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1、高中英语 话题导入(Module1 Basketball)教学素材(外研版选修7)-精品文档!值得拥有- Module 1 Basketball 话题导入 篮球运动从产生到现在,已经改变了许多,但有一些东西却自始至终存在,那就是投篮和助攻。篮球的魅力根源于这两个方面,这是无论球员还是球迷都能感受得到的。在场上作战的球员,每当篮球从自己手中脱离,在空中划出一道优美的弧线,直入篮筐的时候,那种感觉异常地美妙,仿佛时间在瞬间停止而球迷在看到你投中一个球的时候,同样会感到你的力量在空中蔓延,仿佛他们也充满了力量并感受到快乐。如果说自己投篮中的能让球员和球迷都享受到美好的感觉的话,那么当你为队友传出一个

2、绝妙的好球,并由他完成最后一击的时候,所有人,包括球员的你和观看比赛的人都会感受到一种发自内心的快乐与兴奋。因为那是对一个团队的信任,是一种无私的表现,一切优秀的品质都足以让人震撼并以你为荣。那么,关于篮球的其他知识你了解吗,让我们一起来了解一下吧! 背景知识 篮球的由来 篮球是1891年由美国马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德市基督教青年会训练学校体育教师J.奈史密斯博士创造的。起初,他将两只桃篮分别钉在健身房内看台的栏杆上,桃篮上沿距离地面3.04米,用足球作比赛工具,向篮投掷。投球入篮得1分,按得分多少决定胜负。到1893年,形成近似现代的篮板、篮圈和篮网。最初的篮球比赛,对上场人数、场地大小、比赛

3、时间均无严格限制。只需双方参加比赛的人数相等即可。比赛开始,双方队员分别站在两端线外,裁判员鸣哨并将球掷向球场中间,双方跑向场内抢球,开始比赛。持球者可以抱着球跑向篮下投篮,首先达到预定分数者为胜。1892年, 奈史密斯制定了13条比赛规则,主要规定是不准持球跑,不准有粗野动作,不准用拳击球,否则即判犯规,连续3次犯规判负1分;比赛时间规定为上、下半时,各15分钟;对场地大小也作了规定。上场比赛人数逐步缩减为每队10人、9人、7人,1893年定为每队上场5人。1904年在第3届奥林匹克运动会上第一次进行了篮球表演赛。1908年美国制定了全国统一的篮球规则,并有多种文字出版,发行于全世界。这样,

4、篮球运动逐渐传遍美洲、欧洲和亚洲,成为世界性运动项目。 引入型阅读 SYDNEY:As they sat sharing sweets beside a swimming pool in 1999,Shane Gould and Jessicah Schipper were simply getting along well,chatting about sport,life and “anything else that came up”. Yet in Sydney next month,they will meet again by the pool,and for a short ti

5、me the friends will race against each other in the 50 meter butterfly(蝶泳)in the Australian championships at Homebush Bay. Gould,now a 47-year-old mother of four,has announced she will be making a return to elite competition(顶级赛事)to swim the event,having set a qualifying(合格的)time of 30.32 seconds in

6、winning gold at last years United States Masters championships.Her comeback comes 32 years after she won three golds at the Munich Olympics. Schipper,now a 17-year-old from Brisbane with a bright future of going to Athens for her first Olympics, yesterday recalled(回忆)her time with Gould five years a

7、go. “I was at a national youth camp on the Gold Coast and Shane had come along to talk to us and watch us train,” Schipper explained.“It seemed as if we had long been good friends.I dont know why.We just started talking and it went from there.” -珍贵文档!值得收藏- -精品文档!值得拥有- “She had a lot to share with al

8、l of us at that camp.She told us stories about what it was like at big meets like the Olympics and what it was like to be on an Australian team.It was really interesting.” Next time,things will be more serious.“I will still be swimming in the 50 m butterfly at the nationals,so there is a chance that

9、 I could actually be competing against Shane Gould,” said Schipper,who burst onto the scene at last years national championships with second places in the 100 m and 200 m butterfly. 1.What is the passage mainly about? A.Stories happening in swimming competitions. B.Two women swimmers winning Olympic

10、 golds. 第三章 圆C.Lessons learned from international swimming championships. D.Friendship and competition between two swimmers. 176.186.24期末总复习2.Gould and Schipper are going to _. 弦心距:从圆心到弦的距离叫做弦心距.A.talk about sport and life B.go back to elite competition C.set a qualifying time and win gold D.take pa

11、rt in the same sports event 3.Gould won her three Olympic golds when she was_. (1)理解确定一个圆必备两个条件:圆心和半径,圆心决定圆的位置,半径决定圆的大小. 经过一点可以作无数个圆,经过两点也可以作无数个圆,其圆心在这个两点线段的垂直平分线上.A.15 B.17 C.22 D.30 锐角A的正弦、余弦和正切都是A的三角函数当锐角A变化时,相应的正弦、余弦和正切之也随之变化。4.The underlined word “it” in the fifth paragraph probably refers to _

12、. 5.二次函数与一元二次方程A.the Olympics B.the youth camp C.the friendship D.the Australian team 5.What Schipper said showed that she _. 7、每学完一个单元的内容,做到及时复习,及时考核,这样可以及时了解学生对知识的掌握情况,以便及时补差补漏。A.was no longer Goulds friend B.had learned a lot from Gould 最值:若a0,则当x=时,;若a0,则当x=时,C.was not interested in Goulds stories D.would not like to compete against Gould 切线的性质定理:圆的切线垂直于过切点的半径.答案:1.D 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.B 一年级数学下册教材共六个单元和一个总复习,分别从数与代数、空间图形、实践活动等方面对学生进行教育。-珍贵文档!值得收藏-


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