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1、Unit 7 How much are these socks?教学设计 Section A 1(1a-1c)一、教学目标:1.知识目标:1 ) 能掌握下歹!J词汇: much, how much, sock, T-shirt, shorts, sweater, trousers, shoe, skirt, dollar2)能掌握以下句型:一How much is this T-shirt? It s seven dollars. How much are these socks? They re two dollars.2 .能力目标:学会询问价格及购物用语。3 .情感态度:通过购物的礼貌用

2、语培养学生的良好品质。4 .学习策略:能与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。5 .文化意识:知道英语中最简单的买卖商品行为进行交际。二、教学重难点1 .教学重点:1)通过听、说、读的教学活动,让学生掌握表示衣服的英语名称。2)通过对话表演让学生在较为真实的的语境下,运用所学的语言进行购物 的交际。2.教学难点:1)掌握一些衣服的名称。2)通过对话表演让学生在较为真实的的语境下,运用所学的语言进行购物 的交际。三、教学过程I . Warming-upGreeting the Ss. Check the homework. Ask one or more students to show their w

3、ork.n . Presentation1. T: I like shopping a lot. Do you like shopping? Now e with me to the clothes shop.(Show students a picture of a clothes shop.)T: Do you like the clothes in the shop?S: Yes, we do.T: Can you name these clothes in English?(Show a picture of a jacket.)T: What s this in English? I

4、t s a jacket.T: What s this in English? It s a T-shirt. T-S-H-I-R-T, T-shirt.Now repeat.S: T-shirt.(Show other pictures and teach Ss other clothes“socks, shorts,sweater, trousers, shoe, skirt ”)2. T: So much for this. And then lets review the numbers and learn the words related to prices.T: Can you

5、count from 0 to 9 in English?S: Yes. Zero, one, two, three, four, fiveLet some students repeat that. Show some pictures of food, drink, school things, sports things with prices on the screen.Showsomepictures of moneyfrom different countries, and ask students guess the names and teach them: yuan / do

6、llar / pound. Then ask students about the prices. Help them answer.T: How much is the ice cream?S: It s three dollars.T: How much is the bag?S: It s six dollars.T: How much are the soccer balls?S: They re 9 dollars.3. Ask the students to look at the picture on P37 and match the words with the things

7、 in the picture.T: Now lets work on 1a. We have some new words on the left of the picture and some things marked with a, b, c. and i. Please match the words with the objects in the picture by writing the letter of the objects on the lines next to the words. The first answer is given.Check the answer

8、s by asking some students to read the words and the letters.m. Listening1. T: Next we ll hear a conversation about shopping. The recording will be played twice. For the first time, listen to it carefully. Are you ready? OK!T: For the second time, please circle the things in the picture you hear.2. C

9、heck the answers. (Ask the students to listen to the recording and pare their answers with those in the recording.)IV. Pair work1. Ask students to work in pairs and practice the conversations in la.2. Make their own conversations with their partners.3. Ask some pairs to act out their conversations.V

10、. Game: memory challenge( 记忆大挑战)Check whether students still remember the new words we have learned this lesson.T: Do you remember all the clothes? Who has the best Memories?S: Sweater, T-shirt VI. Exercises一、根据句意和首字母完成单词。1. The blue hat is seven d.2. How much the shorts?3. How much are the( 短袜)? tw

11、o dollars.4. My(毛衣)is red.5. How m is your skirt?20 dollars.二、单项选择。()1.- are the shoes ?- They re 20 dollars.A. When B. How much C. How many D. What()2. The shoes are 30.A. dollarB. dollarsC. DollarD. DollarsD.()3. How much is your skirt? 50 yuan.A. I mB. You reC. They reIt s()4.What color are these

12、?A. shirtsB.T-shirtC. hatD. sweaterVII. Homework:1 .复习记忆本课时所学的生词。2 .做个小调查,编写三个问答句,询问一下你的朋友所穿衣服的价格,注How much is/are ?It s/They re .Blackboard design(板书设计)Unit7 How much are these socks?-It s dollars.-How much are these/those ?-They re dollars.教学反思:1 .设置情境,导入自然。本课是购物的话题,既贴近学生生活实际,又引起 学生兴趣,因此,我创设了和学生一起

13、购买衣服和食品等的活动,从学生喜欢的颜色开始谈起,逐步过渡到本课的知识要点。2 .在明确了本课的任务目标后,精心设计恰当而又有效的活动,教学活动 的设计丰富多彩,效果显著。训练方式多样,有全班活动、师生互动、小组活动、 双人活动、个人活动等,在活动中突破难点,在活动中发展能力。由于本课的生 词较多,课前我让学生预习,并将词汇不断地复现,从 sweater到How muchis the sweater? 从词到句,从易到难,逐步突破难点。同时单词、句型的操练面 广,练习次数多,而且还调动了每一个学生的参与热情。将热闹的形式与有效的语言实践有机结合。在英语课中,活动的设计和开展还应该有利于学生学习

14、英语 知识,发展语言技能,从而提高学生的综合运用语言的能力。 英语课堂的活动应 该以语言运用为落脚点,本堂课上,很好的贯彻了 “在用中学,学中用,学用结 合,学以致用”的原则。同时体现了以学生为主体,教师为主导的新课程理念。3 .渗透学习策略,培养学生的学习能力和思维能力。 本堂课一开始,我利用思维导图的形式让大家说出服装的名称,很好地培养了学生的思维能力同时也检测学生课前预习的习惯,让有预习的同学说出本课的词汇,培养学生课前预习 的学习策略。思维导图的使用是本课在写作教学中的一大特色。 它将大量的信息 通过图表的形式很好地呈现出来, 是学生学习的知识树,培养学生系统学习的能 力和方法,将学生被动的学生方式逐步转化为主动地学习方式。从学生课堂上的积极表现,真正实现了师生、生生互动,整体收效不俗,多 个层次的学生都有所得,达到了预定教学目标。课后,大部分学生都能熟练地使 用target language 来谈论衣服的价格等,并能够扩展到其他方面的喜好上来, 同时也增进了师生问、同学问的友情。通过本堂课,我也看到了教学设计中的一些不足之处。 如:在词汇教学中名 词的单复数分类不是很清晰。比如有些服装必须要用复数形式等。 其次,个别基 础较差的学生未能收到明显效果。 在以后的教学中还要不断摸索,在这个难题上 多费心机,总结出行之有效的解决方法。


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