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1、高中英语学习中遇到的困难及解决方法总结论文关键词:高中英语 学习策略 论文摘要:自主学习能力是新时代背景下的一个重要方面,业已成为世界教育改革的方向之一。本文中,笔者根据自己的教学实践经验,主要探讨高中英语学习中,培养学生自主学习的策略。 “自主学习”(Autonomous Learning)的能力是新时代背景下的一个重要方面,业已成为世界教育改革的方向之一。联合国教科文组织指出:“未来的学校必须把教育的对象变成教育自己的主体。受教育的人必须成为教育他自己的主人,别人的教育必须成为这个人自己的教育。”?由此可见,自主学习的重要性。 在新课标中规定:高中英语课程的设计,有利于优化学生英语学习方式

2、,通过观察、体验、探究等积极主动的学习方法,充分发挥自己的学习潜能,形成有效的学习策略,提高自主学习的能力。坚持“learner-centered”、“learning-centered”、“self-directed teaching”的原则,发挥自身的优势,构建学习策略,培养学生自主学习的能力,形成渐进的学习系统。?目前为止,国内外学者已研究出多种有效的自主学习的教学模式,比如国外齐默曼的自主学习循环模式、国内卢仲横的自学辅导教学法等等,都发展得相当成熟。?本文中,笔者根据自己的教学实践经验,主要探讨高中英语学习中,培养学生自主学习的策略,希冀能吸引学界更多研究者关注此课题,为高中英语教学

3、的改革提出更多有益的思考。 box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 with electric opening doors, door an

4、d frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and p

5、rotect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and cons

6、truction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the devices connection and the connection of

7、the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator ch

8、ecks: the main check 1 自主学习的含义 自主学习是与他主学习相对立的一种学习方式,一般是指个体自觉确定学习目标、制定学习计划、选择学习方法、监控学习过程、评价学习结果的过程或能力。其核心在于“自主”,强调独立、主动。自觉地学习。作为一种能力,自主学习不仅使学生在正规的学校教育中受益匪浅,而且为其终身学习奠定必要的心理基础。? 2 开展自主学习的策略 2.1 为学而教,转变教师的教“学”观念 教师是教学活动的设计者、组织者。教师的引导和指导作用,是促进学生主动学的关键。为了更好地开展自主学习,首先教师要树立“以学为教”的教学理念,教师要以“学”为中心,从而达到“教”与“学”

9、的优化组合。在教学的过程中,教师要以教授给学生学习方法为中心,指导学生掌握学习的技巧和方法,并培养学生的自学意识和自学能力,使得学生明白如何开展学习,如何开拓思维能力和创新能力,从而提升学生的学习素养和发展潜力。 2.2 源于生活,激发学生自主学习的兴趣 学习兴趣是学生学习的最大动因,因此,教师要积极寻求各种方法,从而激发学生自主学习的兴趣,从实际生活中发掘教学素材,使学生成为学习的主人,是培养学生自主学习能力的重要环节。高中英语新课程标准明确指出:“根据高中学生的交际需求和认知发展水平,高中英语教学应该着重培养学生以下几方面的能力:在人际交往中得体地使用英语的能力;用英语获取和处理信息的能力

10、;用英语box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 with electric opening doors, door and frame gr

11、ound terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the

12、 ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction d

13、ocuments, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the devices connection and the connection of the equipm

14、ent to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the

15、main check 分析问题和解决问题的能力以及批判性思维能力。”高中生已经具备了一定的生活经验,并已经在生活中积累了一定的知识,因此,选择贴近日常生活的教学素材,形象生动,能够充分调动学生学习的积极性。 2.3 循循善诱,指导学生探索掌握自主学习的策略 所谓学习策略,主要指在学习活动中,为达到一定的学习目标而学会并掌握的规则、方法和技巧;它是一种在活动中思考问题的操作过程;它是认知策略在学生学习中的一种表现形式。?英语课程标准把加强对学生学习策略的指导,帮助他们形成有效的英语学习策略作为重要的原则和重要目标之一。从某种意义上讲,教会学生掌握学习知识的方法比教会学生掌握知识本身更重要。因此,

16、教师在英语教学中应加强对学生的学法指导,着重培养学生的认知策略、调控策略、交际策略和资源策略。 在课堂教学中,教师必须充分重视挖掘学生的潜能和重视学生的个性发展,引导和帮助学生主动学习,教会学生主动构建知识、发展能力、形成正确的情感态度和价值观,?尤其是要增加学生学习的主动性,(下转第209页)(上接第179页)当主动性形成后,再适时给学习具体学习方法的指导。例如自学方法、记忆方法、联想思维方法等,促使学生在知识结构上进一步由单一的“语言点”向“语言网”发展、在记忆方法上由机械记忆继续向理解记忆过渡、在思维方式上由形象思维向逻辑思维过渡,强调在进一步发展学生综合语言运用能力的基础上,着重提高学

