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1、Topic 1 Section A预习提示一、 Prereading questions1、 Could you tell me what you did and where you went ?2、 Where have you been?3、 Have you ever cleaned a room ?4、 Were you happy in summer holiday ?The main activities are 1a, 1c and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a, 1c和2a。.Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1.Master some new word

2、s and useful expressions:training, bell, whole, learnfrom, 2.Master the present perfect:(1)You have just come back from your hometown.(2)Where have you been?(3)I have been to.(4) Have you ever.?3. Talk about what they did and what they have done in their summer holidays.Teaching aids教具录音机/多媒体课件或风景图片

3、/印度童工图片/小黑板.Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习 (时间:8分钟)(以谈论学生暑假生活的形式复习一般过去时,引出现在完成时。)T: Nice to see you again after a wonderful summer holiday. You enjoyed yourselves during the vacation, didnt you?Ss: Yes/Sure. We had a good time.T: I think so. You could do the things that you like

4、d to do. Could you tell me what you did and where you went?S1: Certainly. I visited my aunt. She lives in Dalian. I learnt how to swim.S2: I climbed the Mount Tai. It was so great.S3: I had to stay at home to help my parents with housework.S4: I must study hard all day. In the morning, I did my home

5、work at home. And in the afternoon, I had to have English class to improve my English. I felt tired.(同学们七嘴八舌纷纷站起来说暑假中他们的所见所闻。老师对着S4。)T: Well done. Though you had little rest, you learnt much.(面向全体同学总结学生假期中的活动,引出主人公康康在暑假中的活动。)T: S1 has been to Dalian. He/She learnt how to swim there.S2 has been to Mo

6、unt Tai. S3 has stayed at home to help his/her parents.S4 has been to a summer class to improve his/her English.How about Kangkang?(稍停顿,引起学生的注意。)T: Kangkang has been to an English Training School.He has improved his English a lot.(板书)has/ have been to training school has/ have improved(在新单词及过去分词下划线,

7、教师讲解 training school。)(适时运用现在完成时,引出新单词。)T: Most of us have been to other places. But Kangkangs another classmate, Ann did a lot of things to help disabled children. Disabled children means the children who cant use a part of their body properly.(可出示一张残疾儿童照片帮助学生理解disabled children。)Ann didnt fed them

8、, but told them stories and cleaned their rooms.The activities are useful. We can learn a lot from them.(板书)Learn fromAnn stayed in a disabled childrens home during the summer holiday. That means she spent the whole holiday there.(板书)wholeT:S1(学生的名字) has been to Dalian. And I have been to.(教师向学生展示一张

9、有许多游人的风景画。)Ss: Wow! How beautiful!T: But there were so many people that I couldnt find a good place to take photos.T: Do you want to know what Kangkang and his classmates have done in their vacation?Ss: Of course.Step 2 Presentation第二步呈现(时间:10分钟)(方案一)(多媒体播放Rita印度见闻:印度童工图片,Jane和父母登黄山图片,Kangkang在仁爱英语培

10、训学校学习的图片。)1. T: Now, listen to the tape. Kangkang and his friends are talking about their different experiences during their holidays. Pay attention to what they have done.(播放1a录音,注意文中主人公在暑假中的活动。)T: Please tell me: Who has just come back from India, Sally or Rita?(教师加重语气读has just come back并板书。)has/h

11、ave just come back from.S1: Rita.(学生若有疑问或答错,可再播放一遍磁带。)T: Right. You have the right answer. Rita has been to her hometown in India in her summer holiday. But now she is in China. We can say she has been to India. Where has Jane been?S2: Mount Huang.(教师引导学生用现在完成时表达。)T: Yes. She has been to Mount Huang

12、.Ss: She has been to Mount Huang.T: Where has Kangkang been?S3: He has been to Renai English Training School.(如学生不能完整地答出 Training School,教师可领读新单词training。)2. (重放课文录音,学生核对答案。)T: Listen to the tape again. And then talk about what they have done.(多媒体展示Kangkang,Rita和Jane的图像和has been to。)(学生再听一遍对话,教师引导学生

13、用现在完成时说出四人分别在暑假中的活动。)S4: Kangkang has been toRita has been toJane has been toI think we are all happy nowadays. Please look at the pictures.(教师展示印度童工图画。)They are of the same age as you. What were they doing?S4: They were working. They looked so tired and thin.T: Rita saw children in her hometown in

14、India working for a cruel boss. They couldnt go to school. They lived a poor life. I feel sorry for them.(板书)feel sorry for. We should feel sorry for the people. When they are in trouble, we should try our best to help them.3. (播放1a 对话的最后一句,呈现There goes the bell。)T: Listen! The bell is ringing. What

15、 does Kangkang say?Ss:(学生重复磁带上的Kangkang的话。) There goes the bell.(板书)There goes the bell. (铃)T: Now, there goes the bell. Kangkang is going to have his class. And we have learnt “has/have been to”(板书)Where have you been?(为板书课题和巩固练习做准备,板书在黑板最上面。)(方案二)(向学生展示 Rita, Jane 和Kangkang在暑假中的活动图片。)T: Look at th

