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1、小升初天天练习题参考孟子少时,诵,其母方织。孟子辍然中止,乃复进。其母知其諠也,呼而问之:何为中止?对曰:有所失,复得。 其母引刀裂其织,以此戒之。自是之后,孟子不复諠矣。-选自韩诗外传【注释】辍然:停止的样子。 諠:因分心而遗忘。1.解释加点的词。孟子少时,诵_其母引刀裂其织_以此戒之_2. 翻译。乃复进_自是之后,孟子不复諠矣_3.理解。孟母为什么要割断织物来教育儿子?_小升初奥数天天练难度:小学六年级奥数天天练:有两种卡片,甲种每张0.5元,乙种每张0.7元,问 5元钱恰好可以买甲、乙两种卡片各几张?难度:小学六年级奥数天天练:一条大河,水由A港流向B港,流速4千米/时,甲、乙两船同时由

2、A向B行驶,各自不停的在A、B之间往返航行,甲船在静水中的速度是28千米/时,乙船在静水中的速度是20千米/时,已知两船第二次迎面相遇的地点与两船第五次相遇的地点相距50千米,那么A、B 两港相距_千米.小升初英语天天练一、单项选择1.Youre not free now, are you?-_. I have some work to do.A.Yes, I am.B. No, I am.C. Yes, I am not.D. No, Im not.2.-Which of these two pairs of shoes will you take?-Ill take _ to give m

3、e a change sometimes.A.neitherB.allC.bothD.either3.We hear that one of those American students _ going to come to our classes next term.A.will beB.areC.isD.was4.-_?- Sorry, Im not sure, either.A.How do you do?B.Can you help me?C.Could you please tell me how to pronounce this word?D.Can you lend me a

4、 map?5.Harry said that he _ to American before.A.has beenB.had beenC.had goneD.would go二、阅读文章回答问题Do you sometimes forget bi*days or important appointments (约会)? Dont worry! Now you can get help from your computer. There is a new service on the Internet called on-line calendars. You start by typing i

5、n a list of important dates that you want to remember, like the bi*days of your family and friends. Later, you can add other appointments and plans to your list. The on-line calendar will send you an e-mail message to remind (提醒) you about your mothers bi*days or your friends graduation day. If you

6、dont have time to go shopping, the on-line calendar lets you order presents (such as flowers or a book) and pay for them by sending your credit card number. The on-line calendar also makes a list of your appointments and e-mails it to you every morning. This service is very convenient (方便) and easy

7、to use, but you must remember to check your e-mail every day!1. Whats the name of the new service on the Internet?2. Whats the first step for you to do if you want to enjoy the service?3. How does the service remind you of the important dates?4. What is not convenient for you to enjoy the service?【小升初天天练习题参考】5


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