:1) It is time for us to.2) We can save

13、 water by3) We should use/take.4) is a good way to5) It is importa nt for us to.6) It is good to.7) Moreover, 2. Lan guage pointsHere are some simple steps to take.take some steps采取一些措施e.g. We should take some simple steps to save water.我们应该采取一些简单的措施来节约教 后 反 思(上节课存在问题的解决情况、本课教学经验或问题描述、存在问题的原因分析、提岀改良

14、 措施)This period is to train the Ss how to go green and give a presentation on how togo gree n .first get the Ss to read the four steps to take , the n the Ssmastersome useful expressi ons ,after class, the Ss know how to go gree n.Through theperiod,the Ss writing abilities can be trained.感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快


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