16、e pictures. Listen to the tape of Section A 1a. Pay attention to what they did and where they went.(播放录音,让学生看着图画听录音,有助于学生对所听内容的理解。)(板书)Rita _.Jane _.Kangkang _.T: What did Rita do ?S6: She went to her hometown in India.S7: She also saw children working.T: Perfect! Rita has been to India.(在Rita名字后板书。

17、)Has been to.She also saw children working for a cruel boss. Those children were of the same age as you. But they lived a poor life, with no enough food to eat, no clothes to wear and no books to read.I feel sorry for them.T: Rita has been to her hometown in India. Now she has come back from there.(

18、教师读has been to时语气加重。)And where has Jane been?S8: Mount Huang.T: Yes, right. Jane has been to Mount Huang.Mount Huang (在Jane名字后板书。)How about Kangkang?S9: He has been to an English Training School.(学生如不能正确说出has been to,教师可指着板书内容进行引导。)T: Listen!(铃声响)T: The bell is ringing. We also can say: there goes t

19、he bell.(板书)bell(铃)(板书)There goes the bell.Ss:(学生重复)There goes the bell.T: Lets go over where they have been.(学生复述对话中人物的行为。)(板书)Where have you been?(把Where have you been? 板书在黑板最上面作为课题,又为下文练习做准备。)Step 3 Consolidation第三步巩固(时间:10分钟)1.T: Now,open your books. Please read 1a on Page 1. And then fill in th

20、e chart in 1b according to 1a.(学生读对话,也可以四人小组分角色读对话,教师巡视,纠正学生发音。)(学生独立完成1b的表格。)(教师检查学生所填内容,然后学生口头汇报,巩固现在完成时has/have been to这一基本句型。)2. T: Kangkang has been to an English Training School to improve his English. Rita has been to India. What about you? Where have you been? And what did you do? Please wor

21、k in pairs to talk about your summer holiday.(学生两人一组进行问答。)T: Who will try to “ask and answer” in front of us?(挑几组学生进行表演回答,并对学生进行适时指导和鼓励。)Example AS1: Where have you been?S2: I have been to the South Lake.S1: What did you do?S2: I went boating on the lake. What about you?S1: I have been toS2: What di

22、d you do?S1: IExample BS3: Where have you been?S4: I have been toS3: What did you do?S4: I(然后S4问S5同样的问题。)S4: Where have you been?S5: I have been toStep 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)1. T: Next, lets listen to 2a. Listen to the tape carefully. Try to know about Anns summer holiday. Think about what we ca

23、n learn from her.(学生听2a部分的对话。)Answer the following questions:(1) Ann took part in some activities, didnt she?(2) Where has she been?(3) Did she feel sorry for the disabled children?(4) Though Ann had no time to travel, did she feel happy?(以上问题也可以写在幻灯片上或小黑板上。)(让学生进行抢答或小组竞答记分。)T: Read the dialog by yo

24、urselves first. And then answer the questions. You can answer them without raising your hands.(学生读对话。)T: Are you ready?Ss: OK.S1: Yes, she did. She took part in some activities.S2: She has been to a disabled childrens home.(如果学生2本句发音较准,可让他/她领读此句,其他学生跟读,以表示对该生的鼓励。)S3: Yes, she did. She felt sorry for

25、 them.(巩固练习句子 feel sorry for。)(教师解释 though的意思可以用汉语“尽管”。)S4: Yes, she did.T: Why?S4: She helped other people.T: Should we learn from her?Ss: Yes.T: We should help each other and we should help the people in trouble.Who has the best answer? Who is the winner?Lets clap for her/him!2. (学生完成2b,教师随时检查并纠错。

26、)T: Can you complete the passage correctly?You can read the dialog again and do it alone.3. (学生展示成果。)T: S5 has finished it first. Congratulations! Lets share it.(学生5把完成的2b结果向大家展示。)T: S6 has finished it, too.T: Who can tell something about Ann?(因为对2a内容比较了解,学生可能会抢答。)For example:Ann didnt travel in her

27、 summer holiday. She helped the disabled children. She has been toStep 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动 (时间:7分钟)1.(教师提前制作一些关于暑假活动调查的表格,按小组分发给学生,并引导学生完成该表格。)T: Here is a form. Please finish it in groups. Ask your partners: What did you do during the holiday? Check or fill in the blanks.(教师表扬几组完成的比较好的。)T: G1 has

28、finished the survey.(第1组的一个学生代表发言。)G1S1: Li Ming watched TV and traveled with his parents. Tom attended a summer class for learning Chinese.T: Well done. Thank you.2. Homework:(让学生在课余时间模仿老师制作的表格,完成一个调查。练习巩固has/have been to 句型,作为作业,挑选优秀作品张贴。)T: Can you make another survey? Ask your classmates after c

29、lass: Where have you been? I will pick out the excellent to put up.板 书: Unit 1 The Developing world Topic 1 Our country has developed rapidly Section A Has /have been to training schoolHas /have improued Usefull expressions 1:learn from 2:has /have just come back from 3:feel sorry for 4:There goes the bell


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