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1、宾语从句考点总结 考点1选择引导宾语从句合适的连接词。1) that引导的宾语从句that引导宾语从句时无词义,不作任何成分,口语中一般可以省略work()3. He toldA which23. I hearA which39. I donshe would catch the early bus.B whetherC whyD thatthe teacher will come back from the UK soon.B thatC whe nt thinkIout the problem.C that, can workmeD whetherA if, can work B how,

2、 will workwhe n.will he cold at night.B that, catches C whether, will catch40. She is afraid _ A that, will catch catches()41. We are sure he to speak English well.A that, lear ned B that, has lear ned C if, lear nedDlearned(is,if,has51. Don t you believe to the moon by spaceship?A that man did flyB

3、 how did the man flyC if man flyD whether man fly73. She said it wouldn t matter much.A thatB ifC which75. Joh n is beh ind others in maths, but it does n)use hisbrains, he may not be in terested in it.A whatB thatC ifD whatt follovhe doesn tD which)76. She has made it clear she will have nothing to

4、 do with him.A whatB whichC whether D that4.市)I was told Bill Gates was thirteen he began to play with computers (重庆A. that how B. how that C. when that D. that when85. Do you expect希望)come to see you?A. their B. that them C. will they D. that they will88. I m sorryyour mother is ill.A. that B. if C

5、. what D. whether90. Mary saidshe was tired.A. if B. that C. whenD. whether97. My father said.A. that was he not free this morning B. when he was not free this morningC. that he was not free this morning D. if he was not free this morning101. I thinkthis pen is expe nsive.A. how B. (that) C. whether

6、 D. why113. The doctor wan ted to say.A. was n t Joh n well eno ugh to go to schoolB. if Joh n was well eno ugh to go to schoolC. that Joh n was nt eno ugh welltdosgboolD. that Joh n was n t well eno ugh to go to school 115. I m sure .A. that why Jack doesn t jump so high as his brotherB. that Jack

7、isn t jump so high as his brotherC. that Jack doesn t jump so high as his brotherD. that why Jack doesn t jump so high as his brother2)If/whether引导的宾语从句If/whether引导宾语从句时,在从句中不作任何成分,但有具体的含义是否”If/whether不能省略。(注:一般情况下,if/whether引导宾语从句时可以互换, 但介词后不能用if引导宾语从句,另外不定式前一般不用if引导。)()1. It s so dark. I can t fin

8、d out it s a b a girl.A if, andB that, and C either, or D whether, or()4. Mrs. Green asked me I would go with her.A whatB whichC whetherD that()5. I don t kn the coat cheap eno ugh.A if, isB where, were C that, was D if, were()10. I want to know his homework yesterday evening.A if he fini shedB whet

9、her he had fini shedC had she fini shedD has she fini shed()25. Can you tell us you grow cotton in your country?A thatB whether C whichD whose()30. I wondered they had been to America.A ifB whatC whoD that()31. You willfeelhungry you don t have breakfast.A whatB whyC ifD how)37. Do you know she will

10、 go to the cinema with us?A ifB whereC whoD which()53. It s foggy today. I can t find out it s a man a girl.A if, andB that, and C either, or D whether, or()55. Mrs. White asked me I would go shopping with her.A whatB whichC whether D that()56. I don t kn the shoes cheap eno ugh.A if, areB where, wa

11、sC that, was D if, was()74. We wan ted to know the an swer was right or not.A ifB thatC whether D what()82. Can you tell me Mr. Green lives in Room 2318?A thatB whereC untilD if()100. Can you tell meit is cold today?A. that B. whether C. how D. that1. In the bookshop, a reader asked the shop keeperW

12、ho Moved My Cheesewas an interesting book (北京市东城区)A. that B. how C. what D .if11. Do you knowI could pass the exam?A. that B. whether C. what D. which21.1 want to knowyou will come back at 8:00 tomorrow.A. that B. when C. where D. whether24. The teacher asked the stude nts.A. if they were in tereste

13、d in dino saursB. whe n was Albert Ein ste in bornC. what they will do with the computersD. how many trees they have pla nted36. He asked me.A. if I could go with himB. whether could I go with himC. that I can go with himD. what place I can go with him58. hell come or not isnt importa nt.A. Why B. I

14、f C. Whether D. What59. Would you like to knowthey will do it or not.A. ifB. that C. whether D. why69. I dont knowthey have passed the exam.A. what B. ifC. whe n D. where71. She did nt knowback soon.A. whether he would be B. if would he be C. he will be72.1 dont knowhe still lives here after so many

15、 years.A. whether B where C. whatD. whe n77.1 dont knowhe will come tomorrow. he comes ril tellyou.A. if ; Whether B. whether; Whether C. if ; That D. if ; If 100. Yesterday I asked him.A. that he wan ted to go to Beiji ng B. if he was wan ti ng to go to Beiji ngC. if he wan ted to go to Beiji ng D.