17、生用英语获得信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 with electric opening doors,

18、 door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero li

19、ne and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings

20、and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the devices connection and the connec

21、tion of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 ope

22、rator checks: the main check 题的能力,特别注重提高学生用英语进行思维和表达的能力。 2.4 技术支撑,搭建现代信息技术的自主学习平台 新时代的背景下,利用现代信息技术进行学习已成为世界教学的必然趋势,也是考察学生基本学习能力的标准之一。信息技术与英语课堂教学的整合对传统的英语教学观念、课堂教学方式以及学生的学习方式等带来了巨大的革命。首先,可以多利用多媒体技术。多媒体CAI课件通过视听结合、声像并茂、动静皆宜的表现形式,生动、形象地展示教学内容,扩大学生视野,有效促进课堂教学的大容量、多信息和高效率,有利于学生开发智力、培养能力和提高素质,将课堂教学引入了一个新的

23、境界。其次,要充分发挥互联网的功能。互联网是一个拥有信息最丰富、交流信息最为便捷的媒介。从某种意义上说,互联网是世界的学校。因此,我们要充分利用互联网资源,让学生浏览网页,并进行双向异步交流,同步通话,双向讨论,让学生主动获取知识,增强英语表达能力。 2.5 潜移默化,营造学生自主学习的文化氛围 新课改下对英语文化提出了新的要求,学生是认识事物的主体,也是实践活动的主体,学生只有参与多边的信息交流和多项思维碰撞,才能在共同参与,大胆交往,不断沟通中获得和谐发展,从而有效提高英语水平,因此,营造良好的校园英语文化氛围是一条有效途径。比如,校园的标语可以用中英文同时展现出来,这样醒目的各种标语,让

24、学会很容易就学会了不少英语;再者我们可以举办多种有意义的英语活动,比如英语歌曲大赛、英语阅读比赛、英语写作比赛、box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examinati

25、on. 3 with electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and p

26、rotective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: ba

27、sed on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the

28、 devices connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks

29、 marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check 英语查字典比赛等等,这样学生可以带着浓厚的兴趣参加这一系列的英语学习活动,很快地提高他们的英语水平;还可以专门创办一个校园英语角,让学生定期到这里集中练习英语口语,这样学生不仅能学到英语文化知识,同时还可以结交到不少的朋友,有益于学生的身心健康。我们还可以在平时的交谈中也用一些简单的英语口语,轻松地和学生进行交流。学生主体全身心投入的多边信息交流和多项思维撞击,既增大了学习的信息量,有最大限度的提高信息的转化率,把学生的主体地位落到了实处。 一、 引言 要想学好一门外语

30、,听、说、读、写这四项基本技能需均衡发展。就听力而言,我校学生英语听力能力总体基础较弱,而且个体差异较大。原因在于:第一,由于长期以来“应试教育”在我们英语教育中盛行,尽管现在从小学三年级就已经开设英语课程,但是不管小学还是中学,英语的学习目的都是为了考试,因此学生“听”包括“说”的英语交际能力都没有得到重视,与笔头能力相比,相对滞后。第二,初中英语听力要求较低,试题相对简单,升入高中,一下子适应不了。第三,我校面向全市招生,生源分布广,听力能力差异较大,尤其是城区学生和农村学生之间。这一系列的原因造成学生的听力困难。 二、目前学生听力学习中遇到的障碍和困难 首先,语音不够标准:虽然近几届学生

31、比往年的学生英语口语能力提高不少,但是总体来讲,英语发音标准、语言流畅的占少数,农box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 with elec

32、tric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective groun

33、d (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes

34、of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the devices connec

35、tion and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with li

36、ne drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check 村来的学生基础相对更差。发音上的问题直接导致听力上的困难。其次,词汇匮乏造成听力上的障碍,有些学生不仅没掌握高考所要求的词汇,更别提掌握听力试题中特定场合的专门词汇和常用句型。再者,学生缺乏兴趣,对听力有恐惧感。兴趣是最好的老师,但是因为害怕,缺乏信心,连门都不敢入,怎么谈提高呢,另外,听说读写的分离,文化背景知识的不足,心理素质不过关,都阻碍着学生听力的学习。 三、提高听力能力的方法 针对以上问题,笔者通过五年多的教学实践,提出以下建议。 1. 重视初高中衔接,注重语音的纠正。高一入学时,对英语国

