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1、Starter Unit 3 What color is it?Teaching aims (教学 目标)1 .进一步提高描述颜色的能力。2 .能够辨认物品及物品的颜色。Language points (语言要点)1 .初步学习定冠词the表特指的用法。2 .进一步巩固系表结构中单数可数名词要用不定冠词a/an以及形容词做表语不用a/an的情况。3 .巩固句型Whats this/that in English? It s a/an Spell it, please.What color is it? It s Difficulties (教学难点)1 .系表结构中单数可数名词要用不定冠词 a

2、/an和形容词做表语不用a/an的 情况。2 .本单元所学单词的拼写。Teaching Steps (教学步骤)1. Warming-up and revision (课堂热身和复习)(1 ) Daily greetings to the students.(日常问候)T: Good mornin g/after noon! /Hello!/Hi!/How are you?S: I * m fine, thank you. And you?(2) Revision1) A guess ing game: (Show some colors)T: I have a color. It beg i

3、ns withr t?What color is iS: I know it s red.(以Jit方,去猜测 yellow, white, black, brown, purple, orange, blue, green2) A spelling gameT: What s this color?教师在黑板上书:b )S: Is there an in this word?T: Yes, there is.S: Is there a u in this word?T: Yes, there is.S: Is there an e in this word?T: Yes, there is.

4、S: Ah, I know it s blue.(以 11t方5去猜测 yellow, white, black, brown, purple, orange, red, green(3) DictationT: I 1 II read some letters, and you have a dictation.【教学设计说明】通过猜测游戏和拼写游戏,既帮助学生巩固颜色词汇,又帮助他们学会拼 写单词,同时又体现了不定冠词a和an的用法。此部分的教学为本堂课后面的教学做好了铺垫。2. Presentation (讲授新知识)Draw some circles on the blackboard

5、.T: I like white, so I color(强调读出)it white.(To a studen)Whaf s your favorite color? What color do you like?S: I like red.T: Good! Color it red.(变换同学,反复操练,最后教师指出:color在这里是动词给着色”)【教学设计 说明】通过涂颜色这一动作,让学生了解color做动词的用法。3. Work on 3a (完成 3a)T: Please open your books at Page 11. (Point to the things) What s

6、 this in En glish?U: It 1 s a cup/ ruler/ key.V: Good. Now let s listen to the conversarid) color them.(1) Play the recording for the first time, students only listen.(2) Play the recording for the second time, students color the things.(3) Check their answers.【教学设计说明】先听不做,培养学生良好的听的习惯,也有助于培养他们集中注意力。

7、听 后给图片着色,可以丰富课堂活动,增强学生的学习兴趣。4. Work on 3b (完成 3b)(1) T: Let 1 s listen to the recording once again and complete the sentences. (Play the recordi ng.)(2) Check the an swers.(3) T:The key is yellow. means It s a yellow key. nWhat does theruler is ?S: It means It s a ruler.n【教学设计说明】学生完成任务后再进行同义句的转换,可以让

8、学生更深刻地了解系表结 构中单数可数名词前要用不定冠词a/an和形容词做表语不用a/an的情 况。5. Work on 3c (完成3c)(没有听力材料)(1) T: Next, we II liste n to -This time, we on ly liste n. (Play the record in g.)(2) T: Let 1 s listen to the again. This time, you can listen for the things.(3) T: What color are the things? Let s listen again. You can f

9、ill in the chart.6. Presentation (讲授新知识)(1)根据3c表格内容编一段chant,例如:Key, key, a yellow key, I like a yellow key.Cup, cup, a red cup, I like a red cup.(2) T: I like red, R-E-D, red. What about you?S: I like gree n.T: Spell it, please.S: G-R-E-E-N, green.(3) T: What * s this in English( Teacher shows some

10、pictures or plays PPT.S: It 1 s a key.T: Spell it, please.S: K-E-Y, key.【教学设计说明】通过chant,可以活跃课堂氛围;谈论自己喜欢的颜色并拼读,可以让学生 进一步熟悉所学词汇;指认物品并拼读,为下一步学生之间的对话练习做好了铺垫。7. Work on 3d (完成 3d)(1) Get two stude nts to practice the conv ersatio n.(2) Stude nts practice their conv ersati ons in pairs.While the stude nts are practic ing, the teacher moves around and helps those who n eed help.【教学设计说明】学生从听到说,再到模仿编对话,体现了认知规律,符合学生的认知特占。八、& Homework (课后作业)Oral: (1)并熟记本单元的词汇。朗读并背诵3b和3d上的句子。Written: ( 1)抄写3b和3d上的句子一遍。(2 )编一段新的对话,写在作业本上。


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