16、 did he want to go to Beiji ng103. I won derMary will be able to pass the maths exam.A. how B. that C. why D. whether104. John asked.A. if he could go out to play B. can he go out to playC. whether he can go out to play D. could he go out to play108. He will tell John.A. that she can do it if she tr

17、ies B. if does she try that she can do itC. if she tries that she can do it D. that can she do it if she tries119. I won deredthe cin ema was n ear the post office.A. that B. which C. if D. or3) wh-类词引导的宾语从句Wh-类词包括连接代词 who, whom, what, which, whoever, whichever 等和连接 畐寸词 when, where, why, how, whenev

18、er, wherever, however 等。()8. Jack isn t sure students there are in his class.A how manyB whatC whichD whether()22. Do you know of the three?A which book she likes bestB which best book does she likeC that which book she likes bestD which book she best likes()24. Can you tell me Ianguage she speaks?A

19、 whichB whatC thatD whether( )26. I don t understand you said.A whe nB thatC whereD what( )27. Do you know made him angry last time?A whe nB thatC whereD what)28. Can you tell me the meeti ng will beg in?A whatB whetherC whe nD where)29. surprised me most was he didn go to schoolyesterday.A What, ho

20、wB What, thatC That, that D Whom, that()32. Do you know Jack left so early?A whatB whyC un tilD though)34. I am sure you said is true.A whatB thatC whichD who)35. It has not been decided they will leave.A whyB whe nC whichD what)36. Go back you come from.A un tilB whereC whe nD that)60. Jack isn t s

21、ure students there are in his factory.A how manyB whatC whichD whether)61. Who knows dictionary it is?A who sB whoseC whomD who)63. I can t remember I sent the book to.A thatB whichC whereD whom)67. I want to know will go with us.A whoB whomC whatD that)68. Can you tell me the train leaves?A whatB w

22、hereC whe nD how()72. Could you tell me with the bike? It s broken down.A what the matterB what the matter isC what s the wrongD what the wrong is()77. For centuries, people have wondered this continent is really like,since it iscovered with solid thick ice and deep snow all the year round.A whatB h

23、owC whichD whether( )79. He really doesn t know the overhead bridge will be finished.A how longB how farC how soonD how ofte n( )80. The teacher came up to see .B what the matter wasA what was thematterC what the matter isD what s the matter()92. Do you remember you the book?A where, putB if, have p

24、utC what, put D where, areputt ing2. I dont know Mr. Green will come to see usHe will help us with our English .(杭州市)A. why B. whenC. how D. where3. We n ever knowthe old man is.They say he is a teacher (鄂州市)A . what B . who C . which D . where7 . I dont feel very well. Mum asked methis morning (重庆市

25、)A . what was the matter B . what is wrongC . what the matter was D . what wrong was8 . Where is Jack?He is away to spend his holiday Hes gone either to Hangzhou or to Wuhan but rm not sure .(南昌市)A . that B . which C . where D . there14. -1 m waiting for the mail. Do you knowit will arrive?-Usually

26、it comes by 4: 00.A. how B. where C. whe n D. what26.lt s up to you to decideyou ll go there, by air or by road.A. how B. why C. that D. whe n27. I dont known ext.A. how to doB. what to do itC. what I should doD .how I should do34. They cant expla inthe fish and the trees around the lake.A. that, ar

27、e diedB .why, are deadC. why, dieD. whether, has bee n dead49. I dont knowhe will be back home.A. who B. what C. whe n D. where53. The man ager came up to see.A. what was the matter B. what the matter wasC. what the matter is D. whats the matter60. Our hometow n has cha nged a lot. Who can tellit wo

28、uld be like infive years.A. how, ano therB. what, more C. how , other D. what, ano ther70. I hardly understand.he has told me.A. that B. what C. which D. who73. Do you knowthey liste ned to yesterday eve ning?A. whatB whe nC why D how79. He won deredhis un cle had bee n in the army.A. how ofte n B.