37、际英标表(附表1)的重新回顾是纠正语音、学生过好语音关的不错方法,也为高中三年的听力打好了基础。课堂领读,当场随机抽读,课外及时巩固,耗时不多,却行之有效。与此同时,要求学生掌握26个字母的发音规律、元音组合发音规律以及辅音组合发音规律,并且能在每天的英语学习中进行实践,尤其在每单元新词汇的学习中。对于程度相对较差的学生,在这一关上应重点指导。 2. 帮助过好词汇关。众所周知,要有较好的听力,光熟悉语音远远不够,词汇同样关键。高一入学时,在纠正语音的同时,可以普查学生们初三的词汇情况(初一、初二是基础,对于程度好的学校学生问题不大),并对有些易错词进行重点关注(这也为高三的会考做好了第一步,因

38、为会考词汇有部分其实是初中词汇,尤其是初三词汇)。当然,虽然高考已取消了单独对词汇的考查,但是高中词汇之于英语的重要性,就像地基之于房子,这一点都不会变。尤其新的考box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation in accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and gro

39、unded or neutral examination. 3 with electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting t

40、he zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respectively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requireme

41、nts. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; lin

42、e-by-line check box in the devices connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches

43、, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator checks: the main check 定义:在RtABC中,锐角A的对边与邻边的比叫做A的正切,记作tanA,纲对于词汇量的增加,对于阅读的调整,尤其是长句、复杂句的应用,无不反映了对词汇的重视和对学生更高的要求。不管是阅读还是听力,任何一个环节都需要以一定的词汇为基础。因此,对高中每阶段的词汇进行及时的巩固是非常必要的。 定义:在RtABC中,锐角A的邻边与斜边的比叫做A的余弦,记作cosA,即;3. 培养学生兴趣,适当植入文化。听力课的第一个任务就是要

44、把学生的注意力引导到听力材料上来,并引发他们对材料的兴趣。因此,除了听力课本的练习之外,可以在课堂上利用多媒体插入与课文主题有关的英文电影、经典歌曲等等,增加听力内容形式的多样性,通过灵活多变的授课方式去激发学生兴趣,让他们对英语听力不仅不害怕,而且很乐意去学。比如,必修一第一单元的主题是Friends and Friendship,当时正值08年奥运会刚刚闭幕,刘欢和Sarah Brightman合唱的歌曲我和你风靡全国,笔者就以这首歌导入,让学生唱了英文部分,然后引出friendship这个主题。 同时,笔者记得全日制普通高级中学教科书第一册(上)第一单元的主题也是Friendship,里

45、面讲述电影Cast Away中由Tom Hanks扮演的Chunk与一只他称之为Wilson的排球的友谊,于是截取了部分影片片段,一方面让学生品味原汁原味的英语对白,同时也让他们深入讨论Friendship的意义。这样不仅练了听力,也慢慢培养了学生对于英语的兴趣。 说到文化植入,是指适当的时候加入与本单元主题相关的文化背景或者时事政治。笔者和另外一名同事各编写了英美文学选读和英美文化简介,在适当的时候同学生一同欣赏感受西方国家,尤box before commissioning, check distribution box there is no debris, installation i

46、n accordance with the criteria of quality assessment, chromatography, plates are complete. 2 boxes inside the doors and frames, and grounded or neutral examination. 3 with electric opening doors, door and frame ground terminal applying bare braided copper wire connections and grounding identifies. 4

47、 connection of the protective conductor should be exposed in the external protective conductor Terminal. 5 lighting should be setting the zero line box (n) and protective ground (PE) bus, zero line and protect the ground bus distribution. 6 laid ground lines along the length of every 15-100mm respec

48、tively, coated with yellow and green stripes. 7 testing grounding resistance of grounding devices must comply with the design requirements. 8 boxes of checks: based on changes of design drawings and construction documents, check box in the component specification, model, installation location should

49、 be correct; boxes on both sides of the Terminal cannot lack; the conductor cross section should meet the requirements of drawings; line-by-line check box in the devices connection and the connection of the equipment to the terminal block inside the box. 9 box tie cable check: liaison between the box and the box cables required by proofing; check lines on the circuit at the same time should check the wires, cables, relays, switches, buttons, terminal blocks marked with line drawings. 10 operator


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