29、how soon C. how far D. how long80. Can you tell metook part in the sports meet?A. how many B. how soon people C. how many people D. how muchpeople93. Do you know?A. whose the girl is B. what s the giC. where s the giD. who the girl is94. We don t carehe goes.A. wherever B. where C. that D. what96. I

30、 really don t know.A. what coat I should buyB. which coat I should buyC. what coat should I buyD. which coat should I buy102. Can you tell me?A. where you were born B. if you were bornC. when you are born D. where you are born106. The professor教 授)was satisfied with.A. what she said B. how she said

31、C. when she said D. why she said109. Philip asked mewould support支持) us.A. what B. when C. whose D. who110. Nobody knowshe is abse nt.A. why B. how C. where D. what考点2宾语从句的语序在宾语从句中需要用陈述句语序。()6. Can you tell me why yesterday?A you didn t comeB did you not come C didn t you comeD you don t come()9. Ca

32、n you tell me yesterday?A what they do B what they did C what do they do D what did they do()11. Do you know what this time yesterday?A they are doing B are they doing C they were doing D were they doing()12. Excuse me, can you tell me ?A why was the train lateB why the train was lateC why is the tr

33、ain lateD why the train is late()20. Do you know ?A is it whose pen B whose pen is itC whosepe n it isD it iswhose pen()21. Can you tell me ?A who are you B who you are C you are who D who you be()44. We couldn t find out , so we asked a policeman.A whose bike it wasBwhosebikewas itC whose it was bi

34、keDwhosewasit bike()45. Do you know take to get to the hospital?A which way must weB which must we wayC which way we mustD which we must way()46. Tom asked to school late.A who did ofte n comeB who ofte n came()()()()()come()live()()()()()()()()C why had she leftD why she had left47. I don fertnembe

35、r the boy by himself.A why did she leaveB why she leftC why had she leftD why she had left48. Have you forgotten when he died?A how old he wasB how old was heC what did he sayD what he did say49. Nobody knows to visit our school.A whe n will he comeB whe n does he comeC whe n he will comeD whe n he

36、does come50. Please tell us to the Scienee Museum.A how can we reachB how we can reachC how can we getD how we can get57. Li Lei didn t tell the teacher why yesterday?A he didn rtneoB did he not come C didn t he come D he don t64. None of us knows which floor on.D did sheA is sheB she liv ingC sheis

37、65. We didn t kn to visit our school.A whe n did he comeB whe n would he comeC when he was comingD whe n he came66. Do you know when take off?A we wil lB we areC shall we D will we71. Do you know what time A the train leaveC will the train leave78. Le Lei told Jim 。A how much yua n is the sweater C

38、how much the sweater is86. I was surprised at .A what he is say ingC what did he sayB does the train leaveD the train leavesB how much is the sweaterD how much the sweater wasB what he saidD what said he93. I don t know.A. where does he live B. where has he livedC. where he livesD. where he has live

39、d in94. Sorry, what did you say just now? (09德州)I asked.A. whe n did he leaveB. where you have bee nC. whom will you go withD. how I could get to the stati on95. Can you tell meyour pare nts at home?I often wash clothes and sweep the floor(09 陕西)A how will you helpB how you helpChow you will helpD h

40、ow do you help( )96. Excuse me. Could you tell me ? 08长春Yes. There is a video shop on River Road.A. where can I buy some CDs B. where I can buy some CDsC. when can I buy some CDs D. when I can buy some CDs( ) 97. Excuse me, could you tell me ?08泰州 There s a-nsheop on the third floor. You can make it

41、 there.A. where can I have my MP4 repaired B. where I can have my MP4 repairedC. how can I go to the e-shop D. if there was an e-shop nearby( )99. What did you say just now? 08资阳 I asked .A. that I could open the doorB. could I open the doorC. how could I open the doorD. how I could open the door5 D

42、o you know ? Im going to see himSorry, I dont know.(北京市海淀区)A where does MrLi liveB where did MrLi liveCwhere MrLi livesDwhere MrLi lived6W here do you think he the computer?Sorry, I have no idea.(南京市)A; boughtBhas;bought Cdid;buyDdoes;buy9. Do you know during the coming summer holiday?A. what will T

43、om do B. what did Tom doC. what Tom will do D. what Tom did10. I want to know.A. what is his name B. what s his nameC. that his name is D. what his name is12. Mr. King didn t know yesterday evening.A. when does his son come homeB. when his son comes homeC. when did his son come homeD. when his son c

44、ame home13. Could you tell me the bike this morning?A. how does he mend B. how he mendsC. how he mended D. how did he mend15. -Excuse me, would you please tell me ?-Certainly. Go straight along here. Itxt to a hospsitnael.A. how we can get to the post officeB. how can we get to the post officeC. how

45、 get to the post officeD. how could we get to the post office16. -Can I help you?-Yes. I d like a ticket to Mount Emei. Can you tell me ttaokgeet there?A. how soon will it B. how soon it willC. how long it will D. how long will it18. -Could you tell me the Bamboo Garden?-The day after tomorrow, I think.A. when will you visitB. when you will visitC. when would you visit D. when you would visit19. Would you please tell me next, Mr. Wang?A. what should we do B. we should do